Andersson, Nils Johan |
(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors) (Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I) |
Born: 1821, Gärdserum, Småland, Sweden. Died: 1880, Stockholm, Sweden |
Finished his studies at Uppsala, taking his Ph. Dr’s degree in 1845; he was a member of a Swedish expedition round the world. In 1852 he was appointed Natural History Lecturer at Stockholm, in 1855 ditto at Lund; in 1856 Director of the Bot. Sect. of the Nat. Hist. Museum Stockholm, at the same time Professor. Author of many systematic papers e.g. on Gramineae and Salicaceae.1 |
Voyage in the ‘Eugenie’, 1851-53.2 Departure from Karlskrona (Sept. 30, 1851) and via Madeira, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Valparaiso, Callao, Panama, Galapagos Isis, Sandwich Isis, California, Sandwich Isis, Friendship Isis, New Holland (Sydney), Carolines, China; reaching the Philippines, Luzon: Manila (Jan. 4, 1853), making trips to Pasig, Laguna, Santa Cruz, Pagsajan, Cavinti, Louisiana, Mahayhay, Lillo, G. Banajao (not reaching the summit), Bay, Los Baños, Lake Socal; Jan. 14th sailing for Singapore (arrival on the 25th, sailing on the 30th), where according to the account of the voyage (Dutch transl.) no collecting was done owing to illness; W. Java: Batavia (Febr. 4 arrival), where some little trips (Buitenzorg etc.) were made in the last few days; sailing for the Cocos Isis on the 13th and via Keeling and Cocos Islands and the Cape of Good Hope; back in Sweden in June 1853. |
Herb. Mus. Stockholm [S]; dupl. in Herb. Decandolle (Geneva [G]) (500), St Petersburg (= Leningrad [LE]) (1478 nos), Vienna [W], Liege [LG], Brit. Mus. [BM] (mosses acquired w. Herb. Hampe), Kew [K] (pres. 1856-74), Berl. [B] (128 specimens of the Galapagos Isl. and 55 dupl. from Stockholm pres. 1935-36), Herb. Lindeman (? U.S.S.R.) (59), N.Y. Bot. Gard. [NY]: 18 nos of the Philip. Isis. Evidently the labels are not very trustworthy, especially with regard to collecting localities. Kükenthal mentions Cyperaceae collected by A. in Java (Batavia), Malacca, Singapore and Luzon.3 These data do not comply with the statement that in Singapore no collecting was done. The botany of the voyage was partly published,4Home but no plants of the Malaysian region were dealt with. Sheets collected in Singapore (dated Jan. 28, 1853) are present in Herb. State Mus. Stockholm [S]. |
(1) The latter in Decandolle, Prodromus 162, 1868, p. 190-331. (2) C. Skogman: ‘Fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring Jorden dren 1851-53 under befäl of C.A. Virgin’ (Stockholm 1857-61, 4 vols; 1st ed. 1854-55) (non vidi); Dutch transl. by J.J.A. Goeverneur: ‘Eene reis om de wereld met het Zweedsche oorlogsfregat Eugenie’ (Groningen 1864); German transl. by A. von Etzel: ‘Erdumseglung der Königl. Schwedischen Fregatte Eugenies in den Jahren 1851 his 1853 etc.’ (Berlin 1856, 2 vols). cf. also some letters etc. from Andersson in Svensk Vetensk. Akad. Öfvers. 9, 1852, p. 117-119; l.c. 10, 1853, p. 58-64, 75-76, 177-191 (in Swedish); Nya Bot. Not. 1853, p. 16-17, 101-108; ibid. 1854, p. 20-28, 43-48. (3) In Pflanzenreich Heft 101, IV, 20, 1936, cf. p. 71, 86, 134, 424, 519 etc. (4) Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies Resa etc. Botanik I-III, 1857-1910 by N.J. Andersson and F.W.C. Areshoug. Mosses by J. Angström in Ofvers. Vet.-Akad. Förh. 29, 1872-73, p. 15-29, 118-139; l.c. 33, 1876, p. 50-55; Hedwigia 14, 1875, p. 85-93. |
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Mart. Flor.Bras.vol. 1, pars 1 in ‘Vitae itiner. collect. etc.’; Pritzel, Thes. Lit. Bot., 1872; Wittrock, Icon. Bot. Berg., 1903, p. 29, t. 11 and in l.c. 2, 1905, p. 3. In ‘Naturhistoriska Riksmuseets Historia’ 1916, p. 113-114, with portr. |
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