
Collecting localities



Biographical data


Mohnike, Otto Gottlieb Johan


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1814, Stralsund, Germany. Died: 1887, Bonn, Germany.



Since the end of 1844 Medical Officer in the D.E. Indian Army; retired in 1869. During his term of office he was stationed in several islands of the Malay Archipelago, viz in Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, and the Moluccas. In 1849, when in Japan (stationed in Decima), he was instructed to make investigations and collections in the interest of the natural sciences.1 He specialized in beetles.


Collecting localities:

Data on his stay in various islands of the Malay Archipelago, etc.2 Centr. Java: Karangbolang (1845); Diëng Plateau (1846; by chance together with Junghuhn); Banka (end of Aug.-Oct. 2, 1847); S. Sumatra, Palembang Res. (Oct. 1847-Jan. 2, 1848), visiting Danau Itam and Danau Louar (Nov. 7-18, 1847), etc.; failure of a voyage by proa to Moeara Kompeh (Jan. 1848), returning to Palembang again (19); Batavia (March 8), where he was appointed physician in Decima near Nagasaki, Japan; W. Borneo (1851-54): Sambas, Pontianak and inland; Ambon (1854-60), ascending G. Api, Banda (Oct. 6, 1854); Sumatra (1861- . . ), in the Lampong Districts (1862), and crossing from Palembang to Benkoelen (visiting G. Krekil near Lahat) (1862); Banka (1862); Siak River in Sumatra East Coast (1863).-ln Java he visited besides, probably in the first years: Rawa Lakbok in W. Java; Noesa Kambangan and Wawar in Centr. Java; and the Zandzee of G. Tengger in E. Java.



His collection of Cetonidae about 1877 via E.T. Higgins, and in 1880 via J. Thomson, to R. Oberthur (Rennes).3 No zoological collections of his in the Museum of Leiden.

With a view to numerous botanical particulars mentioned in his books, it seems probable that he was in possession of a private herbarium , but data are lacking. (written annotation: Ins. Senckenb. Mus., Franfurt [FR])

His Japanese plants are in Herb. Leiden [L].



(1) cf. Koloniaal Verslag for 1853, p. 95.

(2) cf. O.G.J. Mohnike: ‘Banka and Palembang nebst Mittheilungen über Sumatra im Allgemeinen’ (Munster 1874); ‘Blicke auf das Pflanzen- und Thierleben in den Niederländischen Malaienländern’ (Munster 1883).

(3) cf. Entomol. Beihefte II-IV, Berl. Dahl. 1935-36, p. 180.


biographical data:

Encyclop. N.I. 2, 1918; L.S.A.M. von Römer, Historische schetsen, Batavia 1921, p. 114-118.