SING (Botanic Gardens, Singapore)


Abbe, E.C.

Flenley, J.R. (ANU series)

Mills, G.R.

Abbott, W.L.

Flippance, F.

Milsum, J.N.

Abu bin Talib Fogh, F.C. Moorhouse, S.W.
Addison, G.H. Forbes, H.O. Moulton, J.C.
Ahmad bin Shukor Forest Department North Borneo Moysey, L.
Ahmed bin Hadji Omar Fox, W. Murdoch
Ahmed bin Hassan Foxworthy, F.W. (Bureau Science; Forestry Bureau) Murton, H.J.
Allen, B. E. G. Molesworth Franck, C.W. Napier, W.J.
Allen, Edgar Francis Furtado, C.X.D.R. Nauen, J.C.
Alphonso, A.G. Gilliland, H.B. Neal, G.E.
Alvins, M.V. Gimlette, J.D. New Guinea Forces
Amiruddin Musa Goodenough, J.S. New Guinea Forests
Anderson, J.A.R.

Grieve, H.G.

Ng, F.S.P.
Anderson, J.W.

Griffith, W.

Ngadiman bin Ismail (Conservator Forests)

Ang Gek Choo

Gutierrez, H.G. (Philipp. Nat. Herb.)

Nur bin Mohamed Ghose, Mohamed

Annandale, T.N. Hallett (= Hullett) Pears, F.
Anonymous, Malay Peninsula Hamilton, A.W.H. Penney, F.G.
Arden, S. Handover, W.P. Pennington, T.D.
Ashton, P.S. Hanevelt, A.D. Pereira, J. d'Almeida
Awang Lela Haniff, M. Philippine National Herbarium
Baker, C.F. Harvey, R.E. Pickles, G.H.
Baker, J.A. Haslam, G.A.G. Polunin, J.
Balajadin Haviland, G.D. Posthumus, O.
Banfield, F.S. Heaslett, E.A. Purseglove, J.W.
Barnard, B.H.F. Henderson, M.R.


Bartlett, H.H.

Hervey, D.F.A.

Reed, J.G.

Barton, F.R.

Hewitt, J. Reid, J.A.
Batten Pooll, A.H. Hill, H.C. Richards, P.W.
Bazell, C.

Hill, R.D.

Rickets, O.F.
Bell, L.M.

Hislop, J.A.

Ridley, H.N.
Bell, V.G. Hobson, S. Robinson, H.C.
Best, G.A. Holmberg, P.J. Rostados, E.
Bhaskaran Nair, V.K. Holttum, R.E. Roxburgh Jr, W.
Bland, L.S. Horsfield, T. R.R.I.
Boden Kloss, C. Hose, E.S. Saheb, B.K.
Borges, V.P. Hose, G. Samsuri bin Ahmad
Brass, L.J. Hose, G.F. Sanderson, A.R.
Brooks, C.J. Hullett, R.W.

Sands, W.N.

Brunig, E.F.W.O. Hume, H.L. Sappan bin Hassan

Bryant, A.T.

Hutchinson, W.I. (Forestry Bureau) Sappi bin Hassan
Burbidge, F.W.

Isaac, J.S.

Schebesta, P.
Burkill, E.M.M. Jacobs, M. Schofield, J.L.
Burkill, H.M. Jagoe, R.B. Scortechini, B.
Burkill, I.H. Jeppesen, H.L. Seal, J.E.
Burn-Murdoch, A.M. Johnston, A.M. Seimund, E.
Cantley, N.

Jupp, J.

Shah bin Haji Mohamad Nur, M.
Carr, C.E. Kadim bin Tassim Shelford, R.W.C.
Carrick, J. Kastawi bin Jalil Sidek
Chew W.L. Keck, V.

Sinclair, J.

Clemens, J. Kelsall, H.J. Smith, Cuthbert

Clemens, M.S.

Keng, H. Soper, J.R.P.
Cockburn, P.F. Keyser South, F.W.
Conservator of Forests Kiah bin Mohamed Salleh Spare, G.H.
Copeland, E.B. King, G. Stevens, H.V.
Corner, E.J.H. King's collector (= Kunstler)

Stone, B.C.

Cox, J.K. Kloss, C.B. Strugnell, E.J. (Conservator Forests)
Craddock, W.H. Knight, V. Subramanian
Cubitt, G.E.S. (Conservator Forests) Krukoff, B.A. Symington, C.F. (Conservator Forests)
Cuming, H.

Kunstler, H.H.

Takahashi, C.
Cunningham, A. Lake, H.W. Tassim Daud
Curtis, C. Lambak bin Omar (Conservator Forests) Teo Leong Eng
Denny, A. Leach Teruya, Z.
Department of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur Ledermann, C.L. Thomas, E.
Derry, R. Ledoux, J.A. Velasquez, G.T.
Deshmukh, G.B. Lennon, J. Venning, A.R.
Dickson, M.G. Lewis Verdoorn, F.
Dore, J. Lim Boon Keng Vesterdal, A.P.N.
Doux, J.A. le (under Ledoux) Lobb, T. Ward, F.K.
Down, St V.B. MacGill, H. Whitmore, T.C.
Dransfield, J. MacNair, J.F.A. Wight
Ellis, W.G. Machado, A.D. Williams, G.
Elmer, A.D.E. Main, T.W. Wirawan, N.
Elphinstone, G.H.D.H. Maradjo, P. Wolfe, E.D.B.
Enriquez, C.M.(D.) Marshall, H.B. Womersley, J.S. (New Guinea Forests)
Evans, I.H.N. Mat Wray, C.
Everett, A.H. Merrill, E.D. Wray Jr., L.
Ewart, J.W. Meijer, W. (Forest Dep. N. Borneo) Wycherley, P.R.
Feilding, J.B. Micholitz, W. (also Micholicz) Zurowetz, J.E.
Ferguson-Davie, C.E.H.