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Malesian Euphorbiaceae Descriptions |
Haegens, R.M.A.P. 2000. Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Biogeography of Baccaurea, Distichirhops, and Nothobaccaurea (Euphorbiaceae). Blumea Suppl. 12: 1216.
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Genus description |
Species descriptions |
Baccaurea Lour., Fl. Cochinch. (1790) 661; Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 456; Bedd., Fl. Sylv. S. India (1869) 280; Kurz, Forest Fl. Burma 2 (1877) 356; Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 3 (1883) 283; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 367; Pax in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3, 5 (1891) 30; Brandis, Indian Trees (1906) 562; J.J.Sm., Meded. Dept. Landb. Ned.-Indiλ 10 (1910) 245; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 45; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 242; Gagnep. in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 5 (1927) 547; Merr., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. New Ser. 24, 2 (1935) 29, 47; Corner, Wayside Trees Mal. 1 (1940) 238; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1964) 453; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 63; A.C.Sm., Allertonia 1 (1978) 377; Fernando, Philipp. J. Biol. 8 (1979) 301; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 8 (1980) 34; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 258; G.L. Webster, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 81 (1994) 51; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 68; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. 12 (2000) 81; Radcl.-Sm., Gen. Euphorbiacearum (2001) 62; Haegens & Welzen in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 107; G.L.Webster in Kubitzki, Fam. Gen. Vasc. Pl. 11 (2014) 86. Lectotype (designated by Merrill, 1935): Baccaurea ramiflora Lour.
Pierardia Roxb. ex Jack, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 14 (1823) 119; Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. (1825) 578; Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2 (1832) 254; Endl., Gen. Pl. 2 (1839) 1124; Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 5 (1846) 366; Griff., Ic. Pl. Asiat. (1854) 738; Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. (1852) 30; Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 2 (1859) 358; Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv. (1861) 441; Baill., Adansonia 3 (1863) 139. Type: Pierardia dulcis Jack [= Baccaurea dulcis (Jack) Mόll.Arg.].
Adenocrepis Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. (1825) 579; Endl., Gen. Pl. 2 (1839) 1123; Baill., Adansonia 3 (1863) 139; Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 465. Type: Adenocrepis javanica Blume [= Baccaurea javanica (Blume) Mόll.Arg.].
Microsepala Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv. (1861) 444. Type: Microsepala accuminata Miq. [= Baccaurea javanica (Blume) Mόll.Arg.].
Calyptroon Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv. (1861) 471; Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 466. Type: Calyptroon sumatranum Miq. [= Baccaurea sumatrana (Miq.) Mόll.Arg.].
Everettiodendron Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 4 (1909) 279. Type: Everettiodendron philippinense Merr. [= Baccaurea philippinensis (Merr.) Merr.].
Gatnaia Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 71 (1924) 870; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 14 (1960) 353. Type: Gatnaia annamica Gagnep. [= Baccaurea ramiflora Lour.].
Shrub to tree, dioecious, with Terminalia branching pattern. Indumentum of simple and often also of stellate hairs. Bark finely fissured. Leaves simple, alternate, spirally arranged; petiole apically and rarely basally pulvinate, transverse cracks often present; stipules triangular or rarely foliaceous, early to late caducous, often ciliate; blade basally cordate to attenuate; margin entire, marginal glands present; apex usually rounded to cuspidate to rarely retuse; upper surface glabrous, sometimes densely hairy on the veins, raised glands often present, sometimes granulate; lower surface glabrous to densely hairy, raised glands often present, discoid glands sometimes present; nervation raised, secondary veins curved and sometimes closed at margin. Inflorescences axillary to cauline, reduced thyrses, solitary to many clustered together; flowers hypogynous, actinomorphic; pedicel with abscission zone. Staminate inflorescences not to distinctly branched, 10many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence to clustered at the tip; bracts triangular to rarely (broadly) ovate; branchlets 120 (in B. bracteata to 40)-flowered. Staminate flowers: sepals (3 or) 4 or 5(8), free to slightly fused at base; petals absent; disc absent; stamens 310, shorter than sepals, glabrous; anthers introrse, basifixed to dorsifixed, opening with a longitudinal apical slit; staminodes (or disc glands) sometimes present, 38; pistillode usually present, small. Pistillate inflorescences not branched, one- to many-flowered; bracts inserted on rachis to usually along pedicel, 1 or 3 per flower, triangular to ovate. Pistillate flowers: sepals 46 (or in B. papuana up to 9), caducous to persistent; petals absent; staminodes absent; disc absent; ovary cylindrical to globose, 24-locular, ovules 2 per locule, attached at apex of column, wings usually absent; stigmas not cleft to completely divided into 2 lobes; protuberances (see Fig. 1.9) often present. Fruits berries to late dehiscing fleshy capsules; raised glands often present; seeds 08, 02 per locule, ellipsoid but laterally flattened; arillode enclosing seed totally; cotyledons flat, rarely folded.
Distribution Forty-three species in India, SE Asia and the Pacific.
Habitat & Ecology Primary to secondary rain forest or freshwater swamp forest. Soil: sand to clay to loam. Altitude: sea level up to 1600(1800) m, usually in lowland. Flowering and fruiting throughout the year.
Uses Arillode of all and pericarp of some species edible, sour to sweet.
Baccaurea angulata Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 148; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 35; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 46; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 96, Fig. 3.5, Map 3.1, Photo 1. Type: Elmer 21842 (holo A; iso B, DS, G, L, U), Borneo, Sabah, Tawau.
Tree 621 m high, dbh 9.640 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets glabrous; young shoots pale straw when fresh, green-grey to blackish when dry; Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark grey-brown to red-brown to green when fresh, grey when dry, smooth to rough, flaky, soft to hard, corky; inner bark yellow to reddish to green, 0.64 mm thick. Heartwood brown. Leaves: petiole 20125 mm long, glabrous, brown to grey to greenish when dry, raised glands usually present; stipules 411 by 25 mm, glabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina elliptic to obovate, 1239 by 413.6 cm, l/w ratio 24.4, thick leathery; base cuneate to attenuate (rounded); apex acuminate to cuspidate to rarely obtuse, (0)322 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands absent, usually not granulate, dull to glossy dark green when fresh, grey to green to rarely brown when dry; lower surface glabrous, sometimes subglabrous at midrib, discoid glands absent, pale green with whitish midrib below when fresh, grey to green to rarely brown when dry; secondary veins 916 per side, closed at margin; nervation reticulate, not clearly visible. Staminate inflorescences cauline, few clustered together, 0.523 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, sparsely hairy, branching minute, up to 50-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence, yellow; bracts 1 per branchlet, 11.5 mm long, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; bracteoles c. 0.5 mm long, 2 per cymule; cymules cylindrical, c. 0.5 mm long, densely hairy, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 22.6 mm diam.; pedicel 24 mm long, upper part 1.22.5 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, obovate, 1.11.4 by 0.60.7 mm, apex slightly recurved, outside and inside densely hairy; staminodes 6; stamens 6, 0.60.8 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.50.7 mm long, straight; anthers 0.10.2 by 0.20.25 by c. 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode obtriangular, c. 0.3 mm high, densely hairy, hollow. Pistillate inflorescences cauline to ramiflorous, solitary or up to 7 clustered together, 425 cm long, 13 mm thick, subglabrous to densely hairy, 8many-flowered, red; pedicel 2.55.5 mm long, upper part thickened, 0.51 mm long, sparsely to densely hairy; bracts 3 per flower, sparsely to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 410 mm diam., pale yellow to cream yellow to greenish; sepals 5 (or 6), elliptic, (3.5)811 by 12 mm, outside and inside densely hairy, persistent to caducous; ovary urn-shaped, 36 by 1.53 mm, 3-locular, densely hairy, wings 6; style absent; stigmas 0.71.5 mm long, cleft for upper 020(50)%, persistent to rarely caducous; lobes 0.71.5 by 0.71.5 mm, glabrous to subglabrous above, glabrous to densely hairy below, protuberances above and below. Fruits obovoid, star-shaped in cross section, 13-seeded berries, 3052 by 1026 by 1026 mm when dry, c. 50 by 26 mm when fresh, raised glands present, sparsely hairy outside, glabrous to subglabrous inside, red to purple to pink to red-brown; pericarp 12 mm thick, ruminate when dry; column 2225 mm long, straight; pedicel 48 mm long, upper part 0.51 mm long. Seeds globose to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 1623 by 716 by 49.5 mm; arillode white; testa cream to greenish; cotyledons often folded, 812.5 by 611 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle 1.23 mm long; endosperm c. 1.5 mm thick.
Distribution Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary rain forest, riverine and non-riverine forest. Soil: sandstone or laterite. Altitude: 0800 m. Flowering: May, June, August, October, November; fruiting: throughout the year.
Uses Pericarp and arillode edible, sour to sweet.
Vernacular names Borneo (Kalimantan): Asem ketiak, pidau, umbing, umbung. Sarawak: Uchong, ujung (Iban). Brunei: Embaling bobou (Dusun); belimbing hutan. Sabah: Embaling (Dusun), belimbing uchong, pelawak, popotong, tampoi hutan.
Baccaurea bracteata Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 466; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 372; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Merr., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. (1921) 330; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 65; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 246; Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 145; Pax & K.Hoffm., Mitt. Staatsinst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 7 (1931) 233; Corner, Wayside Trees Mal. 1 (1940) 239; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 36; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1972) 219; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 76; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 46; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 260; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 69; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 99, Fig. 3.6, Map 3.3; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 109; plate IV: 1. Type: Wallich 7834 (holo K; iso G), Singapore and Penang (both are mentioned on specimen label).
Baccaurea crassifolia J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 3, 1 (1920) 394; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 66; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 46; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 260. Type: Hallier 2158 (holo L; iso BO, K), Borneo, Soengei Kenepai.
Treelet or tree 225 m high, dbh 440 cm, buttresses sometimes present, up to 1 m high, c. 13 cm thick, stilt roots rarely present, bole rarely fluted; branchlets glabrous to densely hairy, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple and stellate hairs. Bark brown to grey to pink to red to yellow when fresh, (dark to red-)brown to blackish when dry, 0.251 mm thick, usually smooth, hard, flaking in rectangular flakes of c. 10 by 2 mm; inner bark red to pale yellow to (red)-brown to green to pink, 0.258 mm thick, hard to soft. Heartwood pink to brown. Leaves: petiole 865(87) mm long, subglabrous to densely hairy, simple hairs longer than those of the stellate tufts, transverse cracks often present, (pink)brown when fresh, black to red brown when dry, raised glands usually absent; stipules triangular, 26 by 12.5 mm, subglabrous to velutinous outside, glabrous to subglabrous inside, rarely densely hairy, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina ovate to elliptic (to obovate), 3.521 by 1.79.8 cm, l/w ratio 1.43.4, papery to subleathery; base truncate to attenuate; marginal glands sometimes slightly visible as small indentations; apex obtuse to cuspidate, up to 20 mm long; upper surface glabrous to subglabrous, small raised glands present, granulate, white green to dark green when fresh, pale to dark green-brown when dry; lower surface sparsely hairy to rarely densely hairy, sparsely hairy to velutinous on the midrib (to subglabrous), stellate hair-tufts at base with a conspicuous black gland, discoid glands usually present, placed in rows to scattered, raised glands sometimes present, bigger, white to pale green below when fresh, (pale) green-brown below when dry; nervation whitish to black-brown above when dry, blackish brown below, often sunken above; secondary veins 38 per side, not to almost closed at margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary to 3 clustered together, 0.516 cm long, 0.51.2 mm thick, sparsely hairy to velutinous, branched, c. 10100-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence, red; sometimes leaf-like bracts present; bracts 1 per branchlet, (broadly) ovate to triangular, conspicuous, 26 mm long, caducous to persistent, margin ciliate, sometimes hyaline, densely hairy to rarely subglabrous outside, glabrous inside, red to pale green; bracteoles c. 6, 15 mm long; branchlets cylindrical, 215 mm long, densely hairy, (3- or) 417(40-)flowered. Staminate flowers 1.52.9 mm diam., caducous at the moment of opening; pedicel 0.31.2 mm long, upper part c. 0.11.1 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 12.2 by 0.61.5 mm, apex recurved, densely hairy outside and inside, white to yellow to green to pink to red to brown when fresh; stamens 4 or 5, 0.250.5 mm long, glabrous, yellow; filaments 0.050.3 mm long, straight; anthers 0.10.25 by 0.150.2 by c. 0.1 mm, light yellow to reddish; disc absent; pistillode usually present, cylindrical to globose, up to 1 mm high, densely hairy, solid. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary, 16.5 cm long, in Borneo up to 16 cm long, c. 1.5 mm thick, sometimes branched, densely hairy, 530-flowered; pedicel 15 mm long, upper part 0.52 mm long, densely hairy, raised glands often present; bracts 16 per branchlet, (broadly) ovate, velutinous outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, persistent to caducous; rachis pink to brown-red to yellow-brown-green. Pistillate flowers 412 mm diam., yellowish to greenish to (red)brown; sepals 4 or 5 (or 6), ovate to elliptic, 3.511 by 0.93.5 mm, outside and inside densely hairy, caducous to persistent; staminodes rarely present; ovary cylindrical to globose, 24 by 1.53 mm, 2- or 3-locular, velutinous, wings absent (to 6), brown-yellow; style 01.6 by 0.51 mm, velutinous, pale yellow green; stigmas 0.92.5 mm long, cleft for upper 7090%, persistent to caducous; lobes 0.81.8 by 0.20.5 mm, glabrous to subglabrous, protuberances small above, below densely hairy, protuberances strong. Fruits globose to triangular, 36-seeded, fleshy capsules, 1925 mm diam. when fresh, 10.523 by 1425 by 1425 mm when dry, only partly loculicidally dehiscent, raised glands usually present, subglabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous to sparsely hairy inside, septa subglabrous to sparsely hairy, red to orange-brown-green; pericarp 14.5 mm thick, often ruminate when dry; column 819.5 mm long, straight, persistent; pedicel 39 mm long, upper part 1.54.5 mm long, sometimes thickened. Seeds ovoid to obovoid, (6.2)710 by (4)4.56.5 by 34.8 mm; arillode (orange) yellow; testa white; cotyledons sometimes folded, 35 by (3)45.5 by 0.050.1 mm; radicle 0.51.5 mm long; endosperm 0.51 mm thick.
Distribution Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary or secondary rain forest, freshwater swamp, peat swamp, heath swamp, kerangas, rarely in mangrove forest. Altitude: sea level up to 390(900) m. Soil: usually white sand. Flowering and fruiting: throughout the year. Fruits eaten by birds.
Uses Sarawak: Shoots are used in making laminaang (= Dayak Kenya longhouse). Sabah: used for construction; arillode and pericarp edible, sour.
Vernacular names Thailand: Khao-rang. Sumatra: Berat mata, tampui kaka. Bangka: Kelempa. Borneo: Kapul pugi nentalon, pugi ranau (Dusun); tampoi paya (Brunei, Kedayan); puak, puak burong, pugi barong (Iban); depot kayu masam (Mili); kelibon (Murut); jemating, selantikan, tampoi hutan, tampoi-tampoi hutan, tampoi munyit, terai rapak.
Note See note B. simaloerensis.
Baccaurea brevipes Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 372; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 73; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 58; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 250; Corner, Wayside Trees Mal. 1 (1940) 239; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 36; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 66; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 47; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 260; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 69; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 102, Map 3.4; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 109, plate IV: 2. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Maingay KD 1366 (lecto K; isolecto L), Peninsular Malaysia.
Tree 310 m high, dbh 415 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets glabrous, densely hairy when young, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark brown to grey to cream to white to green when fresh, brown when dry; inner bark (orange-)brown to white. Leaves: petiole 1150 mm long, sparsely to densely hairy, usually not apically pulvinate, raised glands often absent; stipules 816 by 25 mm, glabrous on both sides, midrib velutinous outside, margin ciliate, not hyaline, caducous to late caducous; lamina elliptic to obovate, 1535 by 6.214.4 cm, l/w ratio 1.93, papery; base cuneate to rounded; apex cuspidate to acute to rarely rounded, (0)620 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands absent, not granulate, brown when dry; lower surface densely to sparsely hairy, discoid glands absent, brown when dry; secondary veins 1115 per side, sometimes closed at margin; nervation scalariform to somewhat reticulate. Staminate inflorescences ramiflorous to just below the leaves (to axillary), solitary to 8 clustered together, 817.5 cm long, up to 1.5 mm thick, velutinous, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 13 per branchlet, 1.56 mm long, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline, persistent; branchlets present to absent, cylindrical, 01 mm long, velutinous, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 1.53 mm diam., yellowish green; pedicel 1.72.2 mm long, upper part 0.71.1 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 36, obovate or different in shape, 0.52 by 0.51.4 mm, apex recurved, densely hairy outside and inside; stamens 5, 0.51 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.30.9 mm long, geniculate; anthers 0.10.2 by 0.10.2 by 0.10.3 mm; disc present to absent; pistillode obtriangular to globose, 0.41.1 mm high, densely hairy to velutinous, solid. Pistillate inflorescences cauline (to ramiflorous to axillary), solitary to 3-clustered together, 1222.5 cm long, 0.73 mm thick, densely hairy, many-flowered; rachis pink; pedicel 04.5 mm long, upper part 01.2 mm long, velutinous; bracts 3 per branchlet, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, ciliate, persistent. Pistillate flowers 57 mm diam.; sepals 4, obovate to elliptic, 5.66.5 by 1.53.5 mm, densely hairy, caducous to persistent; ovary globose, 2.22.6 by 2.23 mm, 2- or 3-locular, velutinous; style c. 0.2 by 1 mm wide, velutinous; stigmas c. 1 mm long, persistent. Fruits globose, 13-seeded, fleshy capsules to berries, 1420 by 1018.5 by 1017 mm, not dehiscing to rarely splitting, raised glands present, glabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, white to red to pink; pericarp 0.51.5 mm thick; column 1517 mm long, straight, persistent; pedicel 15 mm long, upper part 0.11 mm long. Seeds ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 813 by 68 by 3.15 mm; arillode blue to violet to rarely red; testa brown; cotyledons 57 by 67 by < 0.1 mm; radicle c. 1 mm long.
Distribution Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, NW Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary rain forest, and seasonal swamp forest. Altitude: 20700 m. Soil: sand, clay or granite. Flowering: December to April; fruiting: May, July to November.
Uses Locally grown for fruits.
Vernacular names Peninsular Malaysia: Rambai, rambai hutan.
Baccaurea carinata Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 103, Map 3. Typus: Hoogland & Craven 10350 (holo L), Papua New Guinea, East Sepik Province, Ambunti subdistrict, near Melawei.
Shrub to tree 7.510.5 m high; branchlets glabrous, densely hairy when young, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark grey-brown when fresh, flaky; inner bark white, c. 2.5 mm thick. Leaves: petiole 2159 mm long, glabrous to sparsely (to densely) hairy, transverse cracks usually absent, (dark to red-)brown when dry, raised glands absent to present; stipules 511.5 by 24.5 mm, glabrous outside, midrib glabrous to densely hairy, margin ciliate, hyaline or not; lamina ovate to obovate, 1529 by 9.315.3 cm, l/w ratio 1.82.0, papery to slightly leathery; base attenuate to cuneate; apex rounded to acute, up to 10 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands sometimes present, dark brown to greyish when dry; lower surface glabrous to subglabrous, midrib and secondary veins glabrous to densely hairy, raised glands present, discoid glands absent, (dark) brown when dry; nervation whitish to (light to dark) brown above when dry, (light to red) brown below when dry; secondary veins 1015 per side, not completely parallel, closed at margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform. Staminate inflorescences axillary to cauline, few clustered together, (4)717 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, densely hairy, subglabrous at base, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 3 per branchlet, 0.5(2) mm long, glabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; branchlets minute, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 1.51.8 mm diam., yellow; pedicel 1.51.8 mm long, upper part 0.81 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4, ovate, c. 1 mm long, apex straight, densely hairy outside and inside; stamens 69, c. 0.5 mm long, glabrous; filaments c. 0.3 mm long, straight; anthers c. 0.2 by 0.25 by 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode obtriangular, c. 0.5 mm high, densely hairy, solid. Pistillate inflorescences cauline, many clustered together; bracts 3 per branchlet. Pistillate flowers: sepals caducous; ovary 3-locular; stigmas persistent. Infructescences 813 cm long, 1.52.5 mm thick. Fruits ellipsoid, usually 5-seeded berries, c. 21 by 12 by 12 mm, slightly ruminate when dry, raised glands present, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, green with pink tinges; pericarp c. 1 mm thick; column c. 17 mm long, straight; pedicel 35 mm long, upper part 1.53.5 mm long.
Distribution Papua New Guinea (Prov.: E and W Sepik, Madang).
Habitat & Ecology Secondary rain forest, swamp forest. Altitude: 50100 m. Fruiting: August to September.
Uses Arillode edible.
Vernacular names New Guinea: Mapiok (Waskuk).
Note The species is named for its strongly and sharply raised midvein at the lower side of the lamina, which resembles a keel.
Baccaurea costulata (Miq.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 464; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1900) 281; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 68; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 63 (1925) 98; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 47; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 261; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 105, Map 3.6. Mappa costulata Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv. (1861) 459. Pierardia costulata (Miq.) Mόll.Arg., Flora 47 (1864) 469. Type: Teijsmann HB 3655 (holo U), Sumatra, Palembang, near Tubuan, Oga-ulu.
