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Upper specimen (missing) | |
Tithÿmalus cÿparissias | |
Note: See page 51A, due to the fact that this species is already attached on the formerpage, perhaps a specimen of E. characias L. was attached here.
Specimen left below
Specimen right below
Tithymalus myrsinites
Tithymaly Dandroides
Euphorbia myrsinites L.
Euphorbia dendroides L.
Liggende wolfsmelk (NL),
Donkeytail purge
(UK), Tithymalus foemina, Myrsinites, Caryites, Myrtites (Lat), Wolfsmelck wijfken (Br).
Boomwolfsmelk (NL),
Tree spurge
(UK), Tenthymalus dendroides (Gr), Tithymalus arborescens (Lat), Croonkens cruyt (Br).
Notes: Originating from Northern Africa upto Central Asia. A creeping, hardy species. |
Note: This is a very unusual cultivated plant from the Mediterranean and Cyprus. The woodcut and description in Dodonaeus of 'croonkens cruyt' depicts E. heliosopia L.