Sunda Shelf behind the species name means: species native in Thailand south of the Isthmus of Kra, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo or Palawan.
1a. |
Indumentum consisting of simple hairs only (Fig. 2a, or plants glabrous, best visible on lower surface of leaves, if possible, use dissecting microscope or strong hand lens); leaf midribs glabrous to glabrescent above, never densely hairy. |
1b. |
Indumentum consisting of stellate hair tufts and simple hairs (Fig. 2a, b). Leaf midribs glabrous to densely hairy above. |
2a. |
Leaves glabrous below. |
2b. |
Leaves subglabrous to densely hairy below. |
3a. |
Leaves in dense terminal tufts (Fig. 1b); pairs of secondary veins 410. |
3b. |
Leaves in open terminal tufts (Fig. 1c); pairs of secondary veins 516. |
4a. |
Lower leaf surfaces often without discoid glands, if present scattered. Petioles usually without transverse cracks when dry. Fruits glabrous to subglabrous outside and inside. |
4b. |
Lower leaf surfaces with discoid glands in a row parallel to midrib, or in a row between secondary veins. Petioles usually with transverse cracks when dry. Fruits densely hairy outside and inside. Sunda Shelf. |
5a. |
Stipules ciliate. Trees usually less than 15 m high. Leaves obovate. Staminate flowers scattered along rachis (Fig. 4b, c). Pistillate pedicels straight. Fruits with glabrous septa. |
5b. |
Stipules slightly ciliate. Trees usually more than 15 m high. Leaves ovate. Staminate flowers clustered at the tip of the rachis (Fig. 4a). Pistillate pedicels geniculate (90Ί bent). Fruits with subglabrous septa. Sunda Shelf. |
6a. |
Inflorescences (or their scars) axillary to just below the leaves to rarely along the branches, solitary to few clustered together. Staminate flowers white, yellow or green. Ovaries 2-locular. Fruits globose. |
6b. |
Inflorescences (or their scars) cauline, many clustered together. Staminate flowers red. Ovaries usually 3-locular. Fruits fusiform. Sunda Shelf . |
7a. |
Branchlets not thickened at the tip. Leaves not whitish when dry. Sepals glabrous to subglabrous outside. Pistillate inflorescences usually glabrous. Infructescences 15 cm long. Fruits yellow to orange. Sunda Shelf. |
7b. |
Branchlets sometimes thickened at the tip. Leaves sometimes whitish when dry. Sepals sparsely to densely hairy outside. Pistillate inflorescences sparsely to densely hairy. Infructescences 328 cm long. Fruits red to pink. Sunda Shelf. |
8a. |
Leaves papery to subleathery, usually (greyish to reddish) brown when dry (B. lanceolata green-brown); nervation clearly visible. Fruits globose. |
8b. |
Leaves thick leathery, usually green when dry; nervation hardly visible. Fruits star-shaped in cross section. Sunda Shelf. |
9a. |
Leaves brown to grey to reddish when dry. Staminate inflorescences axillary to rarely cauline, solitary to few clustered together, subglabrous to densely hairy. Sepals densely hairy outside. Infructescences 3.513 cm. Fruits 2135 mm long. |
9b. |
Leaves grey-green to brown-green when dry. Staminate inflorescences cauline, many clustered together, glabrous to subglabrous. Sepals usually glabrous outside. Infructescences 8.530(50) cm. Fruits 2460 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
10a. |
Pairs of secondary veins 1015. Filaments c. 0.3 mm long. Pistillate inflorescences cauline. Fruits densely hairy. New Guinea. |
10b. |
Pairs of secondary veins 512. Filaments 0.40.7 mm long. Pistillate inflorescences usually along the branches to axillary. Fruits glabrous to subglabrous. Sunda Shelf, Sumatra, Java. |
11a. |
Branchlets, petioles and lower surface leaves densely hairy. |
11b. |
Branchlets, petioles and lower surface leaves glabrous to sparsely hairy. |
12a. |
Leaves 13.537 cm long; pairs of secondary veins 817. |
12b. |
Leaves 514.5 cm long; pairs of secondary veins 58. |
13a. |
Stipules 816 mm long. |
13b. |
Stipules 36.5 mm long. |
14a. |
Trees 310 m high. Leaf bases cuneate to rounded. Ovaries 2- or 3-locular. Fruits 1420 by 1018.5 mm; pedicels 15 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
