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Colchicum autumnale L.
Herfsttijloos (NL), Meadow saffron (UK), Colchicum, Ephemeron (Gr), Hermodactylen (apot).

Notes: According to Dodonaeus, 'Hermodactilen' were 'ghebruyckt iaghen af duer den camerganck die taeye slijmactighe fluymen die selue uit den veerden leden halende / ende sÿn seer sonderlinghe tseghen dat fledercÿn ende sciatica ende allen pijne der leden gebruyckt' (used to loosen very tough phlegm / used especially for spine, shoulder and pelvis disorders and all other pains in the limbs). Although there are some warnings for the use of this very poisonous and cancerous plant 'verbrant die maghe ende quetst die inwendighe leden alzoo dat ten laetsten bloedighen camerganck volght ende alzoo dooder den mensche' (it burns the stomach and hurts the inner parts in such a manner that it results in bloody bowels and in this way can also be a killer). This can be prevented by adding 'Gengebeer oft lanck peper / saet van Anijs oft Comijn ende wat Mastix' (Ginger ale (?) or long pepper / aniseed or cumin and some Mastix (Pistacia lentiscus, page 29B). At present, Hermodactylus is being used for an Iridaceae: Hermodactylus tuberosus (L.) Mill.