
Collecting localities



Biographical data


Kent, William


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1779, Haarlem, N.H., Holland. Died: July 11, 1827, Limbangan, W. Java.



Gardener, in 1802 appointed Curator of the College garden at Harderwijk, Holland; dismissed in Oct. 1811 on account of discontinuation of the school; from January till July 1815 temporary Curator at Leiden. When Reinwardt went to Java in 1815, he was put at the disposal of the latter; in 1817 he became Curator of the newly founded Botanic Gardens at Buitenzorg; in 1825 appointed Assistant of the Inspector of Coffee Culture in Limbangan Regency (at present Garoet).

The genus Kentia Blume and several plant species were named after him.


Collecting localities:

1817-21. Malay Archipelago: with Reinwardt (itiner., liter., etc. see there).-1824. W. Java: with Blume (itiner. see there) on a tour of inspection to the Duizendgebergte, etc.; in Sept. he stayed behind at Wanyassa (= Wanajasa) in Krawang on account of illness.1



Some of his Java plants were described by Blume (in Flora Javae, etc.) and Miquel; they were collected on G. Salak and in Bantam. We did not met with specimens from outside Java. Herb. ? Leiden [L].

Living plants on behalf of Hort. Bog.



(1) cf. in G.H. Nagel: ‘Schetsen uit mijne Javaansche portefeuille’ (Amsterdam 1828).


biographical data:

Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936, cf. also sub Addenda; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 50, 1940, p. 194; /.c. 51, 1941, p. 356-357.