Tree up to 1030 m high, dbh up to 28 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets glabrous to sparsely hairy, densely hairy when young, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple and stellate hairs. Bark grey, flaky. Leaves: petiole 947 mm long, glabrous to densely hairy, transversal stripes sometimes present, brown when dry, raised glands absent; stipules 2.55.5 by 12.5 mm, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, base inside densely hairy, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina ovate to obovate, 6.119.6 by 2.37 cm, l/w ratio 22.7, papery to slightly leathery; base rounded to cuneate; apex obtuse to cuspidate, up to 21 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands absent, sometimes punctuate, (dark) brown to grey when dry; lower surface (sub)glabrous, densely hairy at secondary veins, discoid glands absent or present, if present in a row between two secondary veins, (light) brown when dry; secondary veins 58 per side, closed at margin or almost so; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform. Staminate inflorescences axillary to somewhat ramiflorous, solitary, 1.54 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 11.5 mm long, 1 per branchlet, margin ciliate, not hyaline, densely hairy outside, sparsely hairy inside, persistent; branchlets cylindrical, 1.53 mm long, densely hairy, 36-flowered. Staminate flowers 12.5 mm diam.; pedicel 11.5 mm long, upper part 0.51 mm, densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 11.7 by 0.61 mm, outside and inside densely hairy; disc absent; stamens 5, c. 0.3 mm long, glabrous; filaments c. 0.15 mm long, straight; anthers c. 0.15 by c. 0.3 by c. 0.15 mm; pistillode, cylindrical to globose, 1.11.2 mm high, densely hairy, solid. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to ramiflorous, solitary. Pistillate flowers: sepals 4 or 5, persistent; ovary 3-locular; stigmas sessile, bifid, persistent. Infructescences 0.83.7(13) cm long, 1.54 mm thick. Fruits 3- (or 4-)seeded, globose berries, 1930 by 2330 by 2330 mm, 50 mm diam. when fresh, glabrous to sparsely hairy outside, subglabrous to sparsely hairy inside, raised glands usually absent; pericarp 14.5 mm thick; column 1925 mm long, straight, persistent; pedicel 28 mm long, upper part 0.52 mm long. Seeds subglobose, laterally flattened, 1219 by 1116 by 38 mm; cotyledons c. 8.512.3 by 9.510.8 by 0.1 mm; radicle c. 1.5 mm long.
Distribution Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Altitude: up to 450 m. Flowering: unknown; fruiting: February, April, July, August.
Uses Arillode edible, with a bitter aftertaste.
Vernacular names Borneo: Kampul (Dayak).
Note In Baccaurea the vegetative parts of male and female plants usually closely resemble each other. This species, however, causes some interpretation problems, because the similarity between male and female is not 100%. The male type specimen is clearly different from all other material. Three fruiting specimens resemble this male specimen most (they do not fit into other species). The female flowering and fruiting specimens, that traditionally have been included here, are hesitantly accepted by me.
Baccaurea deflexa Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 462; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; J.J.Sm., Meded. Dept. Landb. Ned.-Indiλ 10 (1910) 248; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 69; Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 145; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1963) 454; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 37; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 47; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 108, Fig. 3.7, Map 3.8. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Zippelius s.n. (lecto L, sheet 903.154-568, barcode L 0050885), probably Java.
Treelet or tree 625 m high, dbh 1070 cm, buttresses rarely present, up to 1 m high; branchlets glabrous, densely hairy when young, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple and stellate hairs. Bark grey to brown reddish when fresh, brown when dry, up to 2 mm thick, smooth to rough, peeling off in strips of 510 mm long; inner bark red to brownish to yellowish. Heartwood reddish. Leaves: petiole 1750 mm long, subglabrous to densely hairy, raised glands absent; stipules 36 by 12.5 mm, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina ovate to obovate, 7.519.5 by 3.88.9 cm, l/w ratio 1.62.5, papery to slightly leathery; base acute to attenuate; marginal glands rarely as small indentations; apex acuminate to cuspidate, 414 mm long; upper surface glabrous, rarely granulate, brown to grey when dry; lower surface subglabrous to densely hairy, raised glands absent, few discoid glands sometimes present, (greyish) brown when dry; secondary veins (5 or) 68 (or 9) per side, closed at margin or almost so; nervation (weakly) scalariform, brown to white-brown when dry. Staminate inflorescences axillary to cauline, solitary to 4(many) clustered together, 15 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, branched, densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 0.51 mm long, 1 or 3 (then 2 rudimentary) per branchlet, densely hairy outside, glabrous (to densely hairy?) inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; branchlets cylindrical, 0.52.2 mm long, densely hairy, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 12.5 mm diam., sessile, green; sepals 3 or 4, ovate, 0.51.5 by 0.51.5 mm, apex slightly recurved, outside and inside densely hairy; stamens (4)6, 0.30.6 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.30.5 mm long, straight; anthers 0.10.15 by 0.10.3 by 0.10.15 mm; disc absent; pistillode absent to present, globose, up to 0.3 mm high, velutinous, solid. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to ramiflorous, 13 clustered together, 3.59 cm long, 0.41 mm thick, densely hairy, many-flowered, yellow; pedicel 12.5 mm long, upper part 0.52 mm long, geniculate (90Ί bent), densely hairy; bracts 1 or 3 (2 very small) per branchlet, densely to sparsely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 1.63.1 mm diam., yellow-green; sepals (4 or) 5 or 6, ovate to triangular, 12 by 0.41.5 mm, outside and inside densely hairy, caducous to rarely persistent; ovary globose to cylindrical, 1.22 by 11.5 mm, 2-locular, densely hairy; style absent; stigmas 0.30.6 mm long, cleft, caducous; lobes 0.30.6 by c. 0.2 mm, glabrous above and below. Infructescences 517 cm long, 12.5 mm thick. Fruits subglobose to ellipsoid, but laterally flattened, usually 1- (or 2-)seeded fleshy capsules, 912 by 615 by 314 mm, loculicidally and often also septicidally dehiscent, raised glands absent, subglabrous to densely hairy outside, velutinous inside; pericarp 0.52 mm thick; column 712 mm long, curved to straight, persistent; pedicel 26 mm long, upper part 13 mm long. Seeds subglobose, laterally flattened, 5.812 by 4.58 by 2.54 mm; cotyledons 2.54 by 35 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle c. 1 mm long; endosperm up to 1 mm thick.
Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo (the type is the only specimen from Java).
Habitat & Ecology Primary rain forest. Altitude: sea level up to 450 m. Soil: sand, clay. Flowering: May, July to November; fruiting: May, July to September, November.
Vernacular names Sumatra: Bergang gaya, birah mato, djatikau, djentikan betima, djentikan merah, merah matu, tampoei. Simeuluλ Island: Bolawah ontur, bolawah silai. Bangka: Kepris, ketjepat, masput, rankop, rankup. Borneo: Jelentikan (Kutai); keliwatn (Benuag/Tunjun); lubi, tampoi.
Notes Mόller Argoviensis (1866) already noted that this species is very similar to B. costulata. Airy Shaw (1975) regarded the two as conspecific, with no further explanation. In my opinion, however, the two species are rather different, and the confusion must have been due to incomplete data. The leaves of B. deflexa tend to be larger than those of B. costulata; the midrib (lower surface) usually densely hairy, compared with usually sparsely hairy; the staminate inflorescences less lax, always densely hairy (often sparsely hairy in B. costulata), bracts 0.51 mm long, compared with 12.5 mm long; stamens (4)6, compared with 4 or 5, 0.30.6 mm long, in contrary to 0.20.3 mm long. These differences together with the different appearance of both species in the herbarium material (B. deflexa dark brown, B. costulata more glossy, greyish brown) have me led to conclude that B. deflexa and B. costulata are not conspecific. I omitted the pistillate inflorescences and infructescences from the discussion because of insufficient knowledge of these characters in B. costulata (see note under B. costulata).
Baccaurea dolichobotrys Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 147; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 47; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 110, Map 3.9. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Elmer 21676 (lecto L; isolecto DS, GH, K, US), Borneo, Sabah, Tawau.
Tree 1224 m high, dbh c. 29 cm, buttresses small; branchlets subglabrous to sparsely hairy; young shoots blackish when dry, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple and stellate hairs. Bark red-brown to dark reddish when fresh, brown when dry, scaly with cracks of 2 mm long; inner bark red-brown, c. 6 mm thick. Leaves: petiole 35131 mm long, (sub)glabrous, dark brown to blackish when dry, raised glands usually absent; stipules 46 by c. 3 mm, densely hairy to velutinous outside, subglabrous to sparsely hairy inside, usually margin not ciliate, not hyaline; lamina ovate, (8.8)1030.3 by (5.7)6.216.5 cm, l/w ratio 1.42.2, papery; base rounded to cordate; apex obtuse to acute, 215 mm long; upper surface glabrous, secondary veins glabrous to sparsely hairy, sometimes granulate; lower surface subglabrous to sparsely hairy, tuft of hairs present in nerve-axils, raised glands absent or present, discoid glands absent or present; secondary veins 1012 per side, closed at margin; nervation scalariform. Staminate inflorescences unknown. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous to cauline. Pistillate flowers mainly unknown; sepals persistent to rarely caducous; ovary 3-locular, stigmas persistent. Infructescences 1440 cm long, 1.72.5 mm thick. Fruits globose, usually 1- (or 2-)seeded, fleshy capsules, (9.5) 1013 by 1010.5 by 1013.5 mm, loculicidally dehiscent, raised glands often present, subglabrous to sparsely hairy outside, sparsely to densely hairy inside, yellow to orange-brown; pericarp 0.10.3 mm thick; column 912 mm long, curved to straight, persistent; pedicel 4.59 mm long, upper part 25 mm long. Seeds globose, laterally flattened, 5.37.3 by 57.2 by 23 mm; arillode red to orange; testa pale brown; cotyledons 4.26.3 by 56.5 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle 0.31 mm long; endosperm 0.31.5 mm thick.
Distribution Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Riverine rain forest. Altitude: 0700 m. Soil: yellow sand, loam. Fruiting: February, July, October.
Uses Arillode edible.
Vernacular names Sarawak: Buah jelentik (Iban).
Note Airy Shaw synonymised B. dolichobotrys with B. hookeri (= B. polyneura). Baccaurea dolichobotrys is in my opinion clearly different from B. polyneura. The indument on the branches is sparsely hairy in B. dolichobotrys, whereas B. polyneura is densely hairy (B. dolichobotrys is in general less hairy than B. polyneura); the petioles and leaves are on average longer in B. dolichobotrys; the fruits are 1010.5 mm diam., compared with 1226 in B. polyneura. Other characters (such as colour of the leaves when dry) differ in range but usually overlap.
Baccaurea dulcis (Jack) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 460; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Koord., Exkurs. Fl. Java 2 (1912) 481; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 73; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 51; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 63 (1925) 98; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1963) 454; Soejarto, Bot. Mus. Leafl. (1965) 82; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 37; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 261; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 112, Map 3.10. Pierardia dulcis Jack, Trans. Linn. Soc. 14 (1823) 120; Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 5 (1846) 367; Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 2, 1 (1859) 358; Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv. (1861) 441; Baill., Adansonia 3 (1863) 140. Type: Jack s.n. (holo K), Sumatra, male flowering specimen.
Baccaurea suvrae Chakrab. & M.Gangop., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 18 (1994) 423. Type: Forbes 3017 (holo CAL; iso L), Sumatra, Palembang, R. Rawas, Soeroelangoen.
Tree 330 m high, dbh 430 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets (sub)glabrous, hollow; young shoots (pale) red-brown to (pale) brown to grey when dry, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark whitish-brown when fresh, grey when dry, c. 1 mm thick, rough; inner bark white, 23 mm thick. Leaves: petiole 868 mm long, glabrous to subglabrous, brown to red-brown when dry, raised glands usually present; stipules 615 by 2.56 mm, glabrous outside, but often densely hairy at base, glabrous to densely hairy at midrib, inside glabrous, margin not ciliate, not hyaline; lamina obovate, 7.830 by 3.711.6 cm, l/w ratio 1.53.3, papery to slightly leathery; base acute to attenuate; apex obtuse to acuminate, up to 11 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands usually present, usually granulate, brown to reddish to grey to green when dry; lower surface glabrous, often subglabrous at midrib, discoid glands absent, brown to reddish to grey to green when dry; secondary veins 512 per side, closed at margin; nervation reticulate. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary to few clustered together, 0.310 cm long, 0.51 mm thick, (glabrous to) subglabrous to densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 1 per branchlet, 12 mm long, (sub)glabrous outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, (not) hyaline; bracteoles 02, up to 0.3 mm long, sparsely hairy outside, glabrous inside; branchlets absent to cylindrical, 03 mm long, densely hairy, (2- or) 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 24.5 mm diam.; pedicel 13.8 mm long, upper part 0.51.5 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4, ovate, 1.23.5 by 0.51.6 mm, apex (slightly) recurved, outside and inside densely hairy; staminodes 68; stamens 68, 0.40.9 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.40.7 mm long, usually geniculate; anthers 0.10.15 by 0.150.2 by c. 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode absent to obtriangular, up to 1 mm high, densely hairy, hollow. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to ramiflorous (to cauline), solitary to few-clustered together, 2.512 cm long, 12.5 mm thick, (sub)glabrous, 830-flowered; pedicel, 2.510 mm long, upper part 0.34.2 mm, subglabrous to densely hairy; bracts inserted on rachis and pedicel, 3 per branchlet, (sub)glabrous outside, glabrous inside, ciliate. Pistillate flowers 510 mm diam., yellow; sepals 4 or 5, elliptic, 311 by 1.74.5 mm, sparsely to densely hairy outside, densely hairy inside, caducous, whitish when dry; ovary globose, 1.52.7 by 1.52.7 mm, 3-locular, (sub)glabrous; style absent; stigmas 0.40.8 mm long, not cleft to 90%, usually persistent; lobes 0.20.8 by 0.31 mm, glabrous and ruminate above and below. Fruits globose, 13-seeded berries, 2435 by 1126 by 1126 mm when dry, raised glands present, ruminate when dry, (sub)glabrous outside, glabrous inside, yellow; pericarp 1.511 mm thick; column 2124 mm long, straight; pedicel 817.5 mm long, upper part c. 1 mm long. Seeds globose to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, (10.6)12.518 by (9)1012.5 by 35 mm; arillode purple; cotyledons 710.5 by 5.511.5 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle 1.52 mm long; endosperm c. 1 mm thick.
Distribution Sumatra, W Java.
Habitat & Ecology Primary rain forest, and cultivated. Altitude: 90700 m. Flowering: June, August, October; fruiting: May, June, September, November, December.
Uses Fruits sweet to sour.
Vernacular names Sumatra: Kapunduang (Minang); cupak, kaloe, ketoepa, menteng negri, toepa. Simeuluλ Island: Pranggo.
Baccaurea edulis Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 149; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 36; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 47; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 113, Fig. 3.8; Map 3.11. Type: Elmer 21783 (holo A; iso DS, L), Borneo.
Tree 833 m high, dbh 560 cm, buttresses absent to up to 4 m high by 1 m wide, thin; branchlets glabrous, densely hairy when young, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple and stellate hairs. Bark pale to red-brown when fresh, brown when dry, c. 0.5 mm thick, smooth, hard to soft; inner bark light red to red-brown to yellow to pale brownish, 210 mm thick, soft, sometimes brittle. Heartwood red-brown. Leaves: petiole 1277 mm long, densely hairy, raised glands absent; stipules triangular to elliptic, 611 by 2.54.5 mm, sparsely to densely hairy outside, (sub)glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina usually elliptic, 8.329 by 3.211.8 cm, l/w ratio 2.33.8, papery; base rounded to cuneate; marginal glands often visible as small indentations; apex acute to cuspidate, 320 mm long; upper surface glabrous, midvein usually densely hairy, dark green when fresh, dark brown when dry; lower surface subglabrous to densely hairy, raised glands usually absent, discoid glands present, yellowish green when fresh, light brown (to green-brown) when dry; young leaves with yellowish brown indumentum; secondary veins (7 or) 810 per side, closed at margin; nervation reticulate, white (to light brown) above when dry. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary to few clustered together, 1.512.5 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, branched, densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts usually 1 per branchlet, spatulate, 14 mm long, densely hairy outside, (sub)glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; bracteoles absent; cymules variable in shape, 318-flowered, densely hairy. Staminate flowers 12.5 mm diam., yellowish green to yellow to white; pedicel 0.51.7 mm long, upper part 0.31.5 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, ovate to elliptic, 0.71.5 by 0.51 mm, apex recurved, outside and inside densely hairy; stamens (3 or) 4 or 5, 0.20.4 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.10.3 mm long, straight; anthers 0.10.2 by 0.150.2 by c. 0.1 mm, pale yellow; pistillode absent to present, globose, up to 0.2 mm high, densely hairy, solid. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous to cauline, 26 clustered together, 218 cm long, 11.5 mm thick, densely hairy, 1025-flowered, green; pedicel 37.8 mm long, upper part 0.51.5 mm long, densely hairy; bracts persistent, 1(3) per branchlet, subglabrous to sparsely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 37 mm diam., greenish yellow; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 23.5 by 12 mm, outside and inside densely hairy, persistent; ovary globose, 24 by 1.54 mm, 2-locular, densely hairy; style 12 by c. 1 mm, densely hairy; stigmas 12 mm long, cleft for upper 90%, caducous (to persistent); lobes 12 by c. 1 mm, glabrous above, densely hairy below. Infructescences 24 mm thick. Fruits globose, 24-seeded berries, 56 cm diam. when fresh, 2360 by 2360 by 2360 mm when dry, raised glands absent, glabrous outside, densely hairy when young, subglabrous to densely hairy inside, (orange-)brown to whitish to yellow; pericarp 410 mm thick; column 1925 mm long, straight; pedicel 514 mm long, upper part 16 mm long. Seeds globose to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 1320.5 by 821 by 28 mm; arillode white to yellow; cotyledons 1112 by 10.516 by 0.10.4 mm; radicle 11.5 mm long; endosperm 12 mm thick.
Distribution (Peninsular Malaysia), Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary rain forest, and swamp forest. Soil: sand. Altitude: up to 700 m. Flowering: March, June to August, October; fruiting: February, March to June, August, September.
Uses Arillode and seed-coat edible, sweet to sour, sold in local markets.
Vernacular names Borneo: Apor-apor (Bassap); pendal nyumbo, tampoi paya (Iban); pas, tampoi paya (Malay); boenjan, kapul, kapul putih, kelawatn petik, kepsoet awoet, kulibon, puak burong.
Baccaurea javanica (Blume) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 456; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; J.J.Sm., Meded. Dept. Landb. Ned.-Indiλ 10 (1910) 253; Koord., Exkurs. Fl. Java 2 (1912) 482; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 73; Merr., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. (1921) 331; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 50; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 63 (1925) 98; Holth. & H.J. Lam, Blumea 5 (1942) 200; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1963) 254; Soejarto, Bot. Mus. Leafl. 21 (1965) 96; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 37; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 65; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 48; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 263; 37 (1982) 8; Chakrab. & Rao, J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 5 (1984) 957; G.L. Webster, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 81 (1994) 51; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 116, Fig. 3.9, Map 3.12. Adenocrepis javanica Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 579; Baill., Ιtude Euphorb. (1858) 601; Adansonia 3 (1863) 134. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Blume s.n. (lecto L, sheet 903.154-589), Java, Tjanjor, Parang.
Hedycarpus javanicus Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 2 (1859) 359. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Hasskarl s.n. (lecto L, sheet 909.25-49, barcode L 0059164), Java.
Microsepala acuminata Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv. (1861) 444. Baccaurea acuminata (Miq.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 463; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Diepenhuis s.n. (lecto U, sheet -95/007-45), Sumatra, Priaman, Lubualang.
Baccaurea minutiflora Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 463; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; J.J.Sm., Meded. Dept. Landb. Ned.-Indiλ 10 (1910) 257; Koord., Exkurs. Fl. Java 2 (1912) 482; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 58; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1963) 455; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 260. Type: Zollinger 3048 (holo G), Java.
Baccaurea minahassae Koord., Meded. Lands Plantentuin 19 (1898) 625; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Koord., Syst. Verz. 3 (1914) 67; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 74. Type: Riedel s.n. (holo K), North Celebes, Gorontalo.
Baccaurea sanguinea J.J.Sm., Icon. Bogor. 4 (1910) 25, t. 319. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Bogor Botanical Garden: VIII.F.3a (lecto BO).
Aporosa dolichocarpa Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 98; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 63 (1925) 97; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 264. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Forbes 3159 (lecto L), Sumatra.
Baccaurea leucodermis Hook.f. ex Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 244; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 49. Syntypes: Kunstler s.n. (K, n.v.), Malakka, Perak, Kinta; Ridley s.n. (K, n.v.), Johore, Castlewood.
