Gorkom, Karel Wessel van |
(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors) |
Born: 1835, Zutphen, Gld, Holland. Died: 1910, Baarn, U., Holland. |
Was appointed Military Pharmacist at Batavia (W. Java) in 1855; he resigned in 1857 and was since in several functions at Buitenzorg; in 1864 Leader of the Cinchona Culture and in 1875 Chief Inspector of the Rice and Sugar Culture etc.1 In 1878 he went on European leave and was subsequently pensioned off. He was a zealous promoter of the interests of Indonesian agriculture; he took his honorary degree in pharmacy at Utrecht in 1886. |
W. Java (about 1869-71); Malabar, Tjinjiroean, Kendang. |
Herb. Bog. [BO]: some plants (incl. species of Ficus through the intermediary of the Kon. Natuurkundige Vereeniging at Batavia) (pres. 1870-71), a few numbered in the H.B. series. Herb. Leiden [L] and Berl. [B]: Cinchona material (pres. 1869); Herb. Kol. (= Ind.) Inst. Amsterdam: material of cultivated species of Cinchona from Java (pres. 1873-74). |
(1) Author of ‘Die Chinacultur auf Java’ (Leipzig 1869, transl. from Dutch); ‘De Oost-Indische Cultures in betrekking tot handel en Nijverheid’ (1st ed. 1881, 2nd ed. 1884, suppl. in 1891). |
Ind. Mercuur 1910, p. 187, 535-540; Encyclop. N.I., 1917. |
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