

Biographical data

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Alleizette, Charles d’


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1884, Paris, France. Died: 1967.



Made botanical collections in Madagascar (1904-06), and in Tonkin (Indo-China, 1908). In 1909 he was appointed Underlieutenant of Administration in Oran (Africa), where he was again from 1911-15 and 1917-22. He ended his military career as Chief of Administration at Versailles.



Herb. Paris [P], from Madagascar, Tonkin, etc. He collected some ferns, cult. in Hort. Sing., viz nos 516 T and 517 T in 1909 (cf. Bonaparte, Notes Ptéridol. fasc. 7, 1918, p. 38-39). Herb. Leiden [L] received a set of his collection in 1948.


biographical data:

In ‘Flore générale de l’Indo-Chine’ prelim. vol. 1944, p. 33.


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Rev. Sc. Nat. Auvergne 33 (1967) 3-10