
Collecting localities


Biographical data

Photo gallery


Ooststroom, Simon Jan van


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1906, Rotterdam, Holland.



Botanist, educated at Utrecht University, taking his Ph.D. degree in 1934. From 1927-34 Assistant of the Botanical Museum and Herbarium at Utrecht, and subsequently Assistant, afterwards Curator of the Rijksherbarium at Leiden. Retired Feb. 1971.

He collected plants on numerous European trips, and was awarded the Buitenzorg Fund in 1949.

Author of several taxonomic papers, mainly dealing with Convolvulaceae; co-editor of the  Flora Neerlandica.


Collecting localities:

1950. P. Penang (Jan. 17); Malay Peninsula: Port Swettenham (19); Singapore (21-22); W. Java: Buitenzorg (= Bogor) (26-27), Depok (29), Buitenzorg (Jan. 30-Feb. 25), Tjisarua Zuid (Feb. 26), Buitenzorg (Feb. 28-March 10), Tjibodas-Tjibeur(r)eum (March 12), Buitenzorg (13-14), Patjet and Tjipanas (16), Buitenzorg (17-18), Tanggerang and Kamal (19), Pasar Minggu (21), Tjibodas (22-27), Kandang Badak and G. Pangranggo (28-29), Tjibodas (Apr. 1-3), Batavia (= Djakarta) and P. Amsterdam (5-8), Buitenzorg (14-22), Kuripan (23), Tjibodas and G. Gegerbintang (Apr. 29-May 2), Tjibodas (May 7-15), Telaga Warna (May 13), Buitenzorg (19).



Herb. Leiden [L]: plants from Penang (nos 12491-12511), Port Swettenham (12512-12520), Singapore (12521-12540), and from W. Java (12541-14184), in total 1644 numbers, of which dupl. in Herb. Bog. [BO].


biographical data:

Blumea 19, 1971, p. 1-2, portr.


photo gallery:


12 March 1955

© Ruth van Crevel