Shrub to tree 312 m high, dbh up to 30 cm, buttresses absent to up to 30 cm high, 10 cm long, c. 5 cm thick; branchlets glabrous, densely hairy when young, Terminalia branching pattern well-developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark (light) brown to pale grey to yellowish to white to silvery green, 12 mm thick, smooth, finely fissured; inner bark brown to yellow-brown, 24 mm thick, soft. Heartwood brown. Leaves: petiole 245 mm long, (sub)glabrous, sometimes with a tuft of short hairs at base, brown when dry; stipules 16 by 12 mm, densely hairy on both sides, margin ciliate, hyaline; lamina obovate (to ovate), 2.920 by 1.29.5 cm, l/w ratio 1.93.9, base cuneate; apex acuminate, up to 15 mm long; upper surface glabrous, sometimes granulate; raised glands sometimes present, (dark) green when fresh, yellowish green to brown when dry; lower surface glabrous, discoid glands rarely present, (dark) green when fresh, yellowish green to brown when dry; secondary veins 48 per side, ending open; nervation reticulate, red to brown when dry, slightly raised above; young leaves reddish brown when dry. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary to 4 clustered together, 1.514 cm long, 0.51 mm thick, subglabrous to sparsely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 1 per branchlet, 0.51.1 mm long, persistent, glabrous on both sides, densely hairy at base outside, margin ciliate, hyaline; bracteoles 0 or 2, up to 0.5 mm long; branchlets cylindrical, 02.1 mm long, glabrous to densely hairy, (1)3-flowered. Staminate flowers 1.73.7(5.5) mm diam., green to white to light yellow to brownish; pedicel 1.24.2 mm long, upper part 0.92.2 mm long, glabrous to densely hairy; sepals 4 (or 5), ovate, 1.14.2 by 0.52.3 mm, apex recurved, outside glabrous except one side at margin densely hairy, densely hairy inside, brown outside when dry, whitish inside when dry; staminodes absent or 47; stamens 47, 0.41 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.251 mm long, apically geniculate; anthers 0.10.4 by 0.10.2 by 0.10.2 mm; disc present, less than 0.1 mm thick; pistillode cylindrical, 0.31.1 mm long, densely hairy to velutinous. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves (to ramiflorous), solitary, up to 8.5 cm long, 1.21.4 mm thick, glabrous to sparsely hairy (to densely hairy), 117-flowered, brown to reddish brown when dry; pedicel 1.64 mm long, upper part 0.21.1 mm long, glabrous (to densely hairy); bracts 1 or 3 per branchlet, 0.70.8 by 0.70.8 mm, persistent, glabrous, margin ciliate; flowers up to 1 cm diam., green; sepals 4, ovate to lanceolate, 37.5 by 1.22.5 mm, outside glabrous, inside densely hairy, outside brown when dry, inside whitish when dry, caducous; ovary globose to cylindrical, 1.22.5 by 11.9 mm, 2-locular (2- or 3-locular in Borneo), pilose to velutinous, greenish-white; style absent or up to 0.1 mm; stigmas whitish, c. 0.5 mm diam., persistent, not lobed. Fruits globose to cylindrical, bivalved, 1- or 2(4-)seeded, fleshy capsules, 1017 by 711 by 711 mm, not to loculicidally dehiscing, glabrous outside and inside, pale to dark orange to yellow; pedicel 1.55 mm long, upper part 0.52.5 mm long; pericarp 0.11.5 mm thick; column 711 mm long, curved when 1-seeded, caducous. Seeds ellipsoid to slightly globose, but laterally flattened, 59 by 5.57.4 by 15 mm; arillode purplish blue to dark purplish to violet; testa red to purplish red; cotyledons 56 by 66.5 by 0.12.5 mm thick.
Distribution Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi (Talaud Island).
Habitat & Ecology Primary or secondary rain forest, or freshwater swamps. Altitude: sea level up to 1800 m. Flowering and fruiting: throughout the year.
Uses Arillode edible, sweet to sour.
Vernacular names Sumatra: Bosi, toepak rawang. Simeuluλ Island: Ahanang bala, ahalang bahok, ahanang bahok pajo, toeanang, toepa rawang. Java: Houtjit, hutjiet, huetjip, heuncit, heuntit. Borneo: Mata plantok (Tidong); sarakat. Bali: Kepinding.
Baccaurea lanceolata (Miq.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 457; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 368; Stapf, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 4 (1894) 224; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 280; Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 4 (1909) 277; J.J.Sm., Meded. Dept. Landb. Ned.-Indiλ 10 (1910) 247; Koord., Exkurs. Fl. Java 2 (1912) 481; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 73; Merr., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. (1921) 331; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 60; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Fl. Pl. 2 (1923) 411; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 248; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 63 (1925) 98; Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 150; Pax & K.Hoffm., Mitt. Staatsinst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 7 (1931) 233; M.R. Hend., J. Malayan Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. 17 (1939) 69; Corner, Wayside Trees Mal. 1 (1940) 240; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1963) 454; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 35; Airy Shaw, Kew. Bull. 26 (1972) 220; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 65; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 49; Fernando, Philipp. J. Biol. 8 (1979) 302; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 263; Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. (1983) 9; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 70; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 119, Fig. 3.10, Map 3.13, Photo 2, 3; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 110. Hedycarpus lanceolatus Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 2 (1859) 359. Adenocrepis lanceolatus (Miq.) Mόll.Arg., Linnaea 32 (1863) 82. Type: Zollinger 3265 (holo U; iso K), Java.
Pierardia pyrrhodasya Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste Bijv. (1861) 441. Baccaurea pyrrhodasya (Miq.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 462; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 65; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 265. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Junghuhn s.n. (lecto U, sheet 35998, the flowers only), Sumatra, Ankola.
Baccaurea glabriflora Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 59; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Fl. Pl. 2 (1923) 411; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 50. Type: Merril 853 (holo US; iso K), Philippines, Island of Paragua, San Antonio Bay.
Tree 330 m high, dbh 560 cm, buttresses absent; trunk gnarled; branchlets (sub)glabrous; young shoots green to grey-green to brownish when dry, Terminalia branching pattern usually weak. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark grey to pale brown to yellowish to whitish to greenish when fresh, grey when dry, 0.23 mm thick, smooth, scaly, sometimes peeling off, soft; inner bark pale brown to white to grey to yellowish, 23.5 mm thick. Heartwood yellowish to brownish. Leaves: petiole 16184 mm long, glabrous, apically and slightly basally pulvinate, green to grey to brown-green when dry, raised glands usually present; stipules (3)516 by 26 mm, caducous (to late caducous), glabrous outside and inside, midrib often densely hairy above, margin (not) ciliate, usually hyaline (in Peninsular Malaysia not hyaline); lamina ovate to obovate, 9.245 by 3.726.5 cm, l/w ratio 1.73.4, papery; base attenuate to rounded; apex acute to cuspidate, (0)320 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands present, sometimes granulate, glossy dark green when fresh, (grey to brown to) green when dry; lower surface glabrous, sometimes sparsely hairy at midrib, raised glands present, discoid glands absent, (dull pale) green when fresh, (grey to brown to) green when dry, nervation paler; secondary veins 613 per side, closed at margin to almost so; nervation reticulate. Staminate inflorescences cauline, many clustered together, 3.518 cm long, 0.11 mm thick, glabrous to sparsely hairy, branching minute, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence, yellow to pink to cream-white; bracts 1 per branchlet, 0.41.5 mm long, densely hairy outside, (sub)glabrous inside, margin ciliate, hyaline; bracteoles 0.10.5 mm long, 2 per branchlet, glabrous outside, (sub)glabrous inside; branchlets absent, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 27 mm diam., yellow to pink to purple to cream-white; pedicel 1.87 mm long, upper part 1.77 mm long, (sub)glabrous, densely hairy at base; sepals (3 or ) 4 or 5, obovate to spatulate, often variable in size and shape, 1.15.5 by 0.62.7 mm, apex slightly recurved or straight, glabrous outside (densely hairy in Peninsular Malaysia), sparsely to densely hairy inside; petals often present, 35, rudimentary; staminodes 35; stamens (3 or) 4 or 5, 0.40.6 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.10.3 mm long, straight; anthers 0.20.35 by 0.20.4 by 0.150.2 mm; disc absent; pistillode globose to cylindrical, 0.20.7 mm high, velutinous, solid. Pistillate inflorescences cauline, few clustered together, 833(50) cm long, 15 mm thick, subglabrous to sparsely hairy (glabrous in Peninsular Malaysia), 2025-flowered, yellowish brown to reddish; pedicel 0.84.5 mm long, thickened at abscission zone, upper part 0.11.5 mm long, subglabrous to densely hairy (glabrous in Peninsular Malaysia), pink; bracts 3 per branchlet, (sub)glabrous outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 3.510 mm diam., yellow to orange to purple to reddish cream to whitish; sepals 4 or 5, ovate to obovate, 16 by 0.93.2 mm, densely hairy outside, (sub)glabrous inside, caducous; petals 28, reduced; ovary globose, 1.53.2 by 1.53.2 mm, 3- or 4-locular, sparsely to densely hairy, wings usually absent, rarely 3 or 4 poorly developed, purple to green; style absent; stigmas 0.71 mm long, cleft for upper 1090%, reddish to ochre, persistent to caducous; lobes 0.71 by 0.20.6 mm, glabrous and ruminate above, glabrous to densely hairy below. Fruits globose to ellipsoid, 14-seeded berries, 2454 by 16.541 by 16.541 mm when dry, 38 by 60 mm when fresh, raised glands present, ruminate when dry, glabrous outside and inside, purple or green when young, green to yellow to whitish to greyish to brownish when mature; pericarp 110 mm thick; column c. 32 mm long; pedicel (1)2.517 mm long, upper part 0.511 mm long. Seeds ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 12.226 by 815 by 4.89 mm; arillode white to grey, translucent; testa yellow to whitish; cotyledons 1011.5 by 8.913 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle 12.2 mm long; endosperm 12 mm thick.
Distribution Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, N Java, Borneo, Palawan.
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary rain forest, on slopes and in riverine forest. Soil: sandy clay, loam. Altitude: sea level up to 1300 m, common in lowland. Flowering: March to December; fruiting: throughout the year.
Uses Against stomachache: the leaves are pounded in bamboo and mixed with water. Pericarp and arillode edible but sour and therefore eaten with sugar or salt. Rarely in cultivation in fruit gardens. Eaten with chicken rice.
Vernacular names Peninsular Malaysia: Asam pahong, asam pahung, asam paung, limpanong, pahu asam, pahu temuangi. Sumatra: Tegeiluk (Mentawai); kaloe goegoer, langsat hutan, lempaong, lempaoe-oeng, peng. Java: Lingsoe. Borneo: Limpasu (Banjarese; Bundu tuhan); ampusu (Bidayuh); asam pauh, empaong, lampaong, lampawong, lampong (Iban); buah lepasu, lipasu, nipassu (Dusun); kalampesu, lempahong (in Kalimantan); buah lipauh (Kelabit); kelepesoh (Kenyah); tampoy (Malay); buah lepesuh (Punan); empawang, lapahung, lempawong, paong.
Note The type specimen is a mixtum, the leaves are Terminalia sp.
Baccaurea macrocarpa (Miq.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 457; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 375; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 280; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 73; Pax & K.Hoffm., Engl. Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 49; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 35; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 50; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 263; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 121, Fig. 3.11, Map 3.14, Photo 4; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 70; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 111. Pierardia macrocarpa Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat., Eerste bijv. (1861) 441. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Teijsmann s.n. (lecto U, sheet -95/007-35||36001), Sumatra, Dapoei, Mangala, Lampongs.
Mappa borneensis Mόll.Arg., Flora 47 (1864) 468. Baccaurea borneensis (Mόll.Arg.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 460; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 280; Merr., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. (1921) 330; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 62; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. .Ser. 4 (1975) 50. Type: Motley 199 (holo K), Borneo, near Bandjarmassing.
Baccaurea griffithii Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 371; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 66; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 248; Merr., Pap. Michingan Acad. Sci. 20 (1935) 100; Corner, Wayside Trees Mal. 1 (1940) 240; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 66; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 50. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Kings Collector 3266 (lecto K), Malakka, Perak, Larut.
Treelet or tree 527 m high, dbh 664 cm; bole sometimes fluted, up to 5 m high; buttresses absent to low to small; branchlets glabrous; young shoots blackish, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple hairs and small stellate. Bark dark to pale (red) brown to grey to orange when fresh, greyish-brown when dry, hard, c. 0.1 mm thick, smooth; inner bark red-brown to pale brown to orange to red to pinkish white, soft, 2.53 mm thick. Leaves: petiole (10)22145 mm long, glabrous to sparsely hairy, brown to blackish when dry, raised glands usually present; stipules 29 by 15 mm, glabrous to tomentose outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina (ovate to) elliptic (to obovate), (7.2)937 by 3.117.5 cm, l/w ratio (1.1)1.62.8(3.5), leathery to papery; base attenuate to cuneate (to rounded); apex (obtuse to) acuminate to cuspidate, up to 20 mm long; upper surface glabrous, sometimes granulate, brown to greenish when dry, nervation brown to rarely whitish when dry; lower surface (sub)glabrous, mostly sparsely hairy on midrib and secondary veins, raised glands absent or present, discoid glands in a row between secondary veins, green with brown nervation when fresh, brown to greenish when dry; secondary veins 610(13) per side, not completely parallel, ending open at margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform; young leaves blackish brown when dry. Staminate inflorescences (axillary to) ramiflorous to cauline, solitary to few clustered together, 0.513 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, densely to sometimes sparsely hairy, usually branched, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 1 (or 3) per branchlet, 13 mm long, subglabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous to densely hairy inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; branchlets cylindrical, (0)12 mm long, densely hairy, 312-flowered. Staminate flowers 0.72 mm diam., green to yellow to white; pedicel 12 mm, upper part 0.11.5 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 5, elliptic, 0.71.5 by 0.40.7 mm, apex straight, outside and inside densely hairy; stamens 5 (or 6), 0.10.25 mm long, glabrous, yellowish; filaments 0.10.2 mm long, straight; anthers c. 0.1 by 0.15 by 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode globose to obtriangular, c. 0.5 mm high, densely hairy, sometimes hollow. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous to cauline, solitary to 3 clustered together, 3.518 cm by 23 mm thick, subglabrous to densely hairy, 8many-flowered; pedicel 37.5 mm long, upper part 0.40.5 mm long, geniculate or not, densely hairy, green; bracts 1 or 3 (then 1 big) per branchlet, sparsely to densely hairy outside, subglabrous to densely hairy inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 24.5 mm diam.; sepals 46, ovate, 1.52.8 by 11.3 mm, outside and inside densely hairy, persistent; ovary globose to cylindrical, c. 2 by 1.22 mm, 3- or 4-locular, tomentose; style 0.51.5 mm long, c. 1 mm wide, sparsely hairy; stigmas 0.51 mm long, cleft, persistent to caducous; lobes c. 1 by 0.4 mm, (sub)glabrous. Infructescences up to 15 cm long, 46 mm thick. Fruits (sub)globose, (2- or) 36-seeded, fleshy capsules, 3065 by 3475 by 3475 mm, up to 80 mm diam. when fresh, loculicidally (and also septicidally) dehiscent, (sub)glabrous outside, subglabrous to densely hairy inside, raised glands present, brown to yellow to orange to dull red to dark green; pericarp 411 mm thick; column 1632 mm long, straight, caducous; pedicel 730 mm long, upper part 520 mm long, thickened at abscission zone. Seeds globose to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, (to triangular), 1323 by 1118.5 by 47 mm; arillode white to yellow to sometimes orange; testa yellow to brown; cotyledons 915 by 919 by up to 1 mm; radicle 12.3 mm long; endosperm c. 1 mm thick.
Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, (Ambon, Irian Jaya).
Habitat & Ecology Primary rain forest, riverine rain forest and swamp forest, rarely also in secondary forest. Soil: granitic sand, sandy clay or red clay. Altitude: sea level up to 1600 m. Flowering and fruiting: throughout the year.
Uses Arillode edible, sweet to sour. Sold in markets and cultivated in gardens.
Vernacular names Peninsular Malaysia: Merkeh (Kelantan); ngeke (Malay); lara (Temuan); rambai, tampoi batang, tampoi, tampui. Sumatra: Tampoei daoen, tampoei benez. Bangka: Medang, tampui. Borneo: Pasin (Bassap Dyab); pegak (Dayak Tunjung); puak, tampoi (Iban); setai (Kenya); djentikan (Malay, Kutei); tampoi (Malay, Kedayan); buah setei, empak kapur, kapul, terai.
Baccaurea macrophylla (Mόll.Arg.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 460; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 369; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 74; Merr., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. (1921) 331; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 62; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 247; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 63 (1925) 98; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1972) 220; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 66; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 51; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 263; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 124, Map 3.15; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 71; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 112. Pierardia macrophylla Mόll.Arg., Flora 47 (1864) 516. Type: Anonymous (Hb Hook.f.; holo K), Malakka, Puolo-Penang.
Baccaurea beccariana Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 62; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1972) 220. Type: Beccari PB 3249 [holo FI (?, n.v.); iso G, K], Borneo. The type is to be expected in FI but could not be found.
Tree 827 m high, dbh 1463 cm; buttresses absent or small; bole sometimes fluted; branchlets glabrous, sparsely hairy when young; young shoots brown when fresh, brown to blackish when dry, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of stellate hairs. Bark grey to dark red to red-brown when fresh, grey when dry, smooth, flaky; inner bark pale red to pinkish, thick, brittle, soft with sticky sap. Heartwood dark red-brown. Leaves: petiole 3088 mm long, subglabrous to sparsely hairy, raised glands absent or present; stipules 211 by 311.5 mm, caducous (to late caducous), (glabrous to) subglabrous to sparsely (to densely) hairy outside, midrib sparsely to densely hairy, (sub)glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not to slightly hyaline; lamina (ovate to) elliptic (to obovate), 9.633 by 4.514.4 cm, l/w ratio 1.92.3(2.9), papery; base rounded to cuneate; marginal glands not to slightly visible as indentation marks; apex acute, 210 mm long; upper surface glabrous, not granulate, dark brown when dry; lower surface glabrous to sparsely hairy, raised glands absent or present, discoid glands present below in a row between two secondary veins; brown when dry; secondary veins 613 per side, usually ending open at margin; nervation reticulate; young leaves yellowish green. Staminate inflorescences axillary to ramiflorous, solitary to few clustered together, 2.58.6 cm long, 0.51 mm thick, densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers clustered at the tip of inflorescence; bracts 1 per branchlet, 1.52.5 mm long, sparsely (to densely) hairy outside, (sub)glabrous inside, margin ciliate, usually not hyaline; bracteoles 2 per branchlet, 0.20.7 mm long; branchlets cylindrical, 0.73 mm long, densely hairy, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 0.71.5 mm diam., green to yellow; pedicel 00.7 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 0.40.9 by 0.40.6 mm, outside and inside densely hairy; staminodes absent to 4; stamens 4 or 5, 0.20.7 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.10.7 mm long, straight; anthers 0.10.2 by 0.20.3 by c. 0.1 mm, yellow; disc absent; pistillode globose to cylindrical, 0.30.6 mm high, densely hairy, solid. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous, few clustered together, (4)1225 cm long, 11.5 mm thick, densely hairy to velutinous, few to many-flowered, green; pedicel 25 mm long, upper part c. 0.2 mm long, geniculate (90° bent), densely hairy; bracts 3 per branchlet, sparsely to densely hairy outside. Pistillate flowers 24 mm diam., green when fresh; sepals 4, lanceolate, c. 1.5 by 11.5 mm, outside and inside densely hairy, caducous (to persistent); ovary globose, 1.52 by 11.5 mm, (2- or) 3-locular, velutinous; stigmas sessile, c. 0.7 mm long, apically not lobed, glabrous, persistent. Infructescences up to 25 cm long. Fruits globose, 2- or 3-seeded, fleshy capsules, 1016 by 9.515 by 9.515 mm, loculicidally dehiscent to irregularly splitting, ruminate when dry, raised glands present, (sub)glabrous outside, septa glabrous to densely hairy, usually green to sometimes light yellow to whitish violet to reddish to brown; pericarp 0.51.5 mm thick; column 1014.5 mm long, straight; pedicel 3.514 mm long, upper part 0.37 mm long. Seeds globose, laterally flattened, 812.5 by 7.511 by 24 mm; arillode translucent; cotyledons 58.4 by 710 by 0.12 mm; radicle 01.3 mm long; endosperm cream.
Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, (Moluccas).
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary rain forest, and peat swamp forest. Altitude: sea level up to 650 m. Flowering: February to July, October, November; fruiting: March, June to October.
Uses Arillode edible, sweet to sour.
Vernacular names Peninsular Malaysia: Ampai ka, tampoi, tik. Sumatra: Rambai, rambaiklih lanang. Borneo: Jelenteh (Iban); keliw.
Baccaurea maingayi Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 370; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 63; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 246; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 65; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 51; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 126, Map 3.16. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Maingay KD 1415 (lecto K; isolecto L), Peninsular Malaysia.
Tree 1022 m high, dbh 1632 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets densely hairy, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple and stellate hairs. Bark red to brown when fresh, thin; inner bark red to pink. Leaves: petiole 31120 mm long, glabrous to densely hairy, brown to black when dry, raised glands absent; stipules elliptic to ovate, 37.5 by 1.52.8 mm, velutinous outside, glabrous to rarely sparsely hairy inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina elliptic to ovate, 819.5 by 3.810.2 cm, l/w ratio 1.62.9, papery; base rounded to cordate to attenuate; apex cuspidate, 017 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands normally present, often granulate, green to brown when dry; lower surface densely hairy, raised glands, normally present, absent, discoid glands absent to present, brown to green-brown when dry; secondary veins 811 per side, closed at margin; nervation scalariform; young leaves black when dry. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves (to ramiflorous), solitary to 3 clustered together, 0.75 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, densely hairy to velutinous, 14many-flowered, flowers clustered at the tip of inflorescence rarely somewhat scattered; branchlets cylindrical, 1.53 mm long, densely hairy to velutinous, 2-flowered; bracts absent. Staminate flowers 11.3 mm diam.; pedicel 01 mm long; sepals 4, ovate or variable in shape, 0.50.9 by 0.30.8 mm, straight, velutinous outside and inside; stamens 4, 0.20.5 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.10.4 mm long, geniculate to straight; anthers c. 0.1 by 0.2 by 0.1 mm; pistillode absent. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous, solitary, c. 8.5 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, densely hairy to velutinous, 920-flowered; pedicel 33.5 mm long, upper part c. 0.5 mm long, geniculate (90° bent), densely hairy; bracts 3 per branchlet, densely hairy outside and inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 23 mm diam.; sepals 6, ovate, 1.83 by 0.91.4 mm, velutinous outside and inside, persistent; ovary globose, c. 1.3 by 1.3 mm, 3-locular, velutinous; style absent; stigmas small, persistent. Infructescences 619(45) cm long, 13 mm thick. Fruits globose, 02-seeded, fleshy capsules, 1020 by 1422 by 1320 mm, often loculicidally dehiscent, raised glands sometimes present, velutinous outside, densely hairy to velutinous inside, green to orange; pericarp c. 1 mm thick; column 915 mm long, curved to straight, caducous to persistent; pedicel 7.513 mm long, upper part 2.55 mm long. Seeds ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 816 by 714 by 24 mm; arillode amber; cotyledons 6.57.2 by 67 by < 0.1 mm.
Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Simeuluλ Island, Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary rain forest and peat swamp forest. Altitude: 80500 m. Flowering: April, May, October; fruiting: March to August, December.
Uses Arillode edible, sweet.
Baccaurea microcarpa (Airy Shaw) Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 127, Fig. 3.12, Map 3.17. Baccaurea nesophila Airy Shaw var. microcarpa Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 33 (1979) 530. Type: Brass 27290 (holo K; iso L, US), Papua New Guinea, Fergusson Island, Agamoia.
Tree c. 10 m high, dbh 2530 cm; branchlets densely hairy when young, blackish when dry, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Leaves: petiole 1126 mm long, densely hairy when young, sometimes longitudinal cracks present, raised glands absent; stipules c. 2.8 by 1.4 mm, densely hairy outside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina obovate, 5.211.8 by c. 24.9 cm, l/w ratio 2.42.6, papery; base attenuate to cuneate; apex obtuse to acute, up to 5 mm long; upper surface glabrous to subglabrous, raised glands absent, granulate, greenish brown when dry, nervation reddish brown, sometimes slightly sunken; lower surface subglabrous, sparsely hairy at veins, small raised glands present, discoid glands absent to present, reddish brown when dry; secondary veins 57 per side, closed at margin; nervation reticulate, brown. Staminate inflorescences unknown. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary, densely hairy, few to c. 20-flowered. Pistillate flowers: sepals caducous; ovary 2-locular; stigmas persistent. Infructescences 37 cm long, c. 1 mm thick. Fruits globose, 1- or 2-seeded, fleshy capsules, 910.5 by c. 10 by 10 mm, dehiscing irregularly, raised glands present, sparsely hairy outside, glabrous inside, green; pericarp c. 0.5 mm thick; pedicel 2.23.5 mm long, upper part 12 mm long. Seeds globose, laterally flattened, c. 6.5 by 7.5 by 4 mm; cotyledons c. 4.5 by 6 by 0.1 mm; radicle c. 1 mm long; endosperm c. 1 mm thick.
Distribution Papua New Guinea: Fergusson Island.
Habitat & Ecology Altitude c. 200 m. Flowering: June.
Note Only known from the type specimen.
Baccaurea minor Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 370; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 64; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 245; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 16 (1963) 342; Soejarto, Bot. Mus. Leafl. 21 (1965) 71; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 37; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 66; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 51; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 264; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 129, Fig. 3.13, Map 3.18; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 71; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 112. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Kings Collector 10287 (lecto L; isolecto K), Malakka, Perak.
Aporosa billitonensis Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 97; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 16 (1963) 342. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Van Rossum 28 (holo B; lecto L; isolecto K), Billiton Isl.
Baccaurea pendula Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 152; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. (1975) 51. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Elmer 21508 (holo PNH; lecto L; isolecto DS, GH, K, US), Borneo, Tawau.
Tree 535 m high, dbh up to 870 cm; buttresses absent or present, up to 1 m high, 1 m long; branchlets subglabrous, Terminalia branching pattern well-developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark red-brown to brown or black, rarely greyish when fresh, brown to greyish brown when dry, up to 8 mm thick, smooth to rough, soft, flaking with small rectangular fibrous flakes, c. 1 cm wide, 67 mm thick; inner bark red to brown, up to 2.5 mm thick, fibrous. Leaves: petiole 735 mm long, glabrous, densely hairy when young, transverse cracks present; stipules lanceolate, 14 by 0.71.5 mm, densely hairy outside and inside, margin not ciliate, not hyaline; lamina ovate to obovate, 3.516.3 by 1.68.5 cm, l/w ratio 1.53.2(4.2), papery; base (rounded to) cuneate to attenuate; apex acuminate to cuspidate, 120 mm long; upper surface glabrous, granulate, brown to greenish brown to white when dry, nervation brown; lower surface glabrous, midrib rarely densely hairy, discoid glands 013, often between two secondary veins or in a row at 05 mm distance of the midrib, (whitish to greenish) brown when dry; secondary veins 48 per side, closed at c. 3 mm from the margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform, brown. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary to 3 clustered together, 15 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, densely hairy, 2560-flowered, flowers clustered at the tip of inflorescence; bracts 1 per branchlet, c. 4.5 mm long, caducous, sparsely to (densely) hairy outside, margin not ciliate; bracteoles 3 per branchlet, small; branchlets cylindrical to spatulate, 1.52 mm long, densely hairy, 1- or 2-flowered. Staminate flowers 0.82 mm diam., clustered at the tip of the branchlets, greenish yellow to yellow, rarely flushed pink; pedicel absent; sepals 4 (or 5), not uniform in shape, 0.31 by 0.31 mm, apex straight, densely hairy outside and inside; stamens 4 (or 5), 0.21 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.21 mm long, laterally flattened, straight; anthers 0.10.2 by 0.10.2 by c. 0.1 mm when dehisced; disc absent; pistillode sometimes present, globose, up to 0.5 mm high, densely hairy, solid. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous, solitary to 4 clustered together, 4.528 cm long, 12 mm thick, densely hairy except at base, 320-flowered; pedicel 22.5 mm long, abscission zone present, upper part 11.5 mm long, densely hairy, pale green; bracts 3 per branchlet, persistent, densely hairy outside and inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 38 mm diam.; sepals 4, ovate to obovate, each with a different size and shape, 2.24.5 by 12.2 mm, densely hairy at both sides, green when fresh, brown when dry, persistent; staminodes rarely present; ovary cylindrical, 1.53 by 1.22.6 mm, 3-locular, densely hairy; style 03 mm long, tomentose; stigmas 0.81.4 mm long, apically cleft for upper 90%, persistent; lobes 0.71.3 by 0.30.6 mm, glabrous above, hirsute below, with rather long whitish hairs. Fruits globose, 3-seeded, fleshy capsules, 814 by 1015 by 1015 mm, dehiscing septicidally and loculicidally, raised glands absent, densely hairy outside, velutinous inside, orange to ochre; pericarp 0.81.7 mm thick; column 913 mm long, usually persistent, straight; pedicel 37 mm long, upper part c. 1 mm long. Seeds almost globose but strongly laterally flattened, 5.99.5 by 5.48.3 by 0.10.3 mm, flat; seed-coat red; arillode dull, yellow to orange; cotyledons 46 by 58 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle up to 2.2 by 1 mm.
Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary, old secondary, or bamboo forest, on ridges or slopes. Soil: granite, yellow sand or yellow sandy loam. Altitude: sea level up to 1200 m. Flowering: March to September; fruiting: June to January.
Uses Used as timber in house construction. Arillode edible, sour-bitter.
Vernacular names Peninsular Malaysia: Jentek-jentek, kaum tampoi, tampoi, rambai, tinlek-tinlek. Sumatra: Petik. Borneo: Sintak-nyabor (Iban); ubah merah (Malay); bua sarotic, djentikan, obar nasi.
Baccaurea mollis Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 131, Fig. 3.14, Map 3. Type: S (Blicher, Rantai et al.) 60306 (holo L), Malaysia, Sarawak, Nanga Sebatu, Memgiong, Baleh.
Tree 916.5 m high, dbh 1419 cm, buttresses low if present; branchlets sparsely hairy to velutinous, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of stellate and simple hairs. Bark red-brown when fresh; inner bark red. Leaves: petiole (34)3890 mm long, velutinous, raised glands absent; stipules 10.517 by 2.54 mm, late caducous, velutinous outside and inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina ovate to elliptic (to obovate), (8.8)11.727.6 by (4.6)6.312.1 cm, l/w ratio 1.62.9, papery; base truncate to acute; marginal glands as identification marks; apex acuminate to cuspidate, 416 mm long; upper surface (sub)glabrous, not granulate, nervation sunken; lower surface densely hairy, midrib and secondary veins velutinous, raised glands few to absent, discoid glands often present; secondary veins (6)912 per side, closed at margin; nervation reticulate. Staminate inflorescences ramiflorous, solitary to few clustered together, 34 cm long, 0.61.5 mm thick, velutinous, branching minute, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 1 per branchlet, 1.22 mm long, densely hairy outside and inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; bracteoles absent; branchlets cylindrical, 0.51 mm long, densely hairy, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 11.5 mm diam., yellow-green; pedicel c. 0.1 mm long; sepals (3 or) 4 or 5, ovate, 0.61 by 0.61.2 mm, apex recurved, outside and inside densely hairy; staminodes absent or 4 or 5; stamens 4, c. 0.3 mm long, glabrous; filaments c. 0.15 mm long, straight; anthers c. 0.15 by 0.2 by 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode cylindrical, c. 0.4 mm high, densely hairy, solid. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous to cauline, solitary to 2 clustered together, 1.53 cm long, 1.53 mm thick, velutinous, more than 20-flowered; pedicel c. 2 mm long, upper part c. 1 mm, velutinous; bracts 3 per branchlet, velutinous outside and inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers c. 5 mm diam.; sepals 4 of which 2 adnate, ovate, c. 2 by 1.5 mm, outside and inside densely hairy, persistent; disc absent; ovary globose, c. 3 by 3.5 mm, 2-locular, velutinous; style 00.1 mm long, c. 1 mm wide, densely hairy; stigmas 1.21.5 mm long, cleft for upper c. 80%, usually persistent; lobes c. 1 by 1 mm, subglabrous above, densely hairy below, protuberances above and below. Infructescences 14.5 cm long, 36 mm thick. Fruits globose, 14-seeded berries, 2736 by 2638 by 2638 mm, raised glands usually absent, not ruminate, glabrous to sparsely hairy outside, subglabrous to sparsely hairy inside, light (yellow-)brown; pericarp (1)26 mm thick; column 2026.5 mm long, straight, persistent; pedicel 27 mm long, upper part 12 mm long. Seeds globose to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 1215 by 8.215 by 3.57 mm; arillode deep red; cotyledons 8.59.2 by 613 by 0.10.3 mm; radicle 11.5 mm long; endosperm 0.10.3 mm thick.
Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Rain forest. Altitude: 60550(1800) m. Flowering: March, April, July; fruiting: February, April, June, July, November.
Uses Arillode and pericarp edible, sweet-sour.
Vernacular names Borneo (Sarawak): buah telok kejira, buah pekan (Iban); lebek (Kayan); tampoi (Malay).
Note The species is named for its dense soft indumentum.
Baccaurea motleyana (Mόll.Arg.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 461; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 371; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 74; Merr., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. (1921) 331; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 53; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 250; Corner, Wayside Trees Mal. 1 (1940) 240; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1964) 454; Soejarto, Bot. Mus. Leafl. 21 (1965) 9, 10, 12, 73; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1972) 220; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 66; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 52; 8 (1980) 35; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 264; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 134, Fig. 3.15, Map 3.20, Photo 5, 6; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 71; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 113. Pierardia motleyana Mόll.Arg., Flora 47 (1864) 516. Type: Motley 773 (holo K), Borneo, near Banjarmasin.
Baccaurea pubescens Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 61; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 250. Type: Wawra 297a (holo W), Singapore.
Tree 820 m high, dbh 1350 cm, buttresses short; branchlets densely hairy, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark brown to red-brown to yellowish when fresh, thin, soft, scaly to flaky; inner bark cream, turning slightly reddish, hard. Leaves: petiole 2384 mm long, densely hairy to velutinous, brown-grey when dry, raised glands absent; stipules 510 by 1.53.5 mm, glabrous to sparsely hairy outside, glabrous inside, midrib velutinous outside, margin ciliate, hyaline or not; lamina elliptic to obovate, 13.537 by 5.215 cm, l/w ratio 1.92.5, papery: base rounded to usually narrowly cordate; apex acute cuspidate, (0)722 mm long; upper surface glabrous, not granulate, (dark) green when fresh, brown to green to grey when dry; lower surface densely hairy to sparsely hairy, midrib and secondary veins velutinous, raised glands absent, discoid glands absent, (dark) green when fresh, brown to green when dry; secondary veins 1017 per side, open at margin; nervation scalariform; young leaves black when dry. Staminate inflorescences cauline to axillary, solitary to 5 clustered together, 2.524 cm long, up to 1.5 mm thick, velutinous, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence, greenish yellow; bracts persistent, elliptic, 12.5 mm long, 3 per branchlet, glabrous outside and inside, densely hairy at base inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; bracteoles absent; branchlets absent to present, cylindrical, 03 mm long, densely hairy, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 23 mm diam., green to yellow; pedicel 1.62.3 mm long, upper part 0.61.6 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 0.71.4 by 0.51.4 mm, usually recurved, densely hairy outside and inside; stamens 510, 0.40.6 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.40.6 mm long, geniculate to straight; anthers c. 0.1 by 0.2 by 0.1 mm; disc present, c. 0.1 mm thick; pistillode obtriangular, 0.40.5 mm high, velutinous, hollow. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous to cauline, solitary to 5 clustered together, 1342 cm long, 12.5 mm thick, velutinous, more than 30-flowered, greenish yellow; pedicel 25.5 mm long, upper part 0.21 mm long, densely hairy to velutinous; bracts 3 per branchlet, persistent, velutinous outside, glabrous to densely hairy inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 410 mm diam., green to yellow; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 48 by 1.53.5 mm, densely hairy outside and inside, persistent; ovary globose, 1.62.6 by 1.72.9 mm, 3-locular, velutinous; style 00.4 by 0.81.2 mm wide, velutinous; stigmas 0.51 mm long, glabrous above and below, persistent. Fruits globose to ellipsoid, 3-seeded berries, 2245 by 1525 by c. 25 mm, raised glands present, glabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, greenish yellow to white; pericarp 0.51.5 mm thick; column 1823 mm long, straight, caducous; pedicel 410 mm long, upper part 12 mm long. Seeds ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 1320 by 914.5 by 2.54 mm; arillode translucent white to rarely purple; cotyledons 59 by 59 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle 23 mm long.
Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Halmahera.
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary rain forest, and rarely riparian forest, often cultivated. Soil: yellow clay, sand or limestone. Altitude: 15500 m. Flowering: January to May, August, October, November; fruiting: January, May, July to September, November, December.
Uses Locally grown for fruits: arillode edible, sour to sweet. Squeezed cambium and inner bark used as a remedy for sore eyes.
Vernacular names Peninsular Malaysia: Rambai. Sumatra: Rambai. Borneo: Pekan (Iban); rambai (Iban, Malay); ulup-lavai (Punan).
Baccaurea multiflora Burck ex J.J.Sm., Icon. Bog. 4 (1910) 37, t. 312; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 74; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 67; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 264; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 136, Fig. 3.16, Map 3.21. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Teijsmann HB 3504 (lecto L), Sumatra, Bangka.
Tree c. 8 m high, dbh 1020 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets glabrous to sparsely hairy, densely hairy when young; young shoots dark brown to blackish when dry, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of stellate and simple hairs. Bark grey-brown to dark brown when fresh, c. 2 mm thick; outer bark finely fissured; inner bark pale brown, c. 0.5 mm thick. Leaves: petiole 845 mm long, glabrous to sparsely hairy, transverse cracks present, dark brown to blackish when dry, raised glands often present; stipules 2.55 by 23 mm, densely hairy to velutinous outside, subglabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina obovate, 6.713.2 by 2.55.9 cm, l/w ratio (1.3)1.92.7(3.1), (slightly) leathery; base cuneate to attenuate; apex obtuse to acute, up to 11 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands usually present, green when fresh, dark (green-, or grey-)brown when dry; lower surface glabrous, nervation sometimes subglabrous, raised glands usually present, discoid glands absent, pale yellow-green when fresh, (pale) (yellow-)brown with darker nervation below when dry; secondary veins 47 per side, often closed at margin; nervation reticulate, indistinct. Staminate inflorescences axillary to ramiflorous, solitary to few clustered together, 19.5 cm long, 0.51 mm thick, branched, subglabrous to densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers usually scattered along inflorescence, cream-yellow; bracts usually present, leaf-like; bracts 1 per branchlet, 13.5 mm long, sparsely to densely hairy outside, subglabrous to densely hairy inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; bracteoles c. 0.5 mm long, subglabrous outside; branching cylindrical, 1.512 mm long, densely hairy, 310-flowered. Staminate flowers 12 mm diam., cream-yellow; pedicel 13.3 mm long, upper part 0.61.8 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, ovate to obovate, 0.51.8 by 0.40.9 mm, apex recurved, outside and inside densely hairy, cream-yellow; stamens 36, 0.20.5 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.10.4 mm long, straight; anthers 0.10.15 by 0.20.3 by c. 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode globose, up to 0.2 mm high, velutinous, solid. Pistillate inflorescences probably ramiflorous, few clustered together, c. 3.3 cm long, 0.81 mm thick, densely hairy to velutinous, many-flowered; pedicel 14 mm long, upper part 0.73 mm, velutinous; bracts 3 per branchlet, 2 small, densely hairy outside, (sub)glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 2.56.8 mm diam.; sepals (4 or) 5, ovate to obovate, 23.5 by 11.9 mm, outside and inside velutinous, caducous; ovary fusiform to cylindrical, 1.84.5 by 1.53.6 mm, 2-locular, velutinous; style 0.30.9 by 0.91.2, densely hairy; stigmas 0.51.5 mm long, cleft for upper 050%, caducous; lobes 0.50.7 by 0.20.5 mm, glabrous above, densely hairy below, protuberances above and below. Fruits globose, berries, 2428 by 2223 by 2223 mm when dry, raised glands present, velutinous outside and inside, peel brownish; pericarp 46 mm thick; column c. 20 mm long, straight; pedicel 89 mm long. Seeds only seen immature; arillode whitish.
Distribution Sumatra.
Habitat & Ecology Primary rain forest. Soil: yellow-red loam. Altitude: 50900 m. Flowering: August (and July, November in cultivation); fruiting: December.
Vernacular names Sumatra: Rambay hutan, roesip, temoeleλng. Simeuluλ Island: Bolawah anteu.
Baccaurea nanihua Merr., Interpr. Rumph. Herb. Amboin. (1917) 315; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 67; J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 3 (1924) 94; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind., 3rd ed., 1 (1950) 914; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 52; Kew Bull 37 (1982) 8; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 138, Map 3.22. Type: Robinson 331 (holo A; iso G, SING, US), Moluccas, Ambon, Koesoekoesoe and Mahija.
Baccaurea tristis Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 69; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 8 (1980) 37. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Ledermann 9811 (lecto L), Papua New Guinea.
Treelet or tree 525 m high, dbh 840 cm; bole sometimes fluted up to 1 m; mouldings 20 cm out, 10 cm thick; branchlets subglabrous, densely hairy when young; young shoots brown to grey when dry, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of stellate and simple hairs. Bark red to red-brown to grey-brown to dark brown when fresh, 0.22 mm thick, sometimes slightly peeling off; inner bark red to red-brown to yellowish red, 0.53 mm thick. Heartwood pale red to reddish yellow. Leaves: petiole 1664 mm long, subglabrous to densely hairy, transverse cracks present, apically and sometimes basally pulvinate, raised glands rarely present; stipules 3.57.5 by 13 mm, velutinous outside, glabrous to densely hairy inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina ovate to elliptic (to obovate), 6.521(25) by 2.510.8 cm, l/w ratio 1.42.9, papery to leathery; base attenuate to rounded; marginal glands sometimes visible as small indentations; apex (broadly) acuminate, up to 11 mm long; upper surface glabrous (to densely hairy at midrib), raised glands often present, sometimes granulate, dark brown to grey-brown when dry, nervation dark brown to grey-brown; lower surface glabrous to sparsely hairy (to densely hairy at midrib and veins), raised glands often present, discoid glands if present in a row between secondary veins, light brown when dry; secondary veins 610 per side, open at margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform, (dark) brown; young leaves green. Staminate inflorescences axillary (to ramiflorous), solitary to few clustered together, 113.5 cm long, up to 1 mm thick, branching present, densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence, rachis pale yellow, bracts leaf-like (up to 2 cm long) usually present; bracts 1 per branchlet, 1.53 by 11.2 mm, densely hairy outside, subglabrous to densely hairy inside, margin ciliate, not to slightly hyaline; bracteoles 0.51.5 mm long, outside and inside densely hairy; branchlets cylindrical, 235 mm long, densely hairy, 3many-flowered. Staminate flowers 1.52.5 mm diam., pale yellow to whitish; pedicel 12 mm long, upper part 0.61.2 mm long, densely hairy, reddish-brown; sepals 46, ovate, 0.91.5 by 0.31 mm, sometimes apically recurved, outside and inside densely hairy; stamens 46, 0.30.6 mm long, glabrous, brownish; filaments 0.150.5 mm long, straight; anthers 0.10.2 by 0.150.25 by up to 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode globose, 0.10.4 mm high, velutinous, solid. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous to axillary, solitary, 0.54 cm long, 12 mm thick, velutinous, few-flowered; pedicel c. 4.5 mm long, upper part 11.5 mm long, densely hairy; bracts 1 per branchlet, ovate, velutinous outside, densely hairy inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 37 mm diam.; sepals 5 (or 6), ovate, 1.53 by 11.5 mm, velutinous outside and inside, usually persistent; ovary globose to cylindrical, c. 2.5 by 2.5 mm, (2- or) 3- (or 4-)locular, velutinous; style c. 1 by c. 1.5 mm, velutinous; stigmas c. 0.1 mm long, persistent to caducous. Fruits globose to suppressed globose, 06-seeded, fleshy capsules, 1425 by 2529 by 2529 mm, loculicidally dehiscent, raised glands usually present, densely short hairy outside, sparsely hairy to hirsute inside, septa densely long hairy, (yellowish to reddish) brown; pericarp 36.5 mm thick; column 1113.5 mm long, straight; pedicel 8.515 mm long, upper part 3.58 mm long. Seeds ellipsoid, laterally flattened, to long triangular, 7.511.5 by 3.87 by 34.7 mm; cotyledons 55.5 by c. 5 by 0.1 mm; radicle c. 0.7 mm long; endosperm 22.5 mm thick.
