
Collecting localities




Henrici, Henry Albert Baron


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1782, Rome, Italy. Died: 1838, Amsterdam, Netherlands.



Officer in Austrian regiments from 1800-1805 and from January 1817 captain in the Dutch army; major in the D.E.I. from 1825.5 In charge of the topographical survey of the Chinese districts of W. Borneo, 1830-32; in the latter year returning to Java, and in 1833 appointed Military Commander, lieutenant colonel, of S. Borneo. He died soon after return in Europe.1 His notes were published by S. Müller.2


Collecting localities:

1830-32. W. Borneo: sailing from Batavia (Aug. 25, 1830); Pontianak (Sept. 5); ascending the Landak River to Koewala Terap near the mouth of the river of Mandor; visiting the gold-diggings; to Sg. Peniti and back to Pontianak via Ajer-mati and down the Mampawa (Oct. 5); stay at Pontianak; sailing (Oct. 21) by sea to the Mampawa, returning along the beach to Sg. Pinjoe, ascending the latter; G. Panoraman, Sg. Poeron besar, Sg. Poeron ketjil, Sg. Peniti besar and back to Pontianak; by proa (Nov. 12) to Mandor via Koewala Terap and Kopian. Returning to Java in 1832.3-1833-34. SE. Borneo: in 1833 upstream the Barito and proceeding on foot to Lawang; ascending the Teweh River (to a point farther than S. Müller and Korthals afterwards); the Negara and the Kapoeas, not to be confused with the river of that name in W. Borneo; in 1834 probably the Kahajan River.



Herb. Leiden [L]. When returning to Java in 1832, he was shipwrecked and his notes and collections were lost; his topographical map was saved.

Some plants of his are referred to in publications of Blume and Miquel, e.g. the new species Paratropia gracilis Miq. (Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 1, p. 22). Previously, evidently before 1833, he made a small zoological collection at Padang, Sumatra West Coast.4



(1) cf. Posewitz, Borneo, Berlin 1889, p. 17.

(2) in ‘Reizen en Onderzoekingen etc.’ (Amsterdam 1857), in which several times referred to Henrici; and in Temminck, Verhandelingen etc., 1839-44, vol. Land- en Volkenk. p. 321-446.

(3) P.J. Veth: ‘Fragmenten van eene reis op de Westkust van Borneo in 1830’ (Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. 18672, p. 474-502).

(4) cf. Veth, Overzicht van hetgeen ........., gedaan is voor de kennis der Fauna van Ned. Indië, Leiden 1879, Thesis.

(5) This is to replace partly incorrect or incomplete data in the Cycl. Fl. Mal. 1, 1, 1950; cf. J. MacLean in Scient. Hist. 14, 1972, p. 59, who found the data in Rijksarchief in The Hague.