
Collecting localities



Biographical data


Jonker, Hagen Garreld


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1875, Veendam, Gr., Holland. Died: 1917, The Hague, Holland.



Geologist, educated at Groningen University, where he took his Ph. Dr’s degree in 1904; for some years Assistant at Groningen and Delft; in 1907 appointed Professor at the Technical College, Delft.

He made an expedition to Timor, accompanied by van Es and H.D.M. Burck.1 In Sept. 1916 he returned to Holland.


Collecting localities:

Lesser Sunda Islands: Timor (Jan. 6-May 14, 1916).



Herb. Utrecht [U]: remaining part of the collection, the numbering of which, as far as known, runs to 845. The greater part was lost as the shipment of the cases containing the collecting tins (Schweinfurth method) was retarded at Priok on account of the war; on arrival in Holland several tins were corroded and the contents were worthless.

Some of the plants were preliminarily identified by van Steenis in 1923.



(1) cf. Report in Tijdschr. K.N. A.G. 1917, p. 135.


biographical data:

De Ingenieur, Jan. 27, 1927; Encyclop. N.I. 2, 1918.