Fenix, Eugenio |
(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors) |
Born: 1883, La Union, P.I. Died: about 1939. |
Overseer of Forests, later Clerk in the Bureau of Science, Manila, P.I., mainly doing inside work; he retired at the end of 1917; subsequently he had a private business in Lingajan Gulf, trading salt. In October 1938 he offered his services as private collector; the Arnold Arboretum gave him a grant for work in the Philippines. Radermachera fenicis Merr. (cf. Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936), and some other Philippine plants were named after him. |
Philippines. In company with R.C. MacGregor he spent the greater part of June and July 1907 on the islands N of Luzon: Batan, Sabtan, Babuyan, Camiguin and Y’Ami (Batanes Isls).1-In 1916 with Ramos & Edaño: N. Samar, Bukidnan; Mindanao and Luzon.-1938. Luzon: Bulacan Prov., Meycanayan. |
Herb. Manila [PNH], numbered in the B.S. series (cf. Bur. of Science); U.S. Nat. Herb. Wash. [US]: c. 300 dupl. P.I.; Herb. Edinburgh [E]. Collections made since 1938 at least in Herb. Arn. Arbor. [A], > 280 nos (mostly medicinal). He collected several plants for the ‘Species Blancoanae’ (cf. sub Blanco). |
(1) cf. Merrill in Philip. Journ. Sci. C. Bot. 3, 1908, p. 388. |