Loos, Dr Hendrik |
(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors) |
Born: 1891, Rotterdam, Z.H., Holland. Died: Dec. 23, 1942, in a Japanese concentration camp, Medan, Sumatra. |
Agriculturist, educated at Wageningen Agricultural College; Assistant in the employ of the Bak. Lias Rubber and Tobacco Co. Medan (Sumatra), 1915-16; since 1916 teacher in D.E. Indian Government service, stationed successively at Koetaradja (1916), Langsa (1917), Padangsidimpoean (1917-19), Balige (Toba, Batak Lands, 1919-21), in Sumatra; subsequently at Buitenzorg (1921-24, since 1922 Consulting Agriculturist), Medan (Sumatra) (1924-26), Bondowoso (E. Java, 1926-31), Buitenzorg (1932-36, since 1933 Inspector), Batavia (1936-37, in charge of the inspection of the western part of the Outer Possessions) and Medan (since 1938). |
E. Java: Besoeki (1927); W. Borneo: between Pemangkat and Pontianak with G.A. de Mol (see there) (end of 1931 or early in 1932). |
Herb. Bog. [BO]: epiphytes and parasites from Java; Borneo plants numbered 151-166 (in continuation of the collections of G.A. de Mol and Bal!). |
Landbouw 19, 1946, p. 6-7. |