


Rossum, Hendrik Izaäk Philips van


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1875, Soerakarta, Java. Died: 1926, Mr Cornelis, Java.



Since 1905 Head Overseer in the D.E. Indian Forest Service, successively stationed in Banjoemas (Centr. Java), W. Priangan (W. Java), and from May 1910-Febr. 1913 in Billiton; after expiry of his furlough in Rembang (Centr. Java), and since 1918 at Batavia; he retired in 1922.



When stationed at Tandjong Pandan in Billiton in 1911, he collected c. 68 nos herbarium from trees, which were sent to Herb. Bog. [BO] through the intermediary of K. Heyne (see there).