Distribution Borneo, Sulawesi, Moluccas, New Guinea.
Habitat & Ecology Primary rain forest, riverine rain forest, and edges of mangrove. Soil: sandy loam. Altitude: sea level up to 600 m. Flowering: June to January; fruiting: January, April to July, September, November, December.
Vernacular names Moluccas: Maroontaboea. New Guinea: Garang kafak (Tehid); mabab (Biak); senesasau (Mekeo); pei (Biak).
Baccaurea nesophila Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 33 (1979) 529; Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 8 (1980) 35; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 140, Map 3.23. Type: Brass 27665 (holo K; iso L, US), Papua New Guinea, Mimisa Island, Quark Mt.
Tree 820 m high, dbh 1030 cm, slightly buttressed; branchlets densely hairy when young, brown to blackish when dry, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed to sometimes strong. Indumentum of simple and rarely a few stellate hairs. Bark brown to reddish when fresh. Heartwood pinkish. Leaves: petiole 831 mm long, glabrous to sparsely hairy, densely hairy when young, raised glands absent; stipules 2.56 by 1.52 mm, glabrous on both sides, densely hairy when young, margin ciliate when young, (not) hyaline; lamina elliptic to obovate, 3.512.9 by 1.96.2 cm, l/w ratio 1.62.4, papery to slightly leathery, base attenuate to cuneate; apex (retuse to) obtuse to slightly acute, 03 mm long; upper surface (sub)glabrous, granulate above, nervation not to slightly sunken, glossy dark green when fresh, green to brown to reddish when dry; lower surface subglabrous, raised glands absent, discoid glands many, dark to pale green below when fresh, (light) green to brown below when dry; secondary veins 49 per side, closed at margin; nervation reticulate, brown to red when dry. Staminate inflorescences unknown. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous to axillary, solitary to rarely 5 clustered together, few to c. 15-flowered. Pistillate flowers: sepals caducous; ovary 2-locular; stigmas persistent. Infructescences 2.67 cm long, 0.51.5 mm thick. Fruits globose to ellipsoid to pear-shaped, 24-seeded, fleshy capsules, 1621 by 1220 by 1220 mm, dehiscing loculicidally, (sometimes septicidally also), raised glands absent to present, glabrous to sparsely hairy outside, glabrous to subglabrous inside, green to yellow; pericarp 11.8 mm thick; column 1217 mm long, straight to slightly curved; pedicel 2.13.6 mm long, upper part 12.5 mm long. Seeds globose to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 8.812.5 by 5.712 by 35 mm; arillode red to orange; testa cream to whitish; cotyledons 5.59 by 611 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle 12 mm long; endosperm c. 1.5 mm thick.
Distribution Papua New Guinea: Louisiade Archipelago.
Habitat & Ecology Swamp forest to ridge tops. Altitude: 0510 m. Fruiting: April, June to November.
Vernacular names Louisiade Archipelago: Dumi, tum.
Baccaurea odoratissima Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 4 (1911) 1276; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 59; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Fl. Pl. 2 (1923) 411; Fernando, Philipp. J. Biol. 8 (1979) 307; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 141, Fig. 3.17, Map 3.24, Photo 7. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Elmer 13160 (lecto L; isolecto GH, K, US), Philippines, Palawan, Puerto Princesa.
Baccaurea membranacea Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 49; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 1975) 54. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Hose 600 (lecto L, selected here; isolecto K), Borneo, Sarawak, Baram district, Miri River.
Baccaurea trunciflora Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 151; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 37; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 56. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Elmer 21550 (lecto L; isolecto GH, US), Borneo, Sabah, Tawau.
Treelet to tree 217 m high, dbh 4.420 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets sparsely hairy, female plants rarely glabrous, Terminalia branching pattern well-developed. Indumentum of simple hairs, usually in combination with stellate hairs. Bark yellow to grey-brown when fresh, whitish grey when dry, 0.12.5 mm thick; inner bark yellow to orange-brown, 0.10.4 mm thick. Leaves: petiole 982 mm long, sparsely hairy, female plants rarely glabrous, (green- or red-)brown when dry, raised glands present; stipules 1.78 by 0.52 mm, glabrous to sparsely hairy outside, but densely hairy when young, glabrous inside, midrib densely hairy outside, margin (not) ciliate; lamina obovate to elliptic (to ovate), 6.419 by 29.9 cm, l/w ratio 1.53.3, papery; base acute to attenuate, apex rounded to cuspidate, up to 22 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands usually present, green-brown when dry; lower surface glabrous, sparsely hairy at veins, raised glands usually present, discoid glands absent, brown when dry; secondary veins 38 per side, usually closed at margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform; young leaves red-brown. Staminate inflorescences axillary to ramiflorous, solitary to few clustered together, 1.48 cm long, up to 1 mm thick, densely hairy, more than 30-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; branchlets absent; bracts 3 per branchlet, c. 0.6 mm long, persistent, glabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, sometimes hyaline. Staminate flowers 3 per branchlet, 12 mm diam., pale yellow; pedicel 0.82.5 mm long, upper part 0.62.1 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4(6), ovate, 0.91.2 by 0.70.9 mm, apex slightly recurved, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside; stamens 47, (0.2)0.80.9 mm long, glabrous; filaments (0.2)0.8 mm long, straight; anthers 0.10.3 by c. 0.1 by 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode subglobose to cylindrical, (0.2)0.9 mm long, densely hairy, solid. Pistillate inflorescences cauline (to ramiflorous), solitary to 3 clustered together, 226.5 cm long, 0.51.5 mm thick, sparsely to densely hairy, 9many-flowered, red; pedicel 1.23.5 mm long, upper part 0.51 mm long, densely hairy, light green to red; bracts 3 per flower, persistent, sparsely to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 511 mm diam.; sepals 4, obovate, 46 by 22.7 mm, sparsely hairy outside, densely hairy inside, greenish yellow when fresh, brown outside when dry, whitish inside when dry, caducous; ovary globose, 1.22.5 by 1.72.6 mm, 2-locular, densely hairy to velutinous, light green; style 00.1 mm long, c. 1 mm broad; stigmas white, 0.50.9 mm long, not lobed, glabrous on both sides, persistent, rarely caducous. Fruits subglobose to double globose, 02-seeded, fleshy capsules, 7.212 by 813.5 by (4)6.811, irregularly splitting, glabrous on both sides, densely hairy when young outside, raised glands usually absent, red to shiny brown; pericarp up to 0.5 mm thick; column 610 mm long, caducous, straight; pedicel 2.59.5 mm long, upper part 0.53 mm. Seeds subglobose to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 6.510 by 2.58 by 2.56 mm; arillode blue; cotyledons 5.57 by 6.87.2 by 0.10.3 mm; endosperm 1.5 mm thick; radicle 1.31.5 mm long.
Distribution Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary or secondary forest. Soil: basalt, yellow sandy clay, blackish sandstone. Altitude: sea level up to 1250(1500) m. Flowering: February, April, July to October, December; fruiting: January to March, May to August, October, November.
Uses Fruit edible.
Vernacular names Borneo: Enkuni, kune madamayang (Iban); kukunal (Dusun Kinabatangan); kunau (Brunei, Dusun); kunau kunau (Malay); botung kratek, enkunig, enkuri, mata kunau, mata pelanduk, rambai tikus, sarotik, tampoi keli.
Note Airy Shaw (1975) mentioned this species as a synonym of B. parviflora with a question mark. However, after studying the type material and the original descriptions, I am convinced that this species is conspecific with B. membranacea and B. trunciflora, and distinct from B. parviflora. Especially the fruit is utterly different, in the number of locules (B. odoratissima 2-locular, B. parviflora 3-locular) as well as in the fruit shape (globose in B. odoratissima, fusiform in B. parviflora).
Baccaurea papuana F.M.Bailey, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 18 (1904) 3: Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 57; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 8 (1980) 36; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 148, Map 3.25. Type: F.M.Barton s.n. (holo BRI), Papua New Guinea, Mekeo District.
Baccaurea plurilocularis J.J.Sm., Nova Guinea 8 (1910) 228; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 60; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 61 (1923) 46; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 8 (1980) 36. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Versteeg 1263 (lecto L; isolecto K, U), New Guinea, Irian Jaya, base of the Nepenthes Hills.
Baccaurea montana Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 55. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Schlechter 18537 (lecto K; isolecto A), Papua New Guinea, Kaiser Wilhelmsland, Bismarckgebiet.
Shrub to tree 420 m high, dbh 630 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets subglabrous, Terminalia branching pattern usually strong. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark (light) brown to (light) grey when fresh, grey when dry, thin, papery; inner bark pale brown to pale yellow, thin, medium hard. Heartwood pinkish brown. Leaves: petiole 760 mm long, subglabrous to densely hairy, transverse cracks absent to some present, raised glands absent to present; stipules 36.5 by 12.3 mm, glabrous, densely hairy when young outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, (not) hyaline; lamina (ovate to) elliptic to obovate, 820.5 by 2.810.4 cm, l/w ratio 1.63.3, papery; base attenuate to cuneate to rarely rounded; marginal glands not to slightly visible as identification marks; apex (retuse to) obtuse to acute (to cuspidate), up to 13 mm long; upper surface glabrous, midrib glabrous to densely hairy, granulate, dull to shiny, pale to dark green when fresh, (greyish to greenish) brown when dry, nervation whitish to (dark) brown; lower surface subglabrous to sparsely hairy, subglabrous to densely hairy at veins, raised glands usually absent, discoid glands sometimes few present; dull to shiny, pale to dark green when fresh, (greyish to greenish) brown when dry; secondary veins 715 per side, closed at margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform, grey-brown; young leaves reddish. Staminate inflorescences axillary to cauline, solitary to few clustered together, 0.523 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, sparsely to densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 3 (or 4) per branchlet, 0.31 mm long, subglabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, hyaline; bracteoles absent; branchlets 00.4 mm long, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 1.83.5 mm diam., cream to yellow, sweet scented; pedicel 1.24.2 mm long, upper part 0.63 mm, densely hairy, yellow; sepals 4 or 5, ovate to elliptic, 11.8 by 0.51.3 mm, apex straight, densely hairy outside and inside; staminodes 48; stamens 48, 0.30.8 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.20.7 mm long, slightly geniculate to straight; anthers 0.10.2 by 0.20.3 by 0.10.15 mm; disc absent; pistillode globose to obtriangular, 0.30.6 mm high, densely hairy, hollow. Pistillate inflorescences cauline, solitary to few clustered together, 7.535 cm long, 0.52 mm thick, sparsely hairy to velutinous, 540-flowered, yellow; pedicel 2.510 mm long, upper part 0.52(4) mm, densely hairy to velutinous; bracts 3 per branchlet, sparsely to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 418 mm diam., greenish to yellow to creamy yellow, fragrant; sepals 59, lanceolate to rarely obovate, 311 by 0.74.8 mm, densely hairy outside and inside, persistent; ovary globose, 1.23 by 1.53.3 mm, 3- (or 4-) locular, woolly; style absent to 0.01 mm long, c. 1 mm wide, glabrous; stigmas 0.71.2 mm long, cleft for upper 030%, persistent; lobes c. 0.7 by 0.4 mm, glabrous above and below, ruminate above and below. Fruits pear-shaped to globose, (3)6-seeded berries, 27.543 by 2440 by 2440 mm, raised glands absent to present, not to slightly ruminate, glabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, brown to green to red to pink to purple; pericarp 17 mm thick; pedicel 58(23) mm long, upper part 13(4) mm long. Seeds ellipsoid to globose, laterally flattened, 922 by 912 by 3.57 mm; arillode yellow to white; cotyledons 5.58 by 58 by < 0.10.4 mm.
Distribution New Guinea and (Sulawesi).
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary rain forest, and swamp forest. Soil: laterite to clay. Altitude: sea level up to 1300 m. Flowering: throughout the year; fruiting: January to October.
Uses Arillode edible, harsh but refreshing.
Vernacular names New Guinea: Ngesby (Hattam); apo (Maipa; Mekeo); kniebieι (Manikiong); esino (Minufia); ani-abi (Noemfoer); kwame (Onjob); be(h)ga, tomarah (Orokaiva); cobo, gomo (Totubu); mapiok (Waskuk); motroka, nunuhabu, sakowgwo, yanak.
Baccaurea parviflora (Mόll.Arg.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 462; Kurz, Forest Fl. Burma 2 (1877) 357; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 368; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Brandis, Indian Trees (1906) 562; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 74; Merr., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. (1921) 331; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 59; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 243; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 63 (1925) 98; Corner, Wayside Trees Mal. 1 (1940) 241; Soejarto, Bot. Mus. Leafl. 21 (1965) 89; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 37; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1971) 220; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 64; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 52; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 265; Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. (1983) 9; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 152, Fig. 3.18, Map 3.26; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 72; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 113, fig. 24a-f. Pierardia parviflora Mόll.Arg., Linnaea 32 (1863) 82; Baill., Adansonia 3 (1863) 140. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Wallich 1849 (lecto K), Tavoy, India Orientalis (see note 2).
Pierardia dasystachya Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 2 (1859) 358. Baccaurea dasystachya (Miq.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 458; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 52; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind., 3rd. ed., 1 (1950) 912; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 260. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Zollinger 757z (lecto U; isolecto A, BO, G), Sumatra.
Baccaurea affinis Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 459. Type: Wallich 7759 B (holo G-DC; iso ?K), Tavoy, India Orientalis (see note 2).
Baccaurea scortechinii Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 368; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 56; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 244; Corner, Wayside Trees Mal. 1 (1940) 242; Smitinand, Thai Forest Bull., Bot. 2 (1955) 25; Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 20 (1961) 53; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1972) 221; Kiew, Gard. Bull. Sing. 49 (1997) 37. Lectotype (designated by Kiew, 1997): Scortechini s.n. (lecto K), Malaysia, Perak. (The type bears ridged fruits.)
Baccaurea singaporica Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 54. Type: Ridley (K?, n.v.), Singapore.
Baccaurea rostrata Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 150; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 21 (1962) 355; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest. Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 37; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 52. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Elmer 21554 (lecto L; isolecto A, GH, K, US), Borneo, Sabah, Tawau.
Shrub to tree 315 m high, dbh 421 cm, buttresses absent, rarely fluted at base; branchlets glabrous, slightly thickened at tip, Terminalia branching pattern well-developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark greenish-grey to grey-black to light yellow-brown to brown, 1.53.5 mm thick, rough to smooth, minutely fissured in strips 5 mm wide, papery; inner bark yellow to light brown, 1.52 mm thick. Leaves: petiole glabrous, densely hairy when young, 455 mm long, brown to reddish when dry, raised glands usually present; stipules 2.57 by 1.52.5 mm, glabrous to rarely densely hairy, margin ciliate, one side with long hairs, hyaline, midrib hirsute above; lamina elliptic to obovate, 523 by 29.5 cm, l/w ratio 1.63.7, papery; base attenuate to cuneate; apex acuminate, up to 22 mm long; upper surface glabrous, rarely hair-domatia present at base, rarely granulate, (dark) green when fresh, red to brown to green when dry; lower surface (sub)glabrous, raised glands absent, discoid glands sometimes present, (greyish to light-)green when fresh, red to brown to green when dry; secondary veins (3)510 per side, closed at 23 mm from margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform, green to yellowish to red when dry; young leaves whitish to pinkish. Staminate inflorescences cauline, at base of trunk, many clustered together, 428 cm long, rachis up to 1.2 mm thick, densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence, red to maroon to light yellow; bracts 1 per branchlet, 0.31.6 by 0.151 mm, subglabrous (to densely hairy) outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, sometimes hyaline; bracteoles 2, 0.20.4 mm long; branchlets cylindrical, 0.12.8 mm long, densely hairy, (1)3-flowered. Staminate flowers 15 mm diam.; pedicel 0.46 mm long, upper part 0.23 mm, sparsely to densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, obovate, each with a different size and shape, 0.53 by 0.51.2 mm, densely hairy outside, glabrous to densely hairy inside, maroon to yellow outside, cream to yellow inside when fresh, whitish outside, brownish white inside when dry; stamens 57, 0.50.9 mm long, glabrous, cream; filaments 0.40.8 mm long, straight; anthers 0.20.3 by 0.10.2 by 0.10.2 mm; rudimentary disc sometimes present; pistillode obtriangular, 0.31.2 mm long, hirsute, hollow inside, cream. Pistillate inflorescences cauline, at base of trunk, many clustered together, up to 28 cm long, 14 mm thick, densely hairy (to glabrous), red when dry, fragrant; pedicel 26(9) mm long, often without a clear abscission zone, upper part 0.23(7.5) mm long, densely hairy, bright red; bracts 3, up to 1.2(1.6) by 1(1.3) mm, persistent, sparsely to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 57.5 mm diam.; sepals 4 or 5, narrowly elliptic to obovate, 2.78 by 0.92 mm, densely hairy outside, glabrous to densely hairy inside, white to yellow to usually red when fresh, caducous to persistent; ovary almost globose, with or without 6 wings, 1.32.2 by 12.3 mm, (2- or) 3- (or 4-)locular, velutinous, yellow; style 02 by c. 1 mm, densely hairy, yellow; stigmas 0.11.5 mm long, cleft apically only or up to base, caducous to persistent; lobes 0.21.4 mm long, glabrous with protuberances above, sparsely to densely hairy below. Fruits fusiform, 13-seeded berries, with or without 46 narrow wings, 1632 by 715 mm, glabrous to sparsely hairy outside, raised glands present, dull red to maroon turning purple to black when fresh; pericarp c. 12.5 mm thick, glabrous on both sides; column 1018 mm long, straight. Seeds ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 916 by 48 by 15 mm; arillode red to purple to white; cotyledons orbicular to square, membranous, 5.511 by 46 by 0.53.5 mm, radicle up to 1.5 mm long.
Distribution Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary evergreen forest, steep hillsides to dry parts of swamps to alluvial forest. Soil: sandstone, white sandy soil. Altitude: sea level up to 1250 m. Flowering: November to June, September; fruiting: March to December.
Uses Wood used as boxwood. Pericarp and arillode edible, sour-sweet.
Vernacular names Thailand: Somfai Pah. Peninsular Malaysia: Tamun (Batec); kentamun ayer (Temuan); asam tambun, belembik, dedali, engkuni, setambun, tambun. Borneo: Bamotong-belaboh (Bassap-Mapulu); belembik plandoek, engkuni, konkuni, mata pelanduk.
Notes 1. Baccaurea parviflora is rather heterogeneous in some characters, especially in the fruits. Kiew (1997) re-established the name B. scortechinii, based purely on material from the Peninsular Malaysia. She listed 19 differential characters. I checked all these characters, except for the fruit colour because this character is impossible to study when only herbarium material is available. She mentioned this as one of the problems of species delimitation in this complex (B. parviflora and B. scortechinii). All 19 characters listed overlap. The values given by Kiew are mean values only. Collections from Sumatra made by De Wilde & De Wilde-Duyfjes in Gunung Leuser Park overlap in all characters. According to Kiew, the most important difference is the position of the inflorescences in combination with fruit shape. Baccaurea scortechinii flowers at the trunk and branches, and has ridged fruits, while B. parviflora flowers at the base of the trunk, and has no ridges at the fruits. However, contrary to these observations, M. van Balgooy photographed a tree, which flowered at the base of the trunk, and had ridged fruits. In July 1998 I observed the same phenomenon in the FRIM campus in Kepong (Photo 8). My conclusion is that these two taxa are conspecific.
2. In 1997 Kiew erroneously typified B. parviflora. She mentioned Wallich 7759B (K) as the type specimen. This, however, is an isotype of B. affinis. In the original description of Pierardia parviflora Mόller Argoviensis (1863) quoted: Wall.! absque no. in hb. DC. I have checked G-DC on microfiche, but could not recover this specimen. The lectotype Wallich 1849 (K, Lectotype, designated by Haegens, 2000) has no original number and has been studied by Mόller Argoviensis as notes in his handwriting are found on the sheet. Later the numbers 1849 and 7759B were added, of which number 7759B is crossed out again.
3. Another extremely closely related Burmese and Thai taxon is B. ptychopyxis. This species, however, always has axillary staminate inflorescences, and is ramiflorous to cauline only as an exception. Baccaurea parviflora is always strictly cauliflorous. The staminate inflorescences in B. ptychopyxis are solitary, whereas B. parviflora has dense clusters. Besides these differences there are some minor characters, such as the fruit length is in B. ptychopyxis 1720.3 mm, and in B. parviflora 1632 mm. The material of B. ptychopyxis is, however, very incomplete. Therefore B. ptychopyxis is here interpreted as a species separate from B. parviflora.
4. See note under B. odoratissima.
Baccaurea philippinensis (Merr.) Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 10 (1915) 275; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 68; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Fl. Pl. 2 (1923) 411; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 53; Fernando, Philipp. J. Biol. 8 (1979) 303; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 8 (1980) 36; Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. (1983) 9; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 157, Fig. 3.19, Map 3.27. Everettiodendron philippinense Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 4 (1909) 279; Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 3 (1910) 916. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): FB (Everett) 7282 (lecto K; isolecto US), Philippines, Negros, Himugaan River.
