Alston, Arthur Hugh Garfit |
(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I) (Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II) |
Born: 1902, West Ashby, Lincolnshire, England. Died: 1958, Barcelona, Spain |
Botanist, educated at Oxford University. After some months at Kew appointed Systematic Botanist, Dept of Agriculture, Ceylon 1925-29. Since 1930 in Dept of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). Besides in Malaysia, he travelled extensively in Europe, including Albania, Greece, and Spain, in Algeria (N. Africa), and in South and Central America. His publications deal mainly with ferns and history; author of the supplement volume to Trimen’s Flora of Ceylon. Lately revising fern families for Flora Malesiana, and co-editor of its 2nd series Pteridophyta. |
1953. Siam; W. Java: Donmuang (Oct. 24), Bogor (= Buitenzorg) (30), Djasinga and Dungus Iwul (Nov. 3), Tjibodas (7), Bogor (8); Situ Lembang, N of Bandung (17); G. Tangkuban Prahu (18), and in Nov.-Dec. at Tjibodas (with Tjibeureum, Rawa Gajonggong, Huis ten Bosch), Tjisarua (Dec. 3), Tjimindi. 1954. W. Java: Pasir, Ganessa (Jan. 3); Karanghaux, near Tjisolok (6), Tjisukawayana (6); Bogor (10); S. Borneo: Sampit (Jan. 16-19), Tjempaka Mulia (20), Sampit (21-23), Handjalipan (24), Kuala Kwajan (25), Permantang (25-29), Handjalipan (29); W. Java: Bogor (Feb. 1-13); Sumatra West Coast Res.: Padang (Feb. 14-15), Lubuk Selasih and Kota Hilalang (16), Batang Palupuh and Bukit Tinggi (17), Telagu Kota Baru S of Bukit Tinggi (18); Lembah Anai W of Padang Pandjang, G. Merapi (19); Lake Manindjau and Paripandjang, Matur and Padanggelanggang (20); Bukit Tinggi (21), Air Putih E of Pajakumbuh (22); Batang Palupuh, Pasarkumpulan, Bondjol, and Kambahan near Lubuksikaping (23); Bukit Tinggi (24), Padang (25), Indrapura (26), Kota Limasering (27), G. Labu, and Bata Hampar, Kayu Aro Estate (28); Sungei Kering, G. Kerintji (March 2); old Japanese road, G. Kerintji (3); G. Kerintji (4); Sungei Tanduk, Kayu Aro (5-7); Kota Limo Manis, Sungei Tanduk, River Kumbang, Sungei Pagas (7); Penuh, Sungei Kunjit, and Muara Sako (8); Indrapura, Laut Njour, Painan, Teluk Batung SE of Painan, Teluk Kabung (9); Bukit Tinggi (= Fort de Kock), Air Putih, Pintu Angin (10); Bukit Tinggi, Padang Luar, Lembah Anai W of Padang Pandjang (11); ravine at Bukit Tinggi (12); Rimbu Panti (13); W. Sumatra, Tapanuli Res.: Bukit Dua-bias, S of Muarasipang (13); Pintu Padang, S of Padang Sidempuan, and Terutung (14); Sumatra East Coast Res.: Rampa, between Tebingtinggi and Lubukpakam (15), Medan (16), Sibolangit (17-18), Kabandjahe and Kotabuluh (19); N. Sumatra, Atjeh: Kotatjane and Lau Simerah (20); Lau Penganggalan, Memding, and Lau Kaulam (21); G. Satan, Lau Gurah, and Lau Kelawu (22); Lau Sigala (23); Blangkedjeren (24); Kotatjane and Kotabangon (26); Sumatra East Coast Res.: Merek and R. Bolon, Dolok Silali (26); W. Sumatra, Tapanuli Res.: Sidikalang (27); Parbuluan, Tele N of Baniara, Hariarapintu (28); Lae Pondon (29-30); Lae Renun, E of Sidikaling (30); Lae Pakoan, Parbuluan, Hariarapintu, and Baniara (31); Lae Pondon (Apr. 1); Sidikaling, Silalahi, Sumbul (2); Hariarapintu and Hutagalung (3); Sumatra East Coast Res.: Lubuk Pakam (5); Pe(r)matang Siantar, Bandar Dolok, Marial Puta, Aik Nauli (7); G. Simbolon, Batu Lubang, Prapat, Lake Toba (8); W. Sumatra, N. Tapanuli: Aek Nahilu, Lumban