


Biographical data


Hansen, J.F.K.


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1876, Soerabaja, Java. Died: 1935, The Hague, Holland.



From 1899-1924 in the D.E. Indian army, pensioned off with the rank of major. From Aug. 1911-Apr. 1912 he was stationed in the Pageh (= Pagali) Islands, once visiting the Mentawai Islands Siberoet and Sipora.1

Robiquetia hansenii J.J.Sm. was named after him.



Living orchids in Hort. Bog., material from some preserved in Herb. Bog. [BO]; some dupl. (Java) at Utrecht [U]. 11 Orchids from the Mentawai Islands and 2 from W. Java were presented to Hort. Bog. in 1918.



(1) Author of ‘De groep Noord- en Zuid-Pageh van de Mentawei-eilanden’ (Bijdr. Taal-, Land-en Volkenk. N.I. 70, 1914, p. 113-220, 1 map + ill.; on the flora cf. p. 126-128).


biographical data:

Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936.