
Collecting localities



Biographical data


Pennington, T.D.


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1938, Ewell, Surrey, England.



B.A. (Botany) 1960, and Ph.D. (1965), both at Oxford University. Research Officer Dept of Forestry Oxford, 1965-70.

The Leverhulme Trust Fund sponsored his tour to the Far East, 1963-64.

His work on generic delimitation of the Meliaceae1 came to an abrupt stop in 1970, when financial support for tropical taxonomy was cut by 50%. He started his own horticultural business and now devotes part of his time on taxonomy, usually at Kew.


Collecting localities:

1963. Malaya, West Coast (Sept.); Sarawak (Oct.): Lundu, Rejang River, Kapit; Sabah (Nov.): Sepilok, lower slope Mt Kinabalu; Singapore and East coast Malaya to Mersing (Dec.).-1964. Terr. of New Guinea (Jan.): Lae-Wau, Bulolo; New Britain, Honiara, New Caledonia, Fiji (Suva).



For. Herb. Oxford [FHO]: c. 350 numbers, mainly Meliaceae, with a few Ebenaceae and Chrysobalanaceae dupl. in Sing. [SING], Kep. [KEP], Kuching [SAR], Sandakan [SAN], Lae [LAE], Honiara, Suva.



(1) Author of ‘Materials for a monograph of the Meliaceae I. A revision of the genus Vavaea’ (Blumea 17, 1969, p. 351-366, 2 fig.).


biographical data:

Photogr. in Principes 9, 1965, p. 110, fig. 98.