Hasselt, Johan Coenraad van |
(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors) (Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Addenda & Corrigenda) (Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II) |
Born: 1797, Doesburg, Gld, Holland. Died: Sept. 1823, Buitenzorg, Java. |
Surgeon-zoologist, educated at Groningen University (1816-20), appointed member of the ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’ (Commission for Natural Sciences) for the D.E.I. in 1820, together with his friend Kuhl (see there). In the same year they sailed for Java, exploring the western part of that island; after return from Bantam he died of dysentery and was buried in the cemetery of the Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg. He is commemorated in the genera Hasseltia Blume and Kuhlhasseltia J.J.Sm. and in several species of plants. |
1820-23. Together with Kuhl sailing via the Cocos Islands to Java; exploring W. Java:1 Bantam Res., G. Karang and G. Poelasari (Dec. 1820); environs of Buitenzorg, G. Salak, Bantam, presumably Koeripan (lime-depositing saline springs between kp. Rompin and Waroe), G. Pangrango-Gedeh (July-early Aug. 1821); since 1822 in Bantam with G. van Raalten, e.g. at Serang (Febr. 1823) and on G. Karang (March); in the latter month van Raalten was forced to discontinue exploration and was substituted by Bik (the 3rd participant was Maurevert):2 Anjer (March 23); Dano Lake (-- Rawa Danau); P. Sangiang (= Dwars in den weg or Geesteneiland); Pasang Tenang; Tjaringin (May 14); to Menes (June 1), from where to Pabonkar, G. Poelasari (trip to the solfatara); via Panaud and Pandeglang to Serang (10), Tjaringin (28), and via Laboean and Tjimajang to Perdana (collecting 2 new palms, the Sahadan and the Tjilankap); via the Tjilatak, Tjimanahon and the Tjiboenar to Tjisekat (July 12); via Tjikatombier, Patoedja, Pasir Nangka and Toegoe to Tjiboerial (20); setting out from Patoedja (24) to Oedjoeng Koelon; beach to Terèleng (25) and proceeding in eastern direction to the base of G. Pajong; ascent G. Pajong (26); Patoedja (30) base of G. Pajong; ascent G. Pajong (26); Patoedja (30) and proceeding to Tjihoeang; Soedimanik (Aug. 4); kp. Binoeangen (13); kp. Tjilangkahan (14), van Hasselt falling ill; Tjitando; Madoer (25), falling seriously ill again; Sawarna (30); G. Tangkil (Sept. 1); along the beach to Tjimadja (by way of Tjibangbang and Tjisolok); crossing the Sakawaiana and the Tjidanah, kp. Tjigangsa and Tondjong (3); Leuwilieuw (4), Soekaboemi (5), Buitenzorg (6). |
Herb. Leiden [L],3 thanks to the care of van Raalten; some dupl. in Herb. Utrecht [U]. |
(1) cf. Extracts from the letters of Kuhl and van Hasselt to C.J. Temminck, Th. van Swinderen, and W. de Haan in Alg. Konsten Letterbode 18221, p. 99-104, 149-153 and from van Hasselt alone in l.c. 18232, p. 130, 230, 242, 264 and 341; and in Isis 10, 18221, p. 108-113, 472-476; l.c. 11, 18222, p. 893-904, on zoological discoveries. cf. also Hasskarl in Verh. Bat. Gen. K. & W. 17, 1839, p. 5 and in Flora 30, 1847, p. 526. (2) J.Th. Bik: ‘Aanteekeningen op eene reis door bet Westelijk gedeelte van de Residentie Bantam met de Heeren van Hasselt en Meaurevert in het jaar 1823’ (Tijdschr. Ind. Taal-, Land- en Volkenk. 16, 1867, p. 260-276). J. van Hasselt: ‘Verslag eener reize naar den westhoek van Java’ (Ind. Magaz. 2e twaalftal, nos 3-4, 1845, p. 85-91). (3) van Hasselt & Kuhl, Manuscript descriptions of several Javanese plants accompanied by drawings of van Raalten, Bik and Keultjes (formerly in the Libr. Bot. Gard. Buitenzorg, not yet found back after the Japanese occupation). In Febr. 1950 the MS. was returned from Batavia to Buitenzorg. C.L. Blume: ‘Enumeratio plantarum Javae et Insularum adjacentium ex herbariis Reinwardtii, Hasseltii, Kuhlii, Blumei, etc.’ (Lugd. Bat. 1827-28, 2 vols). Blume failed to underline the merits of van Hasselt. cf. also Blume: ‘Bijdragen tot de flora van Ned. Indië’ (1825-26) and ‘Rumphia’ (1835-48). J.G.S. van Breda: ‘Genera et species Orchidearum et Asclepiadearum quas in itinere per insularem Java collegerunt Dr H. Kuhl et Dr J.C. van Hasselt’ (Gandavi 1827-29, 1 vol. folio, 15 tab. col.; not finished). For particulars on the drawings see Cl. Nissen, ‘Die botanische Buchillustration’ 1951, vol. 2, p. 22 sub Breda. |
Th. van Swinderen: ‘Bijdrage tot eene schets van het leven, het karakter en de verdiensten van wijlen Dr J.C. van Hasselt’ (Almanak der Akademie, Groningen 1824 + bibliogr.); Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 18251, p. 198-202, 212-218, 230-233; and l.c. 18291, p. 369-370; Ind. Magaz. 2e twaalftal, nos 5-6, 1845, p. 28-43; Album der Natuur 1903, fasc. 1, p. 1-22 and fasc. 2, p. 60-88; Sirks, Ind. Nat. Onderzoek, Amsterdam 1915, p. 99-106 + portr.; Encyclop. N.I. 2, 1918; Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 49, 1939, p. 443; l.c. 50, 1940, p. 191; l.c. 51, 1941, p. 353. |