Treelet to tree 4.512 m high, dbh 825 cm; branchlets subglabrous, velutinous when young, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of short stellate and usually longer simple hairs. Bark grey-brown when fresh; inner bark pale red-brown. Leaves: petiole 1775 mm long, subglabrous to densely hairy, transverse cracks usually present, apically and sometimes basally pulvinate, raised glands rarely present; stipules 35.5 by 1.53 mm, velutinous outside, sparsely to densely hairy inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina ovate to elliptic (to obovate), (5)7.218 by (2.4)3.59 cm, l/w ratio 1.72.3, leathery to papery; base acute to cuneate (to rounded to attenuate); marginal glands sometimes visible as small indentations; apex acuminate to cuspidate, 218 mm long; upper surface glabrous, small raised glands sometimes present, rarely granulate, dark green when fresh, dark to grey-brown when dry, nervation slightly sunken; lower surface (sub)glabrous, subglabrous to densely hairy at midrib and veins, small raised glands sometimes present, discoid glands present, sometimes in a row between secondary veins, pale green when fresh, light to brown-green when dry, (dark) brown above and below when dry; secondary veins 47 per side, open at margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform. Staminate inflorescences axillary, solitary to 3 clustered together, 16.5 cm long, c. 0.1 mm thick, branched, many-flowered, densely hairy to velutinous, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 1 per branchlet, 1.23.5 mm long, velutinous outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not to slightly hyaline; bracteoles (7)912 per branchlet, 0.32 mm long; branchlets cylindrical, 1.28 mm long, velutinous, 912-flowered. Staminate flowers 1.22 mm diam., brownish; pedicel 0.21.3 mm long, upper part 0.10.6 mm long, velutinous; sepals 3 or 4, ovate to elliptic, 0.51.6 by 0.21.1 mm, apex slightly recurved, outside and velutinous inside; stamens (3 or) 4, 0.250.4 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.10.2 mm long, straight; anthers 0.150.2 by 0.150.2 by 0.10.2 mm; disc absent; pistillode globose, absent to 0.2 mm high, velutinous. Pistillate inflorescences axillary; sepals usually caducous; stigmas persistent to caducous. Pistillate flowers: ovary 3-locular. Infructescences 1.92 cm long, 1.32 mm thick. Fruits suppressed globose, (0)36-seeded, fleshy capsules, 2134 by 2638 by 2638 mm, apparently loculicidally dehiscent, but normally not dehiscing, hard, raised glands usually present, subglabrous to densely hairy outside, sparsely to densely hairy inside, septa densely hairy, (yellowish) brown; pericarp 411 mm thick; column 1623 mm long; pedicel 4.59 mm long, upper part 26 mm long. Seeds ellipsoid to triangular, laterally flattened, 9.511.5 by 57 by 3.55 mm; cotyledons 67 by 55.5 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle 11.5 mm long; endosperm 0.51 mm thick.
Distribution Philippines, Moluccas (Halmahera).
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary rain forest. Altitude: 80450 m. Flowering: April to August; fruiting: January to June, August, October, December.
Baccaurea polyneura Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 369; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 65; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 248; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 63 (1925) 98; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 37; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 67; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 265; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 159, Map 3.28; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 72; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 114. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Griffith KD 4910 (lecto K), Peninsular Malaysia.
Baccaurea kunstleri King ex Gage, Rec. Bot. Surv. India 9, 2 (1922) 230; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 248; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 36; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1972) 219; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 65; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 49; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 263; Chakrab. & Gang., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 18 (1994) 425. Lectotype (designated by Chakrab. & Gang., 1994): Kings Collector 8139 (lecto CAL), Malakka, Perak (see note), n.v.
Baccaurea hookeri Gage, Rec. Bot. Surv. India 9 (1922) 232; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 247; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 67; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 48; Kew Bull 37 (1982) 8. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Kings Collector 6240 (lecto K), Malaysia, Perak, Larut.
Baccaurea cordata Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 147; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 36; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1971) 219; Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 47. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Elmer 21513 (lecto A; isolecto BO, DS, K, L, US), Borneo, Sabah, Tawau.
Tree (5)1130 m high, dbh 1032 cm, buttresses small; branchlets velutinous, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple and stellate hairs. Bark brown to white-brown to red-brown when fresh, brown when dry, 35 mm thick, smooth; inner bark red to brown, 25 mm thick. Heartwood red to brown. Leaves: petiole 778 mm long, velutinous, raised glands usually absent; stipules elliptic to ovate, 2.210 by 0.52 mm, caducous (to late caducous), velutinous outside, subglabrous to velutinous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina ovate to elliptic, 5.521.5 by 3.112.5 cm, l/w ratio 1.42.7, papery to slightly leathery; base rounded to cordate (to attenuate); apex (retuse to) acute, up to 11 mm long; upper surface glabrous to densely hairy, midrib and veins sparsely hairy to velutinous, sometimes granulate; lower surface sparsely hairy to velutinous, raised glands absent to present, discoid glands absent; dark green when fresh, green to brown when dry, black when young when dry; secondary veins 714 per side, closed at margin or almost so; nervation scalariform, brown to white-brown when dry. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves (to ramiflorous), solitary to 5 clustered together, 17 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, velutinous, many-flowered, flowers clustered at the tip of inflorescence, rarely somewhat scattered; bracts 0 or 3 per branchlet, 0.21.3 mm long, persistent, velutinous outside, glabrous to rarely velutinous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; branchlets cylindrical to spatulate, 14 mm long, velutinous, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 1.13.3 mm diam., green to yellow to greenish-white; pedicel 00.5 mm long, velutinous; sepals 46, ovate, 0.71.5 by 0.51.5 mm, apex straight, outside and inside velutinous; stamens 48, 0.30.7 mm long, glabrous, cream to brown; filaments 0.20.6 mm long, geniculate to straight; anthers c. 0.1 by 0.20.3 by 0.1 mm; pistillode absent to present, globose, 00.3 mm high, velutinous, solid. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to ramiflorous, solitary to 3 clustered together, 134.5 cm long, 0.54 mm thick, velutinous, 550-flowered, yellow; pedicel 25.8 mm long, upper part 0.52 mm long, geniculate or not, velutinous to sparsely hairy; bracts 03 per branchlet, persistent to caducous, velutinous outside, glabrous to velutinous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 2.56.5 mm diam.; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 0.55.9 by 0.33.5 mm, outside and inside velutinous, persistent (or caducous), ochre; ovary subglobose to pyriform, 2.54.5 by 2.24 mm, 3-locular, velutinous; style 0.10.2 mm by 0.50.8 mm, velutinous; stigmas 0.60.9 mm long, cleft for upper 6090%, persistent or caducous; lobes 0.50.9 by c. 0.2 mm, glabrous above, glabrous to sparsely hairy below. Fruits globose to subglobose, 13-seeded, fleshy capsules, 1026 by 1226 by 1226 mm, loculicidally dehiscent, raised glands often present, sparsely hairy to velutinous outside and inside, yellow to orange; pericarp 0.14 mm thick; column 9.519 mm long, almost straight, persistent; pedicel 511(35) mm long, upper part 17 mm long, 80% bent present at abscission zone. Seeds ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 7.811 by 59.8 by 25 mm; arillode red; testa orange; cotyledons 59 by 57.5 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle 0.52 mm long; endosperm c. 0.5 mm thick.
Distribution Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary, secondary and swamp rain forest. Soil: sand, clay, loam, granite. Altitude: 20600 m. Flowering and fruiting throughout the year.
Uses Arillode edible, sweet to sour.
Vernacular names Thailand: Chum rai. Peninsular Malaysia: Jentik-jentik, rambai, rambai hutan. Simeuluλ Island: Sirawi, sirawi uding, sirawi pajo. Sumatra: Djetikan betina, djentikan, djenti ompang, mιrΰh mata, pιtθkan. Borneo: Jelintik, kayu masam, simpak nyabor (Iban); enyak beruk, kapul burung, tampoi.
Note Although I had no opportunity to study the lectotype, I am convinced that B. kunstleri is conspecific with B. polyneura. The following paratypes of B. kunstleri were studied by me: Ridley 6670, 6163, and Goodenough 5084. I was unable to separate the numerous other specimens I have studied into two taxonomic entities.
Baccaurea pubera (Miq.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 448; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 280; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 70; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind., 3rd ed., 1 (1950) 914; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 265; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 162, Map 3.30. Pierardia pubera Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv. (1861) 442. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Teijsmann HB 3503 (lecto U), Indonesia, Sumatra, Bangka.
Baccaurea latifolia King ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 373; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 65; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 249; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 67; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 50; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 265; Chakrab. & Gang., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 18 (1994) 425. Lectotype (designated by Chakrab. & Gang., 1994): Kings Collector 3559 (lecto CAL; iso K), Malakka, Perak.
Baccaurea puberula Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 145; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 36; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 50. Type: Elmer 21284 (holo GH; iso DS, K, L), Borneo, Sabah, Tawau.
Baccaurea elmeri Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 146; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 48. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Elmer 21509 (lecto US; isolecto A, DS, K, L), Borneo, Sabah, Tawau.
Tree 5.725 m high, dbh 540 cm; bole sometimes fluted, rarely with buttresses up to 30 cm out, up to 6 cm thick; branchlets densely hairy to sometimes sparsely hairy, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of stellate and simple hairs. Bark pale brown to greyish when fresh, brown to brown-red when dry, smooth; inner bark red to brown, c. 2 mm thick. Leaves: petiole 34130 mm long, usually densely hairy, raised glands rarely present; stipules 5.511 by 48.5 mm, densely hairy outside and inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina (ovate to) elliptic (to obovate), 1336 by 5.414.9 cm, l/w ratio 1.72.4, papery to somewhat leathery; base rounded to attenuate; apex acuminate, 410 mm long; upper surface (sub)glabrous, raised glands absent (to present), usually granulate, dark (grey-)brown to blackish when dry, nervation light (to dark) brown to whitish, (slightly) sunken; lower surface densely hairy, raised glands absent (to present), discoid glands (hairy) in a row between secondary veins, yellowish-brown when dry; secondary veins (5)813 per side, usually closed at margin, not completely parallel; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform, (yellowish) brown. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary to 3 clustered together, 0.516.5 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, branched, densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 1 per branchlet, triangular to lanceolate, 1.54 mm long, densely hairy outside and inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; bracteoles usually absent, or 1few; branchlets cylindrical, 411 mm long, densely hairy, 516-flowered. Staminate flowers 1.32.5 mm diam., lime green to whitish yellow to pale green; pedicel 0.52.1 mm long, upper part 0.10.9 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, ovate to obovate, 0.81.3 by 0.30.7 mm, apex slightly recurved to straight, densely hairy outside and inside; staminodes 4 or 5, < 1 mm long; stamens 4 or 5, 0.10.6 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.150.5 mm long, straight; anthers 0.10.3 by 0.20.25 by c. 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode flat, 0.10.3 mm high, densely hairy. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous to cauline; sepals persistent; stigmas caducous. Pistillate flowers: sepals 5, yellow; ovary 3-locular. Infructescences 416 cm long, 12.5 mm thick. Fruits pear-shaped to (sub)globose, 5- or 6-seeded, fleshy capsules, 2534 by 2935 by 2934 mm, c. 4 cm diam. when fresh, usually not dehiscent; raised glands present to absent, ruminate when dry, densely hairy to sparsely hairy outside, subglabrous inside, brown to yellow ochre; pericarp 25 mm thick; column 1924 mm long, straight, persistent; pedicel 1114 mm long, upper part 2.54 mm long. Seeds globose to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 1317.5 by 8.314.3 by 5.58 mm; arillode yellowish to orange; testa brown; cotyledons 1012.2 by 9.511.2 by 0.12 mm; radicle 01.5 mm long.
Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary, rarely secondary, rain forest. Soil: yellow sand, clay. Altitude: sea level up to 660(1650) m. Flowering: January to March, May, September to December; fruiting: March to December.
Uses Fruit edible, sweet.
Vernacular names Sumatra: Sebenggang, sibongang. Borneo: Puak (Dusun); tampui (Kedayan); pugi (Murut); silu buang (Sebob); kunkurad, monyak buruk, paih, tampoi.
Note I have identified Elmer 21306 (A, DS, K, L, US), one of the syntypes of B. elmeri as B. nanihua. The remaining syntype, Elmer 21509, is chosen as lectotype of B. elmeri.
Baccaurea purpurea Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 164, Fig 3.20, Map 3. Type: NGF (Henty & Lelean) 41916 (holo L; iso A), New Guinea, Central Province, Abau Subdistrict, Cape Rodney.
Tree 68 m high, dbh 6.310 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets glabrous, grey to blackish when dry, Terminalia branching pattern well-developed to weak. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark grey to brown when fresh, corky; inner bark cream to light brown; sapwood cream. Leaves: petiole 1765 mm long, (sub)glabrous, apically and basally pulvinate, light to black-brown when dry, raised glands present; stipules 59 by 1.52 mm, glabrous outside and inside, midrib subglabrous to sparsely hairy outside, margin (slightly) ciliate, often hyaline; lamina elliptic (to ovate), 7.417.5 by 3.27 cm, l/w ratio 2.23.2, papery to slightly leathery; base cuneate to rounded; apex (rounded to) obtuse to acuminate, up to 15 mm long, dark green when fresh, (grey) green to dark brown when dry; upper surface glabrous, usually not granulate; lower surface (sub)glabrous, raised glands usually present, discoid glands sometimes present, dark green when fresh, greenish to brown when dry; secondary veins 611 per side, sometimes closed at margin; nervation reticulate. Staminate inflorescences cauline, many clustered together, 224 cm long, up to 1 mm thick, branches minute, subglabrous to sparsely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 3 per branchlet, 1 large, 0.21 mm long, subglabrous outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, hyaline; bracteoles absent. Staminate flowers 3 per branchlet, c. 1.5 mm diam., (purplish) pink; pedicel 12 mm long, upper part 0.20.5 mm long, sparsely hairy to densely hairy; sepals 4 (or 5), ovate to triangular, 0.81.5 by 0.51 mm, sparsely to densely hairy outside, densely hairy inside, apex straight; staminodes 5 or 6; stamens 5, 0.40.6 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.20.4 mm long, straight; anthers c. 0.2 by 0.25 by 0.10.2 mm; disc absent; pistillode globose, c. 0.3 mm long, densely hairy, solid. Pistillate inflorescences probably cauline to ramiflorous. Pistillate flowers: sepals caducous; ovary 3-locular; stigmas persistent. Fruits globose, 3-seeded, fleshy capsules, 1619 by 1419 by 1419 mm, loculicidally dehiscent, subglabrous to sparsely hairy outside, glabrous inside, few raised glands present, ochre; pericarp 1.52 mm thick, slightly ruminate when dry, column 1314 mm long, straight pedicel 79 mm long. Seeds globose, laterally flattened, 9.310.3 by 9.210.3 by 3.55 mm; cotyledons c. 5.5 by 77.7 by 1 mm; radicle c. 1 mm long; endosperm c. 1 mm thick.
Distribution Papua New Guinea: Prov.: Central, Northern, Milne Bay.
Habitat & Ecology Soil: thin soil over limestone. Altitude: 240400 m. Flowering: February, November; fruiting: March.
Note The species is named for its purple (to pink) colour of the male flowers.
Baccaurea pyriformis Gage, Rec. Bot. Surv. India 9 (1922) 233; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 249; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 63 (1925) 98; Corner, Wayside Trees Mal. 1 (1940) 241; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 67; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 53; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 265; Chakrab. & Gang., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 18 (1994) 426; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 166, Fig. 3.21, Map 3.32. Lectotype (designated by Chakrab. & Gang., 1994): Goodenough 1992 (CAL, n.v), Malakka, Ayer Panas (see note).
Baccaurea platyphylla Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 67; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 67; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 53. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Ridley 6491 (lecto K), Singapore, Krangi and Bot. Garden Jungle (both localities are mentioned on the specimen label).
Baccaurea platyphylloοdes Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 68. Type: Ridley 6492 (holo K), Singapore, Tanglin.
Baccaurea pubera (Miq.) Mόll.Arg. var. tomentella Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv. (1861) 442; Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 458. Type: Teijsmann s.n. (n.v.), Indonesia, Sumatra, Bangka.
Tree 730 m high, dbh 850 cm, buttresses small if present; branchlets velutinous when young, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of stellate and simple hairs. Bark brown to grey-brown to red-brown when fresh, brown when dry, 25 mm thick, smooth to rough, soft, flaky; inner bark brown to red-brown or pink, c. 2 mm thick. Heartwood red-brown. Leaves: petiole 1472 mm long, densely hairy, apically and often basally slightly pulvinate, brown hairy when fresh, raised glands absent; stipules lanceolate to elliptic to triangular, 28 by 1.52 mm, velutinous outside, glabrous to sparsely hairy (to velutinous) inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina elliptic to obovate, 6.818 by 2.78.4 cm, l/w ratio 1.93.8, papery to leathery; base (rounded to) acute to cuneate; marginal glands visible as identification marks; apex acuminate to cuspidate, (0)117 mm long; upper surface glabrous, not granulate, dark to yellowish green when fresh, dark brown when dry, nervation slightly sunken; lower surface (subglabrous to) densely hairy, midrib and veins (sparsely hairy to) velutinous, raised glands absent, discoid glands present, dark to yellowish green when fresh, light brown when dry; secondary veins 69 per side, closed at margin; nervation reticulate. Staminate inflorescences (axillary to) just below the leaves to ramiflorous, solitary to few clustered together, 17.5 cm long, up to 1.5 mm thick, velutinous, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts absent or 1 per branchlet, 0.31.5 mm long, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, hyaline or not; bracteoles, 11.5 mm long, c. 1 per branchlet, velutinous; branchlets cylindrical to spatulate, 0.44 mm long, densely hairy, 312-flowered. Staminate flowers 12 mm diam., yellowish to pale brown; pedicel 00.8 mm long; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 0.40.9 by 0.30.8 mm, apex recurved, densely hairy outside and inside, yellowish to pale brown; stamens 4 or 5, 0.30.6 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.20.5 mm long, geniculate to straight; anthers c. 0.1 by 0.10.2 by 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode cylindrical, 0.40.5 mm high, velutinous, solid. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous (to axillary), solitary, 1.53 cm long, c. 1.2 mm thick, velutinous, c. 10-flowered; pedicel c. 1 mm long, abscission zone not clear, velutinous; bracts 3 per branchlet, velutinous outside, sparsely hairy inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 2.53.5 mm diam., dirty brown; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 1.32 by 11.4 mm, velutinous outside and inside, persistent; ovary cylindrical, 22.5 by 1.52 mm, (2- or) 3-locular, velutinous; style c. 0.2 by c. 1 mm, velutinous; stigmas c. 1.3 mm long, cleft for upper c. 70%, persistent; lobes c. 1 by 0.5 mm, glabrous above, densely hairy below, protuberances present above. Infructescences 1.59.8 cm long, 1.53.5 mm thick. Fruits pear-shaped (to globose), (2- or) 3-seeded berries, c. 38 by 34 by 34 mm when fresh, 1824 by 1422 by 1422 mm when dry, rarely irregularly splitting, raised glands absent, not ruminate, densely hairy outside, subglabrous to densely hairy inside, (yellowish to orange-)brown; pericarp 1.52.5 mm thick; column 1319 mm long, straight; pedicel 39 mm long, upper part 0.54.5 mm long. Seeds ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 817.5 by 512 by 27 mm; testa red; arillode cream to orange; cotyledons 912 by 6.211.5 by 12 mm (endosperm included); radicle up to 1 mm long.
Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary rain forest. Soil: sandstone, sandy loam. Altitude: sea level up to 1000 m. Flowering: March to October; fruiting: January, February, June to November.
Uses Arillode edible.
Vernacular names Simeuluλ Island: Bolawah iteung falah. Borneo: Papar pingan (Bussup); tampoi hutan (Dusun Ramu); tampoi (Iban); tampoi merah (Malay); bukut.
Note The following former syntypes have been studied: Derry 66; Griffith 4901; Maingay 1361; Ridley 6491, 6492, 6669; SF 28, 2766, 2949.
Baccaurea racemosa (Reinw. ex Blume) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 461; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; J.J.Sm., Meded. Dept. Landb. Ned.-Indiλ 10 (1910) 249; Koord., Exkurs. Fl. Java 2 (1912) 481; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 75; Merr., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. (1921) 331; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 51; Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 150; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1964) 454; Soejarto, Bot. Mus. Leafl. (1965) 74; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 64; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 53; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 266; Lemmens et al., Prosea 3 (1991) 16; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 169, Fig. 3.22, Map 3.33; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 73; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 117. Coccomelia racemosa Reinw. ex Blume, Catal. Gew. Buitenzorg (1823) 110; Reinw., Flora 8, 1 (1825) 103; Syll. Ratisb. 2 (1828) 5. Pierandia racemosa (Reinw. ex Blume) Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 579. Pierardia racemosa (Reinw. ex Blume) Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1. 2 (1859) 358; Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv. (1861) 442; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Blume s.n. (lecto L, sheet 903.154-627, barcode L 0059160), Java.
Baccaurea wallichii Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 375; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1917) 95; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 53; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 245; Soejarto, Bot. Mus. Leafl. (1965) 99. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Kings Collector 7634 (lecto G), Peninsular Malaysia, Perak.
Baccaurea bhaswatii Chakrab. & M.Gangop., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 18 (1994) 420. Lectotype (designated by Chakrab. & Gang., 1994): Forbes 1653 (lecto CAL; isolecto L), Sumatra.