14b. |
Trees 1320 m high. Leaf bases usually narrowly cordate, rarely rounded. Ovaries 3-locular. Fruits 2245 by 1525 mm; pedicels 410 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
15a. |
Leaf bases usually narrowly heart-shaped, rarely rounded. Sunda Shelf. |
15b. |
Leaf bases cuneate to attenuate. New Guinea |
16a. |
Leaves in open terminal tufts (Terminalia branching pattern weakly developed, Fig. 1c). |
16b. |
Leaves in dense terminal tufts (Terminalia branching pattern well-developed, Fig. 1b). |
17a. |
Leaves papery,
brown to green when dry. Fruits globose. |
17b. |
Leaves leathery, yellowish green when dry. Fruits star-shaped in cross section. Sunda Shelf. |
18a. |
Stipules 816 mm long. |
18b. |
Stipules 2.58 mm long. |
19a. |
Leaves brown to grey when dry. Trunk not gnarled. Wood white to cream. Petioles 1165 mm long. Staminate flowers 12.2 mm diam., pedicel 0.21 mm long. Fruits 1018.5 mm diam. |
19b. |
Leaves green when dry. Trunk gnarled. Wood yellow to ochre to brown. Petioles 16184 mm long. Staminate flowers 27 mm diam., pedicel 1.87 mm long. Fruits (16.5)2460 mm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
20a. |
Petioles only apically pulvinate. Leaves 1535 cm long; pairs of secondary veins 1015. Staminate inflorescences solitary or in clusters of up to 8, densely hairy; flowers yellow (green). Fruits indehiscent. |
20b. |
Petioles basally and apically pulvinate. Leaves 7.417.4 cm long; pairs of secondary veins 611. Staminate inflorescences many clustered together, subglabrous to sparsely hairy; flowers pink. Fruits loculicidally dehiscent. |
21a. |
Lower leaf surfaces sparsely to densely hairy along nervation. Stamens 5. Fruiting pedicels above abscission zone 0.11 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
21b. |
Lower leaf surfaces glabrous to subglabrous along nervation. Stamens 69. Fruiting pedicels above abscission zone 1.53.5 mm long. |
22a. |
Petioles basally not to slightly pulvinate. Staminate flowers white, yellow, orange or pink. |
22b. |
Petioles basally strongly pulvinate. Staminate flowers (purplish) pink. |
23a. |
Lower leaf surfaces with discoid glands; leaf apex 05 mm long; pairs of secondary veins 49. Stipules 2.56 mm long. |
23b. |
Lower leaf surfaces without discoid glands; leaf apex 020 mm long; pairs of secondary veins 515. Stipules 311.5 mm long. |
24a. |
Pistillate inflorescences along the branches to axillary. Fruits 9.520 mm diam. Staminate inflorescence branchlets 1.54.5 mm long (Fig. 4c). |
24b. |
Pistillate inflorescences cauline. Fruits 2440 mm diam. Staminate inflorescence branchlets 00.4 mm long (Fig. 4c). |
25a. |
Pairs of secondary veins 615. Young shoots brown to grey to green when dry. Stipules longer than 3 mm, densely hairy along midrib outside, but glabrous to subglabrous on the blade. Pistillate inflorescences cauline. Fruits 1260 mm diam. |
25b. |
Pairs of secondary veins 57. Young shoots blackish when dry. Stipules shorter than 3 mm, densely hairy all over outside. Pistillate inflorescences axillary. Fruits c. 10 mm diam. |
26a. |
Petioles glabrous. Lower leaf surfaces with glabrous nervation. Staminate inflorescences many clustered together. Pistillate sepals glabrous to subglabrous. |
26b. |
Petioles subglabrous to densely hairy. Lower leaf surfaces with subglabrous to sparsely hairy nervation. Staminate inflorescences solitary in clusters of up to 10. Pistillate sepals densely hairy. |
27a. |
Leaves grey to brown when dry. Petioles 2159 mm long. Staminate inflorescences cauline to axillary, densely hairy; flowers 1.51.8 mm diam. Fruits densely hairy. |
27b. |
Leaves green when dry. Petioles 16184 mm long. Staminate inflorescences cauline, glabrous to sparsely hairy; flowers 27 mm diam. Fruits glabrous. Sunda Shelf. |
28a. |
Stipules 36.5 mm long. Staminate flowers 1.83.5 mm diam.; reduced petals absent. Fruits 2440 mm diam.; pedicels 58(23) mm long. |
28b. |
Stipules 511.5 mm long. Staminate flowers 1.51.8 mm diam.; reduced petals present. Fruits c. 12 mm diam.; pedicels 35 mm long. |
