

Biographical data


Büttikofer, Johann


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1850, Ranflüh im Emmenthal, Switzerland. Died: 1927, Berne, Switzerland.



Was originally intended to become a schoolteacher, followed his love for nature, and continued his study of biology at Berne. In 1879 he followed Prof. Schlegel to Leiden, where he was Custodian of the Zoological Museum from 1884-97. He made some expeditions, viz to W. Africa in 1880-82, and 1886-87, and accompanied the Nieuwenhuis expedition to Central Borneo in 1893-94. In 1895 he was awarded a honorary Ph. Dr’s degree at Berne. From 1897-1924 he was Director of the Zoological Garden at Rotterdam. After his resignment he settled at Berne.



Herb. Bot. Gard. Berne: plants of the Dutch East Indies (for Herbarium and carpological collection; pres. 1925), material of Citrus aurantium var. from Java (pres. 1926); plants from his inheritance, incl. mosses from Liang-Koeboeng (probably a hill visited during the above-mentioned Nieuwenhuis Borneo expedition) (pres. 1928).


biographical data:

Anonymous: ‘Zum Andenken an Dr Johann Büttikofer’ (Bern 1927, + portr.); cuttings from several newspapers, in Herb. Leiden; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 52, 1942, p. 380-381.