
Collecting localities



Koopman, Jan


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1904, Ten Post, Gr., Holland.



School-teacher who went to Java in 1926; successively stationed at Ponorogo (1926-29), Grissee (1929-30), and Soerabaja (1930); in the latter place securing the elementary certificate for natural history; subsequently High School (M.U.L.O.) teacher at Modjokerto. After his European leave in 1932/33 (studying for a year at Groningen University), stationed respectively at Poerworedjo, Oengaran, Malang, and Salatiga (till the war). After the Japanese capitulation he was evacuated to Holland, but expects to return to Java before long.


Collecting localities:

In all the above-mentioned places in Java; only plants from E. Java: Grissee, Soerabaja and Modjokerto, collected in 1929-32, still extant.



Herb. Groningen [now L]: about 80 nos. His private herbarium, collected in far more localities, was lost during World War II.