
Collecting localities




Lambert, William Henry


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1911, Quilcene, Wash., U.S.A.



Forest officer, educated at the University of Washington, Seattle (B.S.F. in 1932); eight years in the employ of the U.S. Forest Service; for 5˝ years in C.A.C., U.S. Army, of which 2˝ in the islands of the Western Pacific. At present Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the University of San Francisco, Cal.

He made military expeditions into the interior of New Guinea in 1944, and in the Philippine Islands in 1945-46.


Collecting localities:

1945. Philippine Islands, S. Mindoro: in vicinity of San Jose (June-Nov.).1



U.S. Nat. Herb. Wash. [US]: c. 125 specimens, each in duplicate, numbered 1-125.



(1) W.H. Lambert: ‘A Forester’s observations in Mindoro’ (Journ. Forestry, Jan. 1947); ‘Pipeline of Pandan’ (Amer. Forests, Nov. 1945).