29a. |
Inflorescences or their scars cauline and/or along the branches (if only along the branches, both leads are correct). |
29b. |
Inflorescences or their scars along the branches and/or axillary. |
30a. |
Petioles only pulvinate apically. |
30b. |
Petioles pulvinate basally and apically. |
31a. |
Pairs of secondary veins 310. Staminate flowers without staminodes. Pistillate rachis red; sepals 4 or 5. Southeast Asian mainland, Malesia except New Guinea. |
31b. |
Pairs of secondary veins 715. Staminate flowers with staminodes. Pistillate rachis yellow; sepals 59. New Guinea. |
32a. |
Inflorescences (or their scars) cauline and/or along the branches. |
32b. |
Inflorescences (or their scars) cauline, but only along the base of the trunk, up to c. 1.5 m high. Sunda Shelf. |
33a. |
Plants with staminate inflorescences. |
33b. |
Plants with pistillate inflorescences or fruits. |
34a. |
Bracts glabrous at the base inside, 0.21.1 mm long. |
34b. |
Bracts densely hairy at the base inside, (1.5)34.5 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
35a. |
Inflorescences in clusters of many; not branched (Fig. 4a, b); bracts only along the rachis; filaments c. 0.8 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
35b. |
Inflorescences solitary or in clusters of up to 10; branched (Fig. 4c); bracts along the rachis and on the branchlets; filaments 0.40.6 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
36a. |
Fruits 1435 mm diam., loculicidally dehiscing or indehiscent. |
36b. |
Fruits 613.5 mm diam., irregularly dehiscing when dry. Sunda Shelf. |
37a. |
Fruits loculicidally dehiscent, often only partly so. Pedicels above abscission zone 1.9(2.5) mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
37b. |
Fruits indehiscent. Pedicels above abscission zone 0.11 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
38a. |
Branchlets solid. Stipules usually densely hairy along midrib on the outside, 2.56.5(11) mm long. |
38b. |
Branchlets hollow. Stipules usually glabrous along midrib on the outside, 615 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
39a. |
Leaves papery, dull, brown
to green to whitish when dry.
39b. |
Leaves leathery, slightly glossy, grey-brown to green when dry. Sunda Shelf. |
40a. |
Leaves lower surface with discoid glands. |
40b. |
Leaves lower surface without discoid glands. |
41a. |
Pairs of secondary veins 410. Staminate flowers without staminodes. Pistillate flowers 39.2 mm diam.; sepals 4 or 5 |
41b. |
Pairs of secondary veins 715. Staminate flowers with staminodes. Pistillate flowers 418 mm diam.; sepals 59. |
42a. |
Leaf apex (retuse to) obtuse to slightly acuminate, 03 mm long. Lower leaf surfaces with many discoid glands. Seed arillodes red to orange; pedicels 2.13.6 mm long, inflorescences unknown. Louisiade Archipelago. |
42b. |
Leaf apex (obtuse to) acuminate to cuspidate, 025 mm long. Lower leaf surfaces with few discoid glands. Seed arillodes blue or yellow; pedicels 39 mm long. W Malesia. |
43a. |
Leaves above glabrous along
midrib; pairs of secondary veins 410. Staminate pedicels 0.43 mm
long. Pistillate sepals 46, 1.56 mm long. Arillode blue or white or
(in S India) yellow. |
43b. |
Leaves above glabrous to densely hairy along midrib; pairs of secondary veins 715. Staminate pedicels 1.24.2 mm long. Pistillate sepals 59, 311 mm long. Arillode yellow. Sunda Shelf, New Guinea. |
44a. |
Plants with staminate inflorescences. |
44b. |
Plants with pistillate inflorescences or fruits. |
45a. |
Bracts glabrous at base inside, 0.21.3 mm long. |
45b. |
Bracts densely hairy at base inside, (1.5)34.5 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
46a. |
Inflorescences cauline to just below the leaves; stamens 57, 0.50.8 mm long; staminodes absent. Sunda Shelf. |
46b. |
Inflorescences just below the leaves to axillary; stamens (3 or) 4 or 5, 0.61.4 mm long; staminodes often present. Sunda Shelf. |
47a. |
Inflorescences cauline to
axillary. Ovaries (2- or) 3- or 4-locular.
