
Collecting localities



Biographical data

Photo gallery


Ottolander, Teun


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1854, Boskoop, Z.H., Holland. Died: 1935, Tamansari, E. Java.



A renowned planter who started his career in 1879 as Assistant on a Cinchona and coffee plantation in Central Java; he soon became Estate-Manager in East Java. In 1909 he settled at Tamansari (in Banjoewangi), he himself being the owner of the estate. He was president of the Dutch Indian Syndicate of Agriculture and had a large interest in the study of nature and in nature protection.

Koorders named some plants in his honour.


Collecting localities:

1878-82. There is no evidence that collections were made during his early rambles,1 of which the following trips are known: in 1878 from Pekalongan (Centr. Java) via Tegal and Cheribon to W. Java: Priangan Res., making trips to Tjinjiroean and other Cinchona estates, Nagrak on the slope of the Tangkoeban Prahoe, Tjibodas on the slope of G. Gedeh, Lembang, and to the  waterfall at Tjimahie; in c. 1879 to ‘Pring Ombo’ Estate near Pekalongan (Centr. Java), between Diëng and Slamat; from June-July 1881 to Priangan Res. (W. Java), viz by boat from Soerabaja to Batavia (at the time evidently planter on an estate on G. Tengger), by train to Buitenzorg (visiting the Botanic and Economic gardens), the 22th proceeding to Sindanglaja; Nov. 18, 1882 from Tosari (on slope G. Tengger, E. Java) to Ngadas, and via the Ider Ider, Ranoe Pani, R. Koem(b)olo to G. Smeroe.-1883-1908. Java. The plants collected probably for the greater part from E. Java. After 1900 he collected in E. Java at: Bajoelor (1901), Pantjoer (1901); Besoeki and G. Raoeng-ldjen (1902); Pradjekan, Sitoebondo (1908), and probably elsewhere.-S. Sumatra: Benkoelen Res., G. Kaba (Dec. 1911, 1914, Oct. 1917).2



Herb. Bog. [BO]: > 400 nos from Java and material of Rafflesiaceae from Sumatra. Partly with Herb. Koorders (with Koorders nos) in Herb. Bog. [BO].

In 1883 he sent a specimen of Dendrobium linearifolium Teijsm. & Binn. to Hort. Leiden, and probably other orchids in the same decade; in 1886 living ferns to Hort. Bog., in 1908 a living plant again.



(1) T. Ottolander: ‘Van Java’ and some other papers (Sieboldia 5, 1879, p. 83-85, 96-100, 196-197, 212-214, 227-228, 267-269, 277-278, 281-284, 353-355, 364-366; l.c. 6, 1880, p. 17-19, 25-28, 185-187, 204-206, 283-286, 300-302; 1.e.7, 1881, p. 124-126, 133-134, 201-204, 220-222, 307-309, 316-317, 321; l.c. 8, 1882, p. 203-204, 210-213, 271-273, 287-290, 299-300, 303-305, 362-364, 370-371, 375-376, 391-394, 408-409; l.c. 9, 1883, p. 76-77, 89-91, 121-124, 233-236, 297-300, 321-324, 333-335, 340 -342,377-378,388-389, 393-395, 402-407, 409-412); ‘Op de Goenoeng Gedeh’ (Sempervirens 13, 1884, p. 281-283).

(2) cf. T. Ottolander: ‘Rafflesia Natuurmonumenten in Sumatra’ (Meded. N.I. Ver. t. Nat. Besch. no 2, 1918, 21 pp., pl. 3).

cf. S.H. Koorders: ‘Botanisch overzicht der Rafflesiaceae van Ned. Indië’ l.c. no 4, 1918) p. 32-33, 46 and 103-105.


biographical data:

Alg. Landb. Weekbl. N.I. no 30,1919, p. 1064-1066; ‘Jubileum’ no of N.I. Rubber- en Theetijdschr. 9, 1924, Febr.; Bergcultures 9, 1935, p. 1245-1247; Chron. Bot. 2, 1936, p. 241; Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936.


photo gallery:

Ned.-Ind. Rubber Thee Tijdschr. 9 (2) (1924) opp. 35

De Java Bode 81(1) (19 Nov. 1925)