Nabaluia Ames, Orchid. 6 (1920) 70

Subfamily: Epidendroideae

Tribe: Arethuseae

Subtribe: Coelogyninae

Synonyms: None

A genus of 3 species; 3 species in Malesia.

Distribution: Borneo

Vogel, E.F. de. 1986. Revisions in Coelogyninae II, genera Bracisepalum, Chelonistele, Entomophobia, Geesinkorchis and Nabaluia. Orchid Monogr. 1: 17 - 53.


Nabaluia_angustifoliaED_DSCN4083.JPG (534470 bytes) Nabaluia_angustifoliaED_DSCN4084.JPG (475617 bytes)
Nabaluia angustifolia de Vogel, cultivated at the Hortus Botanicus, Leiden, from Borneo, Sabah Nabaluia angustifolia de Vogel, cultivated at the Hortus Botanicus, Leiden, from Borneo, Sarawak Nabaluia angustifolia de Vogel, cultivated at the Hortus Botanicus, Leiden, from Borneo, Sarawak

last updated: 10 August 2007 by André Schuiteman

Malesian Orchid Genera