
Collecting localities



Bowers, Miss Nancy


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)



American anthropologist, educated at Columbia University (B.S., Ph.D.), Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A. She made expeditions to Australian New Guinea to investigate traditional and changing agricultural patterns; subsequently (1969) Visiting Research Fellow, Austr. National University.


Collecting localities:

1963- She visited Western and Southern Highlands of Australian New Guinea, collecting almost all plants in Upper Kaugel Valley (W. Highlands), but some items from Upper Mendi (S. Highlands Distr.), Porgera (W. Highlands Distr.), and Kandep (W. Highlands Distr.).



Herb. Lae [LAE]: nos 1-807; dupl. eventually in Canberra [CANB], Wash. U.S. Nat. Mus. [US], Kew [K], and Brisbane [BRI]. Dupl. of Pandanaceae to the B. P. Bish. Mus. Hawaii [BISH] (Dr St. John), and to Dr B.C. Stone, Herb. Univ. Malaya Kuala Lumpur [KLU].