Fruits 1635 mm diam. |
47b. |
Inflorescences along the branches to usually axillary. Ovaries 2-locular. Fruits 6.515 mm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
48a. |
Fruits loculicidally dehiscent, often only partly so. Pedicels above abscission zone 1.9(2.5) mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
48b. |
Fruits indehiscent. Pedicels above abscission zone 0.11 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
49a. |
Upper leaf surfaces with densely hairy midrib. |
49b. |
Upper leaf surfaces with glabrous to sparsely hairy midrib. |
50a. |
Fruits subglabrous to densely hairy inside. Staminate inflorescences axillary to rarely along the branches; pedicels 11.7 mm long; staminodes absent. Pistillate flowers 2.57 mm diam.; sepals 4 or 5. W Malesia. |
50b. |
Fruits glabrous inside. Staminate inflorescences axillary to cauline; pedicels 1.24.2 mm long; staminodes present. Pistillate flowers 418 mm diam.; sepals 59. New Guinea. |
51a. |
Branchlets glabrous. Leaf
bases rounded to cuneate; nervation reticulate. Staminate inflorescences
branched (Fig. 4c), flowers scattered along inflorescences
(Fig. 4b,
c). Pistillate inflorescences cauline to sometimes along the branches;
ovaries 2-locular. Fruits 2360 mm diam., indehiscent. Sunda Shelf. |
51b. |
Branchlets densely hairy. Leaf bases usually cordate to rounded; nervation scalariform. Staminate inflorescences not branched (Fig. 4a, b); flowers in tip of inflorescences (Fig. 4a). Pistillate inflorescences axillary to along the branches; ovaries 3-locular. Fruits 1226 mm diam., loculicidally dehiscent. Sunda Shelf. |
52a. |
Stipules caducous, 311.5 mm long. Petioles glabrous to densely hairy. |
52b. |
Stipules late caducous or persistent, 10.517 mm long. Petioles densely hairy. Sunda Shelf. |
53a. |
Lower leaf surfaces without black dots (at base of hairs). |
53b. |
Lower leaf surfaces with black dots (at base of hairs), dots only c. 0.1 mm diam. but visible with the naked eye. Sunda Shelf. |
54a. |
Pairs of secondary veins 913. |
54b. |
Pairs of secondary veins 38. |
55a. |
Twigs densely
hairy. |
55b. |
Twigs glabrous to sparsely hairy. |
56a. |
Leaves ovate to elliptic (if elliptic, both leads are correct). |
56b. |
Leaves obovate to elliptic. |
57a. |
Stipules 37.5 mm long. Leaves green to brown when dry; bases cordate to attenuate; nervation scalariform (Fig. 3b). Staminate inflorescences not branched (Fig. 4a, b); flowers usually at tip of inflorescences (Fig. 4a). Fruits 1322 mm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
57b. |
Stipules 5.511 mm long. Leaves brown when dry; bases rounded to attenuate; nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform (Fig. 3a, b). Staminate inflorescences branched (Fig. 4c); flowers scattered along inflorescences (Fig. 4b, c). Fruits 2940 mm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
58a. |
Petioles 34130 mm long. Blades 1336 cm long; hair tufts on the margins inconspicuous. Staminate inflorescences with bracts 1.54 mm long; staminodes absent. Pistillate inflorescences cauline to along the branches. Fruits 2940 cm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
58b. |
Petioles 1472 mm long. Blades 6.818.6 cm long; hair tufts on the margins striking. Staminate inflorescences with bracts 0.31.5 mm long; staminodes present. Pistillate inflorescences along the branches to rarely axillary. Fruits 1422 cm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
59a. |
Lower leaf surfaces without hair tufts in axils of the secondary veins. |
59b. |
Lower leaf surfaces with hair tufts in axils of the secondary veins. Sunda Shelf. |
60a. |
Plants with
staminate inflorescences.
60b. |
Plants with pistillate inflorescences. |
61a. |
Flowers scattered along inflorescences rachis (Fig. 4b, c). |
61b. |
Flowers at the tip of inflorescences (Fig. 4a). |
62a. |
Lateral branches of inflorescences 3many-flowered; pedicels 12 mm long. Leaf nervation (weakly) scalariform. |
62b. |
Lateral branches of inflorescences 3-flowered; pedicels absent. Leaf nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform. Sunda Shelf. |
63a. |
Petioles 10145 mm long. Inflorescence branchlets 12 mm long; stamens 0.10.25 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
63b. |
Petioles 1664 mm long. Inflorescence branchlets 235 mm long; stamens 0.30.6 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
64a. |
Blades 9.633 cm long. Inflorescences 2.59 mm long; sepals 4 or 5; stamens 4 or 5, 0.20.7 mm long; staminodes usually present. Sunda Shelf. |
64b. |
Blades 716.5 cm