
Collecting localities




Textor, Carl Julius


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1816, Beckenheim near Frankfurt a/M, Germany.



Was designated to take the place of Dr J. Pierot (see there), who died in China on his way to Japan in 1841. He arrived in Java on June 25, 1842. He did not succeed to secure accommodation on one of the ships bound for Japan, before June 1843. In the meantime he was given a job on a plantation by the D.E.I. government (cf. Jaarb. Kon. Mij. Aanm. Tuinb. 1, 1844, p. 15-16). In 1845 on leave and discharged, as the Roy. Soc. for Encouragement of Horticulture (Kon. Mij t. aanmoediging v.d. tuin bouw) did not require his services any more. In 1846 he returned to Java at his own expense and was appointed Overseer of the indigo culture; in 1852 promoted Assistant, in 1853 transferred from Bagelen to the Priangan Regencies; in 1856 official for Japan, placed at the disposal of the Chief Dutch Director there; in 1857 Assistant of the factory for Dutch trade with Japan; discharged in 1859.


Collecting localities:

It was settled that he was to accompany Hasskarl’s tour to Semarang and Djapara in Centr. Java, which took place in Oct. 1842.1



Collections, which may include Java plants, are in Herb. Leiden [L].



(1) cf. Meded. ‘s Lands Pl. Tuin no 6, 1889, p. 57.