
Collecting localities



Biographical data


Endert, Frederik Hendrik


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Addenda & Corrigenda)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I)


Born: 1891, Semarang, Java. Died: 1953, Bussum, Holland.



Since 1915 Forest Officer in the D.E.I. Forest Service, in July 1917 charged with the forest reconnaissance of Palembang; since 1918 connected with the Forest Research Institute (F.R.I.), Buitenzorg; in 1937 appointed Inspector, in 1938 stationed at Makassar (SW. Celebes) for the supervision of the forests of the eastern part of the Malay Archipelago; since 1941 Secretary of the Committee for Economic Plants. He accompanied a Central Borneo expedition.

Besides of the publications cited below, he is the author of many papers relating to forestry and of a key for the identification of Malaysian arboreous genera by means of vegetative characters.1 In May 1949 he returned to the Forest Research Institute at Buitenzorg, Java, to compile a work on Indonesian timbers. He retired in 1952, arriving in Holland in July.

Several plants from the Malayan region, including the tree genus Endertia Steenis & de Wit (Leg.), were named after him.


Collecting localities:

1917-21. S. Sumatra: Palembang (Aug. 1917-June 1921);2 Benkoelen and Djambi (Centr. Sumatra) (by Endert or? Doop) (1920); Lampong Districts (Sept. 1920); Benkoelen (June 1921).-1922. N. & Centr. Sumatra:8 Atjeh (Jan.) ; Sumatra East Coast (Jan.); Tapanoeli (Febr.); P. Morsala (Febr. 7); Sumatra West Coast (Febr.).-Central East Borneo expedition, 1925.3 NE. Borneo: Beraoe region, W. Koetei. Arriving at Samarinda (June 13); small trips along the Djembajan River and the Mahakam; by boat (June 17) to the Lake District, on the way collecting on the banks of the Mahakam and along the Kedang Rantau and vicinity (Sabentoeloeng and Benoewatoewa), by boat from Ma Moentai (28) via Kenohan, kp. Djantoer and kp. Semajang to Ma Ohong; bird’s nest caves near Lahoeng (= Lakoem) (29); Tg Isoei (July 3-5) and hence to Ma Alo for investigation of the lakes: Kenohan Batoe Boemboe and Kenohan Melenteng; Ma Moentai; setting out (July 12) to Ma Kaman, D. Siran, Ma Antjaloeng (15-22) (trips to Kenohan Sahoei and K. Geloembang and the Teroesan Pesanget); ascending the Telen River, Kiham Batoe Beng (or Bong) (July 25-Aug. 1); Ma Marah; Ma Wahau (Aug. 3-7); bivouac at Long Poehoes, Villa Rust Roost (Aug. 8-13); at Long Hoot, Villa Nooit Gedacht (14-23); Long Temelen (24-28); Long Liah Long, Long Soeh; Long Petak, Prauwen bivouac (Sept. 8); vicinity of Long Petak (9-22); hilly country around G. Kemoel, climbing the summit (1850 m) some times, and in the valleys of the Long Mehiang, Long Kiau and Long Petak (Sept. 25-28); returning (Nov. 2) from Long Petak via Long Sock, Liah Long, Long Hoot, Long Poehoes, Long Djenau, Ma Wahau, e.g. collecting on G. Kombeng (Nov. 22-30); Tenggarong (Dec. 7); Samarinda (till Dec. 11).-1928. SE. Borneo (with D.F. v. Slooten, see there) (Nov. 1-16)5, visiting Tanah Boemboe and P. Laoet.-1930. W. Java: Bantam (May 12-17),5 visiting Doengoes Iwoel, G. Kentjana, Malimping, etc.; Moeara Angké near Batavia (July 25);5 Danau Swamp (Sept. 11-13);4-5 S. Sumatra: Palembang (Oct.).-1931. Centr. Java (March 20-24);5 Klino (G. Pandan), Ngorogoenoeng and Goendik; W. Java: SW. Bantam (July 24-Aug. 4),5 collecting in Oedjoeng Koelon Peninsula on G. Hondje, also visiting Lang Isl., Prinsen Isl. and Meeuwen Isl.; Centr. Java: Poerwodadi (Aug. 1).-1932. Centr. Java: Soebah (Nov. 4).6-1935. In Dec. SW. Celebes, SE. Celebes (Kendari) and P. Boeton (= Boetoeng).5-1938. W. Borneo (May 6-21):5 Sanggau, Sambas, Paloh, etc.



In Herb. For. Res. Inst. Buitenzorg [BZF]. From Sumatra: Atjeh, Tapanoeli, Sum. East & West Coast, E. nos 1328-1364; Djambi E. nos 873-880; Benkoelen E. nos 869-872 and 1040-1103; Palembang E. nos 1-868, 881-1039, 1104-1131, 1148-1163, 1366-1370; Lampong Distr. 1301-1327; Java: E. nos 1132-1147, 1164-1201, 1224-1226, 1366-1370; Celebes: E. nos 1227-1237; Borneo: bb. nos + dupl. of woody plants from the Borneo exp. 1925.

Herb. Bog. [BO]: > 1300 E. nos dupl. of the For. Res. Inst. Buitenzorg from S. Sumatra (princ. Palembang); > 4000 nos from Borneo 1925 (E. nos 1400-5417); 38 nos from Danau Swamp (Bantam, W. Java), etc.; dupl. in Herb. Leiden [L].

Some other collectors of the F.R.I. collected in the E. series too, viz P. Blok ( ? 1917) and van der Zwaan (1920-21) (see those).

J.J. Smith published a paper on the Borneo orchids.7

Living orchids from Palembang (S. Sumatra) in Hort. Bog. (pros. 1919-20).



(1) ‘Geslachtstabellen voor Ned. Indische boomsoorten naar vegetatieve kenmerken’ (Meded. Proefstat. Boschwezen Buitenzorg no 20, 1928; thesis, Wageningen).

(2) Fr.H. Endert: ‘Woudboomflora van Palembang’ (Tectona 13, 1920, p. 113-159); cf. also typed Reports in For. Res. Inst. Buitenzorg.

(3) Fr.H. Endert: ‘Plan voor een expeditie ten behoeve van de topographische en natuurwetenschappelijke exploratie van eon gebied in Midden Oost Borneo nader aan te duiden met den naam Beraoe’ (Weltevreden 1925); ‘Aneta Communiqué over de Midden Oost Borneo Expeditie’ I-III (Batavia 1925); ‘Botanisch en floristisch verslag, Midden-Oost-Borneo-Expeditie 1925’ (Ind. Comité Wet. Onderz. 1925).

(4) Fr.H. Endert: ‘Het natuurmonument Danau in Bantam’ (Tectona 25, 1932, p. 963-987, 8 fig., 1 map).

(5) cf. typed Reports in For. Res. Inst. Buitenzorg.

(6) Fr.H. Endert:’ Het natuurmonument Soebah’ (Verkl. N.I. Ver. t. Nat. Besch. for 1935, p. 117-124, fig. 6-9).

(7) ‘On a collection of Orchidaceae from Central Borneo’ (Bull. Jard. Bot. Buit. sér. 3, vol. 11, 1931, p. 83-160).

(8) Fr.H. Endert: ‘Boschbouwkundige aanteekeningen, etc.(Tectona 18, 1925, p. 1-160, 1 map).


biographical data:

Wie is dat? 1935, p. 451; Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936; Tectona 42, 1952, p. 133-136; Trop. Natuur 33, 1953, p. 76-77.