Treelet to tree 315(20) m high, dbh 524 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets glabrous to sparsely hairy; young shoots reddish-black to reddish-brown when dry, Terminalia branching pattern well-developed. Indumentum of simple hairs and rarely stellate hairs. Bark whitish to grey to pale brown to fawn when fresh, greyish to brown when dry, up to 3 mm thick, smooth, papery, flaky, soft; inner bark white to yellow to creamy to ochre to brown, 12 mm thick, soft. Heartwood yellowish-brown to yellowish-ochre to brown, hard. Leaves: petiole 1277 mm long, glabrous to sparsely hairy, red to brown when dry; stipules elliptic to triangular, 37.5 by 11.5 mm, glabrous to sparsely hairy, densely hairy when young outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, usually hyaline; lamina (ovate to) elliptic to obovate, 5.822 by 2.318.8 cm, l/w ratio 2.24.6, papery; base cuneate; apex acuminate to cuspidate, up to 25 mm long; upper surface glabrous, sometimes granulate, raised glands usually present, dark green when fresh, (white to green)-brown when dry; lower surface glabrous, rarely densely hairy at veins, discoid glands rarely present, light green when fresh, brown when dry, yellowish green to pink when young: nervation reddish to brown to black when dry; secondary veins 410 per side, almost closed at margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform. Staminate inflorescences cauline to just below the leaves, solitary to 5 clustered together, 310 cm long, up to 1.3 mm thick, densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 3 per branchlet, of which two very small, 0.21.1 mm long, persistent, glabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, rarely hyaline; branchlets triangular, 0.12.5 mm long, densely hairy, (2- or) 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 13 mm diam., creamy yellow to white; pedicel 0.42.5 mm long, upper part 0.41.9 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 (or 5), ovate to obovate, 0.91.8 by 0.71.5 mm, apex usually recurved, densely hairy on both sides; stamens 57, 0.50.8 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.40.6 mm long, straight; anthers white, c. 0.15 by 0.20.25 by 0.1 mm; disc present or absent; pistillode cylindrical, 0.30.9 mm long, densely hairy, hollow. Pistillate inflorescences cauline to axillary, solitary (to few clustered together), 328 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, densely hairy, 4many-flowered, reddish-green when fresh, reddish to brown when dry; pedicel 12.9(6.7) mm long, upper part up to 1.9(2.5) mm long, densely hairy, green to brown to pinkish; bracts 3 per branchlet, persistent, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 39.2 mm diam., greenish yellow when fresh; sepals 4 (or 5), obovate to lanceolate, 26 by 12.7 mm, densely hairy on both sides, indumentum of silvery hairs when dry, caducous; ovary subglobose, 1.51.9 by 1.41.7 mm, (2- or) 3- (or 4-)locular, velutinous; style 0.20.4 by c. 1 mm, velutinous; stigmas c. 0.3 mm long, not lobed, persistent. Fruits (sub)globose, 13-seeded, berries or fleshy capsules, 1430 by 1625 by 1625 mm, outer pericarp loculicidally dehiscing, inner pericarp not dehiscent, glabrous to sparsely hairy outside, glabrous inside, raised glands present, yellow to orange (to pink to red); pericarp 0.84.5 mm thick; column 1215 mm long, caducous, straight; pedicel reddish when dry, 39 mm long, upper part 14.5 mm long. Seeds obovoid to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 911.5 by 6.59.2 by 2.56 mm; testa reddish-purple to blue to black; arillode blue to purple to violet; cotyledons 57 by 67 by 0.11 mm, radicle 00.3 mm long.
Distribution Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo, Sulawesi and (Halmahera).
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary rain forest, riverine forest, or fresh water swamp forest. Soil: granite to yellow or red sandy clay. Altitude: 501550 m. Flowering: March and May to October; fruiting: throughout the year.
Uses Arillode edible, sour to sweet.
Vernacular names Peninsular Malaysia: Asam tambun, rambi, tamut, tampoi. Sumatra: Roesip, kisip. Java: Menteng. Borneo: Kokonau (Dusun); engkuni, enkunik, kayu masam, longkuno, moho liox.
Baccaurea ramiflora Lour., Fl. Cochinch. (1790) 661; Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 458; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 71; Gagnep. in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 5 (1927) 551; Merr., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 24, 2 (1935) 232; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1971) 221; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 65; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 266; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 172, Map 3.34, Photo 9; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 73; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 117, plate IV: 3. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Loureiro s.n. (lecto BM, sheet 31252), Hortis Cochinchinae (see note 1).
Baccaurea cauliflora Lour., Fl. Cochinch. (1790) 661; Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 458; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 70; Gagnep. in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 5 (1927) 551; Merr., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 24 (1935) 233. Neotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Fleury 32043 (neo P), Vietnam, Cochinchina, Bien Hoa Province, Traρg Bτne Forest Reserve (see note 2).
Pierardia sapida Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2 (1832) 254; Hortus Bengalensis (1814) 28. Baccaurea sapida (Roxb.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 459; Bedd., Fl. Sylv. S. India (1869) 280; Kurz, Forest Fl. Burma 2 (1877) 356; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 371; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Williams, Bull. Herb. Boissier. 2 (1905) 30; Brandis, Indian Trees (1906) 562; Craib, Aberdeen Univ. Stud. 57 (1911) 461; Koord., Syst. Verz. (1914) 67; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 52; Gagnep. in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 5 (1927) 548; Merr., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 24 (1935) 233; Corner, Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. 10 (1939) 290; Wayside Trees Mal. 1 (1940) 241. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Wallich 8072 (lecto K), Burma?
Baccaurea flaccida Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 459; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 370; Brandis, Indian Trees (1906) 563; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 50. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Wallich 8074 (lecto K), Burma.
Baccaurea propinqua Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 463. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Wallich 8071 (lecto G) India Orientali, Silhet.
Baccaurea wrayi King ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 374; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 53; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 244; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 63 (1925) 98; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 14 (1960) 354; Kew Bull. 26 (1971) 221. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Kings Collector s.n. (lecto K), Peninsular Malaysia, Perak.
Baccaurea oxycarpa Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 23 (1923) 431; in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 5 (1927) 549, f. 69; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 14 (1960) 354; Kew Bull. 26 (1971) 221; Vu Van Dung, Viet-nam Forest Trees (1996) 191. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Pierre 614 (lecto K; isolecto P), Cambodia, Mt Knang-krepeuh.
Gatnaia annamica Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 24 (1924) 870; in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 5 (1927) 540; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl. & Harms, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 19c (1931) 50. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Eberhardt 3042 (lecto P; isolecto K, L), Annam, Thua-thien Prov.
Baccaurea sylvestris auct. non Lour.: Lour., Fl. Cochinch. (1790) 662, p.p., inflorescences; Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 457; Pellegr., Fl. Indo-Chine (1911) 766; A. Chev., Cat. Pl. Jard. Bot. Saigon (1919) 64; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 61; Gagnep. in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 5 (1927) 551; Merr., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 24, 2 (1935) 233; Mabb. et al., Fl. Males. ser. 1, 12 (1995) 316; Vu Van Dung, Vietnam Forest Trees (1996) 192 (see note 3).
Tree 513 m high, dbh 533 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets glabrous to sparsely hairy; young shoots greenish white when fresh, brown to greenish white when dry, Terminalia branching pattern well-developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark greyish-brown to grey when fresh, 12 mm thick, smooth; inner bark white. Leaves: petiole 1063 mm long, glabrous to sparsely hairy, raised glands present; stipules 2.56 by 12.5 mm, caducous (to late caducous), glabrous to sparsely hairy outside, midrib densely hairy to velutinous, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, usually hyaline; lamina elliptic to obovate, 7.125.5 by 2.98.8 cm, l/w ratio 1.84, papery; base attenuate to cuneate; apex acute to cuspidate, 212 mm long; upper surface: glabrous, raised glands present, not granulate, glossy dark green when fresh, greenish brown to greyish brown when dry; lower surface glabrous to sparsely hairy, raised glands present, discoid glands absent, green when fresh, greenish brown when dry; secondary veins 49 per side, closed at margin or almost so; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform. Staminate inflorescences axillary to cauline, solitary to many clustered together, 38.5(15.5) cm long, up to 1 mm thick, densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers clustered at the tip of inflorescence, greenish; bracts conspicuous, 1 (or 3) per branchlet, (1.5) 34 mm long, persistent, sparsely to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, but densely hairy at base, margin ciliate, sometimes hyaline; bracteoles absent; branchlets cylindrical, absent to 1.8 mm long, densely hairy, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 1.14 mm diam., yellow; pedicel 0.82.6 mm long, upper part 0.72.4 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, different in shape, 12.4 by 0.51.4 mm, sometimes apically recurved, densely hairy outside and inside; stamens 58, 0.71.1 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.50.9 mm long, straight; anthers 0.20.3 by 0.20.4 by c. 0.2 mm, yellow; pistillode present, obtriangular, 0.91.1 mm high, densely hairy, solid. Pistillate inflorescences just below the leaves to cauline, solitary to many clustered together, c. 10 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, densely hairy, 1015-flowered, red; pedicel 1.53 mm long, upper part 0.11 mm long, densely hairy; bracts 1 per branchlet, persistent (to caducous), sparsely hairy outside, densely hairy at midrib, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 38 mm diam., yellow; sepals 4 or 5, elliptic, 3.55 by 12 mm, densely hairy outside and inside, caducous; ovary globose, 22.3 by 22.3 mm, (2- or) 3- (or 4-)locular, woolly, green; style absent; stigmas c. 0.5 mm long, not lobed, glabrous, cream, caducous (to persistent). Infructescences 1220 cm long, 12.5 mm thick. Fruits globose to ovoid to pear-shaped, 24-seeded berries, 1937 by 1428 by 1428 mm, raised glands absent, glabrous to sparsely hairy outside, glabrous inside, red to orange to pink to purplish outside, cream inside; pericarp 13 mm thick; column fragile; pedicel 110(15) mm long, upper part 0.53 mm long. Seeds globose to ellipsoid, but laterally flattened, 915 by 911 by 1.56 mm; arillode white; testa purplish red; cotyledons 5.59 by 5.28.5 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle 0.51.8 mm long; endosperm 1.57 mm thick.
Distribution India (Assam), Burma, China (Yunnan, Hainan), Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Peninsular Malaysia.
Habitat & Ecology Primary rain forest and cultivated. Soil: sand, granite. Altitude 501700 m. Flowering: December to June, September; fruiting: throughout the year.
Uses Arillode edible, sweet to sour.
Vernacular names Burma: Kanaso. Thailand: Mahphie. Peninsular Malaysia: Tampoi.
Notes 1. The front side of the type sheet (BM: 31252) of B. ramiflora refers to page 662 of Fl. Cochinch. and B. sylvestris. This is certainly wrong, because the specimen does not correspond with the description of B. sylvestris. The back side of this sheet refers to page 661 of Fl. Cochinch., where B. ramiflora is described.
2. The type of B. cauliflora is probably lost. There is no original illustration. It is therefore not possible to lectotypify this name. From the description it is however obvious that this name is conspecific with B. ramiflora. It is here therefore neotypified. Fleury 32043 is chosen as neotype, because it is a collection from Cochinchine, and it is a fruiting specimen like the original specimen described by Loureiro.
3. The type sheet of B. sylvestris is a mixture. The leaves on this sheet are Lancium domesticum Corrκa, see Mabberley et al. (1995). The description of Loureiro is also congruent with Lancium domesticum. The fruits, for example, contain 5 locules, and each locule has one ovule only (both features not present in Baccaurea). The inflorescences on the type sheet, on the other hand, belongs to B. ramiflora. The fact that the type specimen is a mixture has probably caused the confusion about the taxonomical status of B. sylvestris.
Baccaurea reticulata Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 373; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 65; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 246; Corner, Wayside Trees Mal. 1 (1940) 241; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 36; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 67; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 54; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 266; Chakrab. & Gang., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 18 (1994) 424; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 174, Fig. 3.23; Map 3.35. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Scortechini s.n. (lecto L, sheet 903.154-630, barcode L 0039846), Peninsular Malaysia, Perak, Goping.
Tree or treelet 628 m high, dbh 2160 cm, bole sometimes fluted to up to 2 m high; branchlets subglabrous, densely hairy when young, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of stellate and simple hairs. Bark red to red-brown to orange-brown when fresh, brown when dry, thin, rugose, fibrous to flaky; inner bark red to pink to light brown, 25 mm thick. Heartwood red-brown to yellow-brown. Leaves: petiole 1887 mm long, subglabrous to velutinous with short stellate hairs and long simple hairs, transverse cracks usually, apically and slightly basally pulvinate, raised glands sometimes present; stipules 47.5 by 1.53.5 mm, velutinous outside and inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina (ovate to) elliptic to obovate, 5.414.5 by 2.86.6 cm, l/w ratio 1.62.9, papery to slightly leathery; base acute to cuneate (to attenuate); marginal glands sometimes visible as small indentations; apex (obtuse to) acuminate to cuspidate, up to 16 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands often present, sometimes granulate, grey-green to green-white to brown-white, nervation whitish to grey-green, slightly sunken; lower surface subglabrous, densely hairy at midrib and veins, raised glands often present, discoid glands if present in a row between secondary veins, light (yellowish) brown when dry; secondary veins 48 per side, closed at margin; nervation (weakly) scalariform, (dark) brown. Staminate inflorescences axillary (to ramiflorous), solitary to 3 clustered together, 17 cm long, c. 0.1 mm thick, branched, velutinous, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 1 per branchlet, 15 mm long inserted, densely hairy outside and inside, margin ciliate, not to slightly hyaline; bracteoles 0.52.5 mm long, 13 (or 4) per branchlet; branchlets cylindrical, 14 mm long, densely hairy, (3)915-flowered. Staminate flowers 0.82.5 mm diam., pale yellow to greenish white to white; pedicel 0.61.5 mm long, upper part 0.31.2 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 (or 5), ovate to elliptic, 0.71.8 by 0.20.9 mm, apex recurved, densely hairy outside and probably also inside; stamens 4 (or 5), 0.20.3 mm long, glabrous; filaments up to 0.2 mm long, straight; anthers 0.10.2 by 0.150.2 by c. 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode absent to small, up to 0.15 mm high, velutinous. Pistillate inflorescences ramiflorous to just below the leaves. Pistillate flowers: ovary 3- (or 4-)locular. Infructescences 25 cm long, 23 mm thick. Fruits globose, 36-seeded, fleshy capsules, 2538 by 2951 by 2951 mm, loculicidally dehiscent, raised glands present, subglabrous to tomentose outside, subglabrous inside, septa sparsely hairy, green to dirty orange to brown; pericarp 36.5 mm thick; column 1925 mm long, straight; sepals usually persistent; stigmas usually caducous; pedicel 1221 mm long, upper part 815 mm long. Seeds globose to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 1013.5 by 814.5 by 34 mm; arillode whitish yellow, translucent; cotyledons 811 by 6.512 by up to 0.1 mm; radicle up to 0.1 mm long.
Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Secondary rain forest. Soil: yellow sandy loam. Altitude: sea level up to 330 m. Flowering: January, March, April, August, September; fruiting: June to September, November.
Uses Arillode edible, sweet.
Vernacular names Peninsular Malaysia: Tampoi, tampoy, tampui. Sumatra: Kaloe merah, tampoei simba.
Baccaurea sarawakensis Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. VI.147.xv (1922) 53; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 54; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 177, Map 3.36, Photo 10, 11. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Hose 43 (lecto K; isolecto L), Borneo, Sarawak, Baram.
Tree 318(21) m high, dbh 421 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets glabrous; young shoots greyish-white when dry, slightly thickened at tip, Terminalia branching pattern well-developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark whitish to green to grey to brown when fresh, greyish-white to brown when dry, c. 12.5 mm thick; inner bark yellowish to pale brown or pale red, up to 2 mm thick, soft. Leaves: petiole brown when dry, 1056 mm long, sparsely hairy, raised glands present; stipules caducous to late caducous, lanceolate, 2.59 by 12.8 mm, sparsely to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, sometimes hyaline; lamina obovate to elliptic, 720 by 38 cm, l/w ratio 2.33, firm papery to leathery; base cuneate to acute; apex (rounded to) acuminate, up to 17 mm long; upper surface glabrous, sometimes granulate, glossy green when fresh, whitish brown when dry; lower surface glabrous, rarely sparsely hairy at midrib and veins, raised glands usually present, discoid glands sparse or absent, shiny pale green when fresh, whitish green to brown when dry; secondary veins 58 per side, closed at margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform, (whitish) brown when dry. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary to 5 clustered together, 312 cm long, less than 1 mm thick, densely hairy, more than 60-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence, bright yellow; branchlets 00.2 mm long; bracts 3 per branchlet, 0.41.5 mm long, glabrous to densely hairy outside, (sub)glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Staminate flowers 3 per branchlet, 11.4 mm diam.; pedicel 1.94.5 mm long, upper part 12.8 mm long, densely hairy; sepals ovate to obovate, 4 or 5, apically recurved, 0.81.2 by 0.40.8 mm, glabrous to densely hairy inside and outside; stamens 4 or 5, 0.150.2 mm long, glabrous; filaments c. 0.1 mm long, straight; anthers c. 0.2 by 0.20.3 by 0.1 mm; disc present, 0.10.15 mm thick; pistillode globose, 0.250.3 mm high, densely hairy, solid. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to ramiflorous, solitary to few clustered together, 510 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, densely hairy, 916-flowered; bracts 3, usually persistent, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate; pedicel 24.1 mm long, upper part c. 0.2 mm long, densely hairy. Pistillate flowers 29 mm diam.; sepals 4 or 5, lanceolate, 1.59 mm by 12.6 mm, glabrous to densely hairy on both sides, caducous; ovary (sub)globose, 1.53.5 by 1.53.2 mm, 3-locular, woolly; style (0)0.51 mm by 12 mm, glabrous to densely hairy; stigmas c. 1 mm long, slightly lobed apically, caducous; lobes above glabrous with protuberances, below densely hairy. Fruits subglobose to triangular, 03-seeded, fleshy capsules, 1828(30) by 1630 by 1330 mm, dehiscing loculicidally, outside sparsely to densely hairy, inside glabrous, raised glands present, red to yellowish red-pink; pericarp 0.53.5 mm thick, column 1316 mm long, caducous; pedicel 211 mm long, upper part 12 mm long. Seeds obovoid, laterally flattened, 1014 by 711.5 by 15.7 mm; arillode blue to pinkish. Seeds coat blue to purple; cotyledons 68 by c. 6 by 0.1 mm.
Distribution Borneo.
Habitat & Ecology Primary rain forest. Altitude: up to 800(1600) m. Soil: loam. Flowering: March, April, June to September; fruiting: January, February, May to December.
Vernacular names Borneo: Ankuni (Brunei, Dayak); engkuni, gune (Iban); kunau-kunau (Malay); mata kunau (Brunei, Dusun); Ngkokonau (Dusun Rongos); asam kuning, enkunyit, kayu masam, peladuk.
Baccaurea simaloerensis Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 179, Fig. 3.24, Map 3. Type: Achmad 728 (holo L), Sumatra, Simeuluλ Island.
Tree; branchlets glabrous to sparsely hairy, densely hairy when young, Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed. Indumentum of simple and usually short stellate hairs. Bark dark brown when dry, thin. Leaves: petiole 1240 mm long, subglabrous to sparsely hairy, rarely densely hairy, apically and basally pulvinate, blackish to dark reddish brown when dry, raised glands usually absent; stipules 24 by 11.5 mm, sparsely to densely hairy outside, midrib densely hairy, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina ovate to elliptic, 6.218 by 3.49.1 cm, l/w ratio 1.52.1, papery; base truncate to acute (to attenuate); apex obtuse to acuminate, up to 13 mm long; upper surface glabrous, small raised glands present, usually granulate, dark brown, nervation sunken; lower surface (sub)glabrous, subglabrous to sparsely hairy at midrib, raised glands present, discoid glands usually present, scattered, pale brown when dry; secondary veins 5 or 6 (or 7) per side, open at margin; nervation reticulate. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary, 310 cm long, 0.61 mm thick, branched, sparsely to densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 1 per branchlet, (broadly) ovate, 2.23.5 mm long, usually caducous, densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; bracteoles usually 4, 1.52.5 mm long; branchlets cylindrical, 23.5 mm long, 620-flowered, densely hairy. Staminate flowers 1.52 mm diam., caducous before dehiscence; pedicel 0.31 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 11.3 by 0.71.2 mm, apically slightly recurved, velutinous outside and inside; stamens 47, 0.30.4 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.10.2 mm long, straight; anthers 0.150.1 by 0.150.2 by c. 0.1 mm; disc absent; pistillode present, cylindrical to obtriangular, c. 0.5 mm high, velutinous, solid. Pistillate inflorescences axillary, solitary, 24.2 cm long, 12 mm thick, densely hairy, few-flowered; pedicel 28.5 mm long, upper part 14.5 mm long, densely hairy; bracts probably 3 per branchlet, spatulate, persistent, subglabrous outside, sparsely hairy at base, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 814 mm diam.; sepals 5, lanceolate to elliptic, 57.5 by 1.21.5 mm, densely hairy outside and inside, caducous to persistent; ovary globose, 24 by 25 mm, (2-? or) 3-locular, velutinous; style c. 0.5 by 1.5 mm, velutinous; stigmas c. 2.8 mm long, cleft for upper 6070%, persistent; lobes c. 2 by 0.5 mm, glabrous above, protuberances small, below densely hairy, protuberances strong. Fruits globose, usually 24-seeded, berries or fleshy capsules, 15.518 by 15.823.5 by 15.823.5 mm, only outer layer loculicidally dehiscent, raised glands absent, sparsely to densely hairy outside, (sub)glabrous inside, septa subglabrous; pericarp 1.56.5 mm thick; column 912 mm long, straight. Seeds ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 78.5 by 3.54.5 by 1.53.5 mm; cotyledons 2.83 by 23 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle 0.62 mm long; endosperm 0.20.5 mm thick.
Distribution Sumatra: Simeuluλ Island.
Habitat & Ecology Flowering: June, September, November, December; fruiting: February, May.
Vernacular names Simeuluλ Island: Awa-batoe-fatoeh, bolahna itung, bolawah-iteung-delok, bolawah ontur, bolawah palo, bolawah pajo-oeding, bolawah silai, soerai-datan, toetoen bolafah.
