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Abendanon, Eduard Cornelis |
(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors) |
Born: 1878, Pati, Java. |
Mining engineer, educated at the Technical College at Delft (Holland) and for an interval of one year at Aix-la-Chapelle (Germany); study tours in Europe for the D.E. Indian Government, 1900-01; in the employ of the D.E.I. Mining Service, 1901-06, from 1903-05 at his own expense making an exploration tour in China and a voyage round the world; from 1907-18 preparation for, execution of, and working out of the results of the Celebes Expedition (see below) of the Royal Dutch Geographic Society;’ exploration tour to Spitsbergen, 1920; Extraordinary Professor at the Municipal University of Amsterdam, 1921-25; from Nov. 1937-Nov. 1939 travelling in S. Africa, the Dutch East Indies, Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania, and the Dutch East Indies once more; from Febr. 1940-July 1946 staying at Monte Carlo; at present living at Voorburg near The Hague and planning to work out the material for a 3-volume work. He composed a geological map of the Dutch East Indies and is the author of several geological papers. Quercus abendanonii Valeton is named after him. |
Celebes Expedition, 1909-10.1 1909. S. Celebes: arrival at Makassar (March 30); Makassar-Palo(p)po (Apr. 10-13); Palo(p)po (13-15); reconnaissance from the N and E of the Latimodjong Mts (15-26), e.g. exploring S. Latoepa, S. Limbong, S. Garoeang, Limpo Batoe, S. Meraring; Palo(p)po (Apr. 26-May 7); Ponrang (8) and exploration of the Latimodjong Mts till June 12 (top bivouac on Boeloe Palakka, May 16-June 2); ascending the middle-course of the Sa(ä)dang to Rante Pao (June 14-22), also visiting Makale; Rante Pao (22-30); trip to Palo(p)po (July 1-12), e.g. visiting S. Loko; trip to the west, S. Masoepoe (8-25); along the S. Mamasa (July 26-Aug. 14), Letta Mts; descending the Lower Sa(d)dang River (17-22), Enrekang; Makassar (23-24); trip to Malili (25-28); basin of the Malili River (Sept. 28-Nov. 10), visiting the lakes Matana (Oct. 3-11), Towoeti, Mahalona, Wawo toa and Masipi (Oct. 14-Nov. 3); Malili-Makassar (Nov. 10-14) and for some months back to Java. 2nd Part of the Expedition. 1910. SW. Celebes: Makassar-Palo(p)po (March 13-21); Centr. Celebes: via Lake Po(s)so to Kolone Dale (March 21-Apr. 10), visiting Masamba; stay at Kolone Dale (10-18); exploration of the connecting part with the E. peninsula of Centr. Celebes (19-23); Po(s)so (Apr.24-May 6); the Po(s)so depression (May 7-25), visiting Tentena; Koro-Lariang trip (May 26-June 17), visiting Gintoe, Gimpoe, Bangkakoro, as far as Saloeponto; beach-bivouac at Saloeponto and by sea to Donggala (20-21); the depression, fossa Sarasina, of the Sarasins (July 1-10), Paloe, Koelawi Plain; Donggala (I1-18); by sea to Mamoedjoe, Madjene and Pare Pare (arriving 21st); stay at Pare Pare (21-24); ancient beds of the Lower Sa(ä)dang and the bay of Pare Pare (July 25-Aug. 1); back to Makassar and Aug. 7 sailing to Java. |
Herb. Bog. [BO], valuable but very scanty material, few numbers, e.g. from Latimodjong Mts.2 During the expedition zoological collections were made too. See also under R.M. Amad and J.J. Lefèvre. Also living material forHort. Bog. |
(1) E.C. Abendanon: ‘Onderzoek van Centraal Celebes’ (Tijdschr. K.N.A.G. 26, 1909, p. 141-142, 464, 645-654, 800-821, 988-995; 27, 1910, p. 79-106, 506-529, 979-1001, 1219-1232); ‘Celebes en Halmaheira’ (l.c. 1910, p. 1149-1172 and 1303; both with ill., maps, etc.); ‘Die Expedition der Kgl. Niederl. Geogr. Ges. nach Zentral Celebes 1909 and 1910’ (Peterm. Geogr. Mitt. 57, 1911, p. 234-238); ‘Midden-Celebes Expe-ditie. Geologische en geographische doorkruisingen van Midden-Celebes (1909-1910)’ (Leiden 1915-18, 4 vols + atlas). (2) On the flora of the Latimodjong Mts cf. ‘Midden-Celebes Expeditie etc.’ l.c. vol. 1, p. 102; description of a new species cf. Icon. Bogor. 41, 1910, p. 81-82; and l.c. 43, 1912, p. 179-180. |
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Amsterdamsche Studenten-Almanak for 1926, p. 63-70 + portr.; Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936. |