Arnoldi, Wladimir Mitrofanowitsch |
(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors) |
Born: 1871, Koslow, Russia. Died: 1924, Moscow, U.S.S.R. |
Botanist, educated at Moscow University, where he was Assistant for several years; from 1899-1900 he made a tour to the south of Italy, Munich and Copenhagen; in 1900 Lecturer at Moscow; in 1901 Professor at the Agricultural Institute at Nowo-Alexandria (Lublin), and in 1903-19 professor in Kharkov; subsequently working in the Kaukasus, and from 1921 at Moscow. At the outset he mainly did morphological work, but since 1909 he devoted most of his time to algological studies. |
With his assistant S.L. Strelin he made a voyage to the Dutch East Indies from Jan. 10-June 5, 1909. They made a trip to the Duizend Eilanden (in the Bay of Batavia) and a voyage to the Aroe Islands to make studies on Algae.1 They visited the Mariri Archipelago, E of Aroe, too. |
They brought together a rich collection of demonstration material on Algae. We do not know whether phanerogams were collected too; if so, probably preserved at Kharkov. In Herb. Brit. Mus. [BM]: 7 Algae from Aroe Islands (pres. 1912); Herb. Leiden [L]: Algae from the Malay Archip. |
(1) cf. Dammerman in Ann. Jard. Bot. Buit. 45, 1935, p. 34. W. Arnoldi: ‘Voyage to the Malay Islands’ (Moskau 1911; in Russian) (non vidi); ‘Zur Morphologie einiger Dasycladaceen’ (Flora 104, 1912, p. 85-101, pl. V, 16 fig.); ‘Materialien z. Morphologic des Meeressiphoneen II. Bau des Thallus von Dictyosphaeria’ (l.c. 105, 1913, p. 144-161). |
Ber. D.B.G. 42, 1924, p. (98)-(103) incl. bibliogr.; Sci. Mag. Biol. (Ukraine) 1927, p. 1-6 + portr. |
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