Notes 1. In this species all staminate flowers in herbarium material fall off before anthesis. In B. bracteata, a close relative, a part of the staminate flowers show the same phenomenon. However, despite the fact that the staminate flowers remain closed, pollination takes place because in the fruit bearing specimen seeds are produced. A possible explanation for the successful pollination could be that the breaking off of the unopened flowers is an artifact, and that the flowers do open in the wild. Another explanation could be that fertilisation is performed by thrips, who are able to enter the closed flowers.
2. This species is named for its restricted distribution on Simeuluλ Island, off the coast of Sumatra. All studied collections of this species were made by Achmad, and he spelled the island as Simaloer.
Baccaurea sumatrana (Miq.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 466; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3, 1 (1900) 281; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 63; S.Moore, J. Bot. Br. 63 (1925) 98; Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 151; K.Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. 1, 3rd ed. (1950) 915; Soejarto, Bot. Mus. Leafl. 21 (1965) 71, 99; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah (1967) 36; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 65; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 55; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 267; Chakrab. & Rao, J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 5 (1984) 957; G.L. Webster, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 81 (1994) 51; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 182, Fig. 3.25, Map 3.39; Haegens & Welzen in Welzen et al., Thai For. Bull. 28 (2000) 74; in Chayam. & Welzen, Fl. Thailand 8, 1 (2005) 118, fig. 24g-i. Calyptroon sumatranum Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv. (1861) 472. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Teijsmann s.n. (lecto U, sheet 35994) Sumatra.
Baccaurea kingii Gage, Rec. Bot. Surv. India 9 (1922) 231; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 373; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 245; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 65; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 54. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Wray 1364 (lecto SING), Malakka, Perak, Tapa.
Baccaurea bivalvis Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 148; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 56. Type: Elmer 21510 (holo US; iso DS, GH, K, L), Borneo, Sabah, Tawau.
Tree (4)1543 m high, dbh (5)1535 cm, buttresses if present up to 1 m high, c. 6 cm thick; branches glabrous, young shoots dark brown to black, Terminalia branching pattern well-developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark greyish-brown to brown to black, 216 mm thick, smooth to rather rough, hard, fibrous, peeling off with longitudinal flakes of c. 1 cm long, raised glands present, (exudate watery, red); inner bark white to red brown to pink, 1.52 mm thick, fibrous, hard, scaly. Heartwood reddish to dark brown. Leaves: petiole 548 mm long, glabrous; stipules 17 by c. 1 mm, sparsely hairy on both sides, densely hairy at midrib outside, margin not ciliate; lamina ovate to sometimes obovate, 319 by 1.27.5 cm, l/w ratio 1.12.9(3.75), papery; base attenuate to cuneate (to rounded); apex obtuse to acuminate, up to 18 mm long; upper surface glabrous, rarely granulate, a few discoid glands rarely present; lower surface glabrous, a few discoid glands present; green to red when dry, red when young; secondary veins, 58(10) per side, sometimes closed at margin; nervation reticulate. Staminate inflorescences axillary to somewhat ramiflorous, solitary (to 3 clustered together), up to 2.3(5.4) cm long, densely hairy, 3075-flowered, flowers grouped at upper part of inflorescence; branchlets spatulate, 23.8 mm long, densely hairy, with (2 or) 3 (or 4) flowers; bracts 1 per branchlet, c. 1 mm long, glabrous outside. Staminate flowers sessile, 0.91.8 mm diam., yellow-green; sepals 35, each with a different size and shape, 0.31.2 by 0.31 mm, glabrous; stamens 46, 0.41 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.40.9 mm long; anthers 0.10.15 mm; pistillode ligulate, up to 0.5 mm high, densely hairy. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to ramiflorous, solitary (to 4 clustered together), 0.76.5(9) cm long, 12 mm thick, densely hairy except at base, 220-flowered; pedicel geniculate (90° bent) at the abscission zone, 2.22.5 mm long, upper part c. 1.2 mm, densely hairy; bracts absent. Pistillate flowers 1.52 mm; sepals 4 or 5, ovate to obovate, each with a different size and shape, 0.51.3 by 0.51.4 mm, densely hairy on both sides; ovary cylindrical, 1.82.5 by 11.4 mm, 2-locular, sparsely hairy to velutinous; style absent or up to 0.1 mm long; stigmas not lobed to apically lobed up to the base, lobes up to 0.5 mm long, glabrous. Fruits ellipsoid, laterally flattened, usually 1-seeded, fleshy capsules, 917 by 410 mm, dehiscing loculicidally, outside subglabrous, inside glabrous, septa rarely sparsely hairy, yellow to orange to reddish; pedicel straight, 28 mm long, upper part 0.52 mm; pericarp c. 1 mm thick; column often persistent, 612 mm long, curved, flattened; sepals persistent, small. Seeds ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 69 by 47.5 by 24 mm; arillode orange; testa red; cotyledons 3.56 by 46.5 mm, thin; radicle up to 0.8 mm long.
Distribution Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and (Java).
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary rain forest. Soil: sand or sandy clay. Altitude: sea level up to 1550 m. Flowering: March, May to November; fruiting: throughout the year.
Uses Used as timber.
Vernacular names Peninsular Malaysia: Tampoi. Sumatra: Ketjipot, semasam, semasam pris. Sumatra (Banka): Masput (Malay). Sumatra (Simeuluλ Island): Toetoen bolawak iteung pajo, toetoen bolawah kθhθ-pajo. Borneo: Perepat (Malay); kayu massam, sangkurat.
Baccaurea tetrandra (Baill.) Mόll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 465; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 49; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Fl. Pl. 2 (1923) 411; Fernando, Philipp. J. Biol. 8 (1979) 307; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. (1983) 10; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 185, Fig. 3.26, Map 3.41, Photo 12. Adenocrepis tetrandra Baill., Ιtude Euphorb. (1858) 601; Adansonia 4 (1863) 135. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Cuming 982 (lecto L; isolecto P, TCD, US), Philippines.
Baccaurea stipulata J.J.Sm., Icon. Bog. 4 (1910) 32, t. 311; Merr., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. (1921) 331; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 56; Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 151; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 55; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 266. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Hallier 3445 (lecto L), Borneo, Amai Ambit.
Baccaurea terminalifolia Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 4 (1911) 1277. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Elmer 13089 (lecto DS; isolecto GH, K, L, US), Philippines, Palawan, Puerta Princesa, Mt Pulgar.
Baccaurea brevipedicellata Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 55; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 54. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Hose 48 (lecto L; isolecto K), Borneo, Sarawak, Baram District.
Shrub or tree 220 m high, dbh 329 cm, sometimes fluted, buttresses absent; branchlets (sub)glabrous, often thickened at tip, Terminalia branching pattern well-developed. Indumentum of simple hairs. Bark brown to grey to whitish green when fresh, brown to grey when dry, 0.12 mm thick, smooth to slightly rough, corky, peeling off in 58 long cm strips, soft; inner bark red to purple to brown to yellow to white, c. 1.5 mm thick, soft. Heartwood brown. Leaves: petiole 475 mm long, (sub)glabrous, transverse cracks at base and tip, brown to grey when dry, raised glands present; stipules 311 by 1.24.5 mm, caducous (to late caducous), glabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin often ciliate, sometimes hyaline; lamina obovate to elliptic, (3.2)521 by 1.512.3 cm, l/w ratio 1.43.4, papery; base rounded to cuneate; apex (retuse to) obtuse to acute, up to 20 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands usually present, often granulate, (light yellow-)green when fresh, (greenish to brownish) white, nervation slightly raised; lower surface glabrous, nervation subglabrous, raised glands usually present, discoid glands absent, light green when fresh, (pale greenish to greyish) brown when dry; secondary veins (2)49 per side, often closed at margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform, white to brown when dry; young leaves red. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary to 3(many) clustered together, 1.517 cm long, 0.51.5 mm thick, sparsely to densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence, rachis white to red to purple; bracts 1 per branchlet, 0.32 mm long, persistent to caducous, glabrous to densely hairy outside, (sub)glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; bracteoles (0)2, up to 1 mm long, subglabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside; branchlets cylindrical, 02.5 mm long, densely hairy, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 1.64.5 mm diam., yellow to white; pedicel 0.83 mm long, upper part 0.32 mm long, densely hairy; sepals 4 or 5, spatulate to sometimes ovate, 0.93 by 0.61.3 mm, sometimes apically recurved, sparsely to densely hairy outside, densely hairy inside; staminodes absent or 4 or 5; stamens (3 or) 4 or 5, 0.61.4 mm long, (sub)glabrous; filaments glabrous to subglabrous, 0.51.3 mm long, often apically geniculate; anthers 0.150.25 by 0.150.3 by c. 0.1 mm; pistillode obtriangular to cylindrical, 0.61.3 mm high, densely hairy, usually hollow. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves (to ramiflorous), solitary to 3 clustered together, 2.530 cm long, 0.12 mm thick, sparsely to densely hairy, 550-flowered, rachis red; pedicel 0.57.5 mm long, upper part 01.3 mm long, sparsely hairy to densely hairy; bracts (1 or) 3 per branchlet, glabrous to densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 312 mm diam., yellow to green (to red); sepals 46, obovate to elliptic, 1.55.9 by 0.22.4 mm, sparsely to densely hairy outside, densely hairy inside, caducous; ovary globose, 1.22.4 by 12.1 mm, 2-locular, sparsely to densely hairy, pale green; style absent to 0.4 by 0.71 mm, densely hairy; stigmas 0.41 mm long, cleft for upper up to 90%, white, persistent to caducous; lobes 0.40.7 by 0.20.7 mm, glabrous with protuberances above, below glabrous to densely hairy with protuberances. Infructescences to 45 cm long, purple. Fruits globose to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 1- or 2- or 4-seeded, fleshy capsules, 717 by 6.515 by 6.515 mm, loculicidally dehiscent to irregularly splitting, raised glands sometimes present, glabrous to sparsely hairy outside, glabrous inside, red (to yellow to pink to greenish white); pericarp 0.11.5 mm thick; column 814 mm long, straight, caducous; pedicel 0.58 mm long, upper part 0.25.5 mm long, red. Seeds globose to obovoid, laterally flattened, 713 by 59.5 by 36.5 mm; arillode blue to purple; testa red; cotyledons often folded, (3)3.57.5 by 48.7 by c. 0.1 mm; radicle 0.91.8 mm long; endosperm 0.21 mm thick.
Distribution Borneo, Philippines, Sulawesi, Moluccas (Halmahera only).
Habitat & Ecology Primary and secondary rain forest, and swamp forest. Soil: sand, clay, loam. Altitude: up to 1500 m. Flowering and fruiting: throughout the year. Flowers odourless.
Uses Arillode edible, sweet to sour.
Vernacular names Borneo (Brunei): Kunau; mata kunau (Malay). Borneo (Sabah): Kunau-kunau, mata-pelandok. Borneo (Sarawak): Enkuni(k), kunau (Iban); sekunau (Dusun); kuni, mata pelandok. Borneo (Kalimantan): Pundung undang (Dayak); konkuning, mata pelandoeh. Philippines: Katag, saket.
Note In the type of B. stipulata the leaf blades are 1319 cm long and whitish when dry, whereas in the type of B. tetrandra the leaf blades are 614 cm long and brown when dry. However, intermediates between these characters are found frequently. The same variability is found in the leaf anatomical characters (Bodegom et al., in prep.). Baccaurea stipulata is therefore considered to be conspecific with B. tetrandra.
Baccaurea trigonocarpa Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot 15 (1929) 152; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 38; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 54; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 188, Fig. 3.27, Map 3.42. Type: Elmer 21525 (holo A; iso DS, K, L, US), Borneo, Sabah, Tawau.
Tree or shrub 415 m high, dbh 538 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets glabrous to rarely densely hairy, Terminalia branching pattern usually weak. Indumentum of simple and rarely stellate hairs. Bark white-brown to brown to blackish-brown when fresh, brown to grey when dry, thin, smooth; inner bark yellow to rarely yellowish-red to grey. Leaves: petiole 1057 mm long, subglabrous to densely hairy, slightly apically and sometimes slightly basally pulvinate, raised glands sometimes present; stipules lanceolate to triangular, 49 by 13 mm, glabrous to densely hairy outside, (sub)glabrous inside, margin usually not ciliate, usually not hyaline; lamina obovate to elliptic, 716.5 by 3.98 cm, l/w ratio 1.72.9, papery; base cuneate to attenuate; marginal glands usually visible as small indentations; apex acuminate to cuspidate, 318 mm long; upper surface glabrous, rarely granulate, dark green when fresh, dark (green)-brown when dry; lower surface (sub)glabrous, glabrous to densely hairy at veins, raised glands usually absent, discoid glands present, sparse to in a row between the secondary veins, dark green when fresh, green to brown when dry; secondary veins 610 per side, closed at margin; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform. Staminate inflorescences axillary to just below the leaves, solitary, 13 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, densely hairy, many-flowered, flowers clustered at the tip of inflorescence; bracts absent; bracteoles usually 1 per branchlet, c. 1 mm long, densely hairy outside, subglabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; branchlets cylindrical, c. 1 mm long, densely hairy, 3-flowered. Staminate flowers 12.2 mm diam., pale yellow, sessile; sepals (5 or) 6, obovate, 0.51 by 0.40.8 mm, apically straight, densely hairy outside and inside; stamens 6, 0.91 mm long, glabrous; filaments c. 0.9 mm long, straight; anthers c. 0.1 by 0.2 by 0.1 mm; pistillode obtriangular, c. 0.5 mm high, velutinous, solid. Pistillate inflorescences usually ramiflorous (to axillary or cauline), solitary (to 4 clustered together), 1.53 cm long, c. 1 mm thick, densely hairy, 7many-flowered; pedicel 11.5 mm long, upper part 0.20.5 mm long, geniculate (90° bent), densely hairy; bracts (1)3 per branchlet, persistent, glabrous to densely hairy outside, densely hairy inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 12 mm diam., yellow; sepals (5 or) 6, 0.51.2 by 0.20.9 mm, ovate, densely hairy outside and inside, persistent; ovary globose, 11.4 by 0.70.9 mm, (2- or) 3- or 4-locular, velutinous, wings usually present, 6 or 8, small; style absent; stigmas c. 0.5 mm long, glabrous, persistent. Infructescences 450 cm long, 12 mm thick. Fruits 3- or 4-angular (to globose), 1- or 2-seeded, fleshy capsules, 815 by 914.5 by 914.5 mm, dehiscing loculicidally, raised glands usually absent, (sub)glabrous outside, glabrous inside, subglabrous at column, yellow to orange to purple; pericarp 0.51.5(2) mm thick; column 711 mm long, straight, sometimes caducous; pedicel 410(17) mm long, upper part 0.53 mm long. Seeds globose to ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 6.29 by 68 by 3.55 mm; arillode orange to purple to reddish; testa white; cotyledons 57 by 5.57 by 0.11; radicle 0.10.2 mm long; endosperm thin.
Distribution Borneo, Singapore but probably only in cultivation.
Habitat & Ecology Primary rain forest and kerangas forest. Soil: sand, clay, loam. Altitude: 301200 m. Flowering: June, August, September; fruiting: January, April to November.
Uses Firewood.
Vernacular names Borneo: Engkuhi (Iban); tikak cabo (Murut); butoh pranuk, ngiboruok, ombak pahung, pugι laboh, rambai hutan.
Baccaurea velutina (Ridl.) Ridl., J. Bot. 62 (1924) 300; Fl. Malay Penins. 5 (1925) 331; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 67; Haegens, Blumea Suppl. (2000) 190, Map 3.43. Baccaurea reticulata Hook.f. var. velutina Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 246; Smitinand, Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 22 (1967) 170. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): SF (Nur) 11319 (lecto K; isolecto A, SING).
Shrub or tree (2.1)915(18) m high, dbh 6.424 cm, buttresses absent; branchlets sparsely hairy to velutinous; young shoots pale to red-brown when dry, Terminalia branching pattern well-developed. Indumentum of stellate and simple hairs. Bark brown to grey-brown to orange-brown when fresh, smooth; inner bark red to brown, thin, fibrous. Leaves: petiole 1880 mm long, velutinous with long and short hairs, often with longitudinal cracks when old, light to blackish brown when dry, raised glands or lenticels often present; stipules 37 by 1.53 mm, velutinous outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; lamina ovate to obovate, 5.219.3 by 3.511.2 cm, l/w ratio 1.42.8, papery to somewhat leathery; base cuneate to attenuate (to rounded); apex rounded to acuminate, up to 11 mm long; upper surface glabrous, raised glands present, sometimes granulate, (dark to grey)-brown when dry; lower surface subglabrous to sparsely hairy, nervation sparsely hairy to velutinous, raised glands present, discoid glands present, hairy, if many then in a row between secondary veins, brown when dry; secondary veins 57 per side, usually open at margin; nervation reticulate; young leaves yellowish brown when fresh. Staminate inflorescences axillary, solitary or in pairs, 2.59 cm long, rachis 11.8 mm thick, branches minute, velutinous, many-flowered, flowers scattered along inflorescence; bracts 1 per branchlet, 47.3 mm long, densely hairy outside, (sub)glabrous inside, margin ciliate, not hyaline; bracteoles 4(8), small; branchlets, cylindrical, 0.51 mm long, velutinous, 412-flowered. Staminate flowers 2.55 mm diam., yellow to brown; pedicel 0.51.3 mm long, upper part 0.20.9 mm long, velutinous; sepals 4 (or 5), ovate, 1.84 by 11.8 mm, recurved to straight at apex, velutinous outside and inside; stamens 5 or 6, 0.30.9 mm long, glabrous; filaments 0.10.7 mm long, straight; anthers 0.150.2 by 0.20.25 by 0.11.15 mm; disc absent; pistillode cylindrical to obtriangular, 0.61.3 mm high, velutinous. Pistillate inflorescences axillary, solitary, 2.55.5 cm long, 1.21.5 mm thick, velutinous, few-flowered; pedicel 1.53.5 mm long, upper part 0.52 mm long, velutinous; bracts 2 per branchlet, ovate, velutinous outside, glabrous inside, margin ciliate. Pistillate flowers 510 mm diam., yellow; sepals 4 (and a small 5th), ovate, (3)610 by (1)23 mm, velutinous outside and inside, persistent to caducous; ovary cylindrical, 2.54 by c. 2.5 mm, 3-locular, velutinous, dark brown; style 0.51 by 11.5 mm, white velvety; stigmas 1.22.2 mm long, cleft for upper c. 50%, persistent and up to 3 mm long; lobes 0.61.1 by 0.20.4 mm, glabrous above, velutinous below. Fruits globose, 26-seeded, berries to fleshy capsules, 2328 by 2531 by 2531 mm, 2.5 cm diam. when fresh, usually only 1 layer dehiscing loculicidally when dry, raised glands present, (slightly) ruminate when dry, velutinous outside, (sub)glabrous inside, septa subglabrous, (red-)brown; pericarp 37.5 mm thick; column 1517 mm long, straight; pedicel 45 mm long, upper part 23 mm long. Seeds ellipsoid, laterally flattened, 7.510 by 4.68 by 35 mm; arillode yellow to orange; cotyledons 5.26 by 56.9 by 0.10.5 mm; radicle 11.5 mm long.
Distribution Peninsular Malaysia.
Habitat & Ecology Rain forest, on ridges, rarely in swamps. Altitude: 3301450 m. Flowering: April, August, September; fruiting: February to May, September.
Uses Arillode edible, sour.
Vernacular names Peninsular Malaysia: Tampoi, tampoy tungau.
No original material of the following taxa could be traced or obtained so that their taxonomic status could not be evaluated.
Baccaurea airyshawii Chakrab. & M.Gangop., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 18 (1994) 419. Type: Kunstler 1408 (holo CAL, n.v.).
Baccaurea celebica Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV.147.xv (1922) 69; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 37 (1982) 8. Type: Warburg 15565 (n.v.).
Baccaurea henii Thin, J. Biol. (Vietnam) 9, 2 (1987) 37. Type: Duong van Hen s.n. (holo HM, n.v.).
Pierardia macrostachys Wight & Arn., Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. (1852) 30; Baill., Adansonia 3 (1863) 140. Lectotype (designated by Haegens, 2000): Wight (lecto plate 1912 in Wight & Arn., Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. (1852) 28).
Hooker (1885) has considered this name a synonym of B. sapida (= B. ramiflora). The original description and plate of B. macrostachys are, however, not congruent with Hookers description of B. sapida. The original description and plate of B. macrostachys are also incongruent with the modern description of B. ramiflora (see no. 34). In B. macrostachys (5)810 stamina are present, whereas B. ramiflora has 58 stamina. In my opinion, the plant with staminate inflorescences depicted in Wight & Arn. (1852: plate 1912) is a true Baccaurea, but is maybe not conspecific with B. ramiflora. The drawing is too crude to establish the exact identity of the depicted plant. Two oddities appear in the description and on plate 1913 (Wight & Arn., 1852) of the plant with pistillate inflorescences and infructescence: the seed has no arillode; the leaves are opposite (but Wight & Arn. were not sure if the leaves belonged to the fruits). For these reasons it is extremely questionable if the female plant is a Baccaurea. The plate with the staminate flowers is therefore chosen as lectotype.
Baccaurea reniformis Chakrab. & M.Gangop., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 19 (1995) 449. Type: Kings Collector 10196 (holo CAL, n.v.).
Baccaurea cavaleriei H.Lιv., Fl. Kouy-Tchιou (1914) 158; Rehder, J. Arnold Arbor. 18 (1937) 281; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 19 (1965) 314. Type: Cavalerie 3299 (holo E), China, Kweichow, Lo Fou. = Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei (H. Lιv.) Airy Shaw.
Baccaurea esquirolii H.Lιv., Fl. Kouy-Tchιou (1914) 158; Rehder, J. Arnold Arbor. 18 (1937) 281. Type: Cavalerie 3458 (lecto A, selected here), China, Nom-You-Se-Ki-Fou. = Sapium rotundifolium Hemsl.