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Cistus no ladanifera mas
Cistus foliis maiorane
Cistus ladaniferus L. (syn.: C. ledon Lam.)
cf. Cistus salvifolius L. or Helianthemum majoranaefolium DC. = Helianthemum hirtum Mill. or Cistus organifolium Lam. = Helianthemum organifolium (Lam.) Persoon
Ledon, Ladon (Gr), Cistus ladanifera, Ledum, Ladum (Lat).
Note: Not clear which species this is. | |
Note: This is a fertile branch. The name seems to refer to a Cistus without ladanum (a medicinal resin). This could be an indication of a parasitic infection by Cytinus hypocistis L. This Rafflesiaceae only grows on white-flowered Cistus species. Cytinus ruber L. grows only on redflowered species (Blamey & Grey-Wilson, 1993). Dodonaeus wrote: 'Bij de wortelen van desen Cistus / wordt in die landen daer hy van selfs groeyet geuonden sekere aenwassinghe / van verwen som geel / som wit / som groen / ende daer uit wordt sap ghedruckt / dat in die Apotheke ghebruyckt wordt'...'Dat bij die wortelen van desen Cistus groeyet wordt gheheeten in Griecx Hypocisthis......ende Cytinus / in die apothkene Hypoquistidos' (at the roots of this Cistus / in the countries of origin can special growths be found / sometimes yellow / soemtimes white / sometimes green /from which juice is being pressed / which is used in the pharmacy.....That what is grows at the roots of this Cistus is called in Greek Hypocisthis .... and Cytinus / in the pharmacy Hypoquistidos.