Djulu, G. Pangu Lubao, Pong Hulu-bau (8); Sumatra East Coast Res.: Sungei Balei, Bunut Estate near Kisaran, Sentang, and Tandjung Balai (9); Asahan River (10); W. Java: Bogor (Apr. 16-28), making an excursion to Pulau Kelor and Amsterdam Island in Bay of Djakarta (27); Bogor (Apr. 29-May 20); Koningsplein, Djakarta (= Batavia, May 5); SW. Celebes: Makassar (26), Pare Pare (27); Centr. Celebes: Donggala (28); N. Celebes: Toli-Toli (29); NE. Celebes, Minahassa: Tomohon (31), G. Mahawn (June 1), Tomohon (2-6); Lake Lahendong, Kelelonde, Soputan Range (7); G. Masarang, Kakaskasen, Tonsealama (8); G. Lokon (9), Tonsealama and Tanggari (10), Tomohon (12-13); Soputan Range, at Manimporok (14), Kelelonde (15, 16), Kawamaäsam (15), Tonderukan (17), Kelelonde (17-18); Tomohon (19), G. Masarang (20), Kakaskasan to G. Mahawu (21), Tomohon and Tanggari (22), Makawidei (23), Cape Batu Angus (23-25), Batu Angus (25), Pulau Lembeh (26), Makawidei (27), G. Tangkoko (28), Air Prang (29), Tomohon (30); Tara Tara, Ranotongkor, Pasir Pandjang, 8 km E of Tanawanko (July 2); Kinelow near Menado (3), Tonsealama (5), Sonder (6); Kinilow, G. Empong (7); Tomohon (8-15), Tataäran (15), G. Mahawu; Tempangtempang, Langowan, Kawamaäsan (Soputan Range), Pantu valley, G. Aiseput (17); Tomohon (18-19), G. Tetawiran (20), Tomohon (21), Tondano (22), Tomohon (23), G. Klabat and Totelu (24), Tomohon (25-26); Tounan, near Rumoöng Atas, R. Ranotuana, Pinamorgan, and Popontollen (27); Munte (27-28), G. Manembo-nembo (28), Bitung (31); N. Moluccas, Ternate: Peak of Ternate above Gamalama (Aug. 3); Ngade near Laguna, L. Laguna, Gambesi (S. side of the island), Castela, Foramadiahi, Taduma (W. side), and Tolire Ketjil (4); Ternate (5); Tidore: Soasiu and Gurabanga (6), G. Kiematuba (7), Gurabanga (8); Halmahe(i)ra: Oba (8), Akekolano and Ake (River) Oba (9); Ternate (10); Halmahe(i)ra: Djailolo, Huku-Huku near Atjengo, and Taboso (10); Idamdehi and Peak of Djailolo (13); Idamdehi to Atjengo, Gamduoro, Gamgono, and Lolori (14); Atjengo (15); Batjan: Indomut, Senggah River, and Amasing (20); Tuwokona, and Gandasuli River (22); G. Sibel(l)a (23-25), Labuha (27); Sula Islands: Sanana, Burn: Nam lea and Sawa (Sept. 2); Ambon: Djembatan (3); Lesser Sunda Islands, Bali: Buleleng (10); W. Java: Bogor (Sept. 16-Oct. 2). On the voyage home he touched Malaya. |
In Herb. Brit. Mus. [BM], except c. 3000 nos collected in Ceylon, which are in Herb. Peradeniya [PDA] (some dupl. at Kew [K], Brit. Mus. [BM], New York [NY], etc.). The plants collected during the above-mentioned trip are numbered as follows: Siam 12351-12356; Java (& cult. Hort. Bog.) 12357-13028,13463-13575, 15378-15576, 17069-17216; Borneo 13029-13462; Sumatra nos 13576-15377; Celebes 15577-16596; Moluccas 16597-17057; Bali 17058-17068; Malaya 17217-17225. They comprise ferns, phanerogams and lower cryptogams; dupl. will presumably go to Herb. Bog. [BO] (almost complete set), Leiden [L], and Arn. Arb. [A]. He collected also some zoological, entomological, and mineralogical material. |
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Brit. Fern Gaz. 8, 1958, p. 220-221; Amer. Fern J. 49, 1959, p. 1-2; Taxon 8, 1959, p. 83-86, portr.; J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 3, 1960, p. 383-404 (bibliogr., list of new taxa, nomencl. changes). |
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