


Biographical data


Wiesenthal, Franz


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1879, Neurode i/Schlesien, Germany.



Roman Catholic missionary who arrived in former Kaiser-Wilhemsland (= NE. New Guinea) on Nov. 5, 1910; he was successively stationed at Alexishafen (1910-16), Mugil (30 km NW of Alexishafen, 1916-32),1 Gayaba (hinterland of Alexishafen, 1934-42), Mingende (in the Bismarck Mts, since June 1947). From 1932-34 he was on European leave, and from 1943-46 in Japanese captivity and subsequently in American hospitals and at Epping near Sydney (N.S.W.); in Nov. 1946 he returned to New Guinea.



Herb. Berl. [B]: some 80 plants collected at Alexishafen and in the environs, Kaiser-Wilhelmsland (= NE. New Guinea), in 1912-13.2



(1) Author of ‘Gartenbau der Eingeborenen im Mugil Bezirke’ (in Steyler Missionsboten ? 1926/27) (non vidi).

(2) Partly described in Lauterbach, Beitr. Flor. Papuas. (in Engl, Bot. Jahrb. 1912→).


biographical data:

In Streit & Dindinger, Bibl. Missionum 21, 1955, p. 533-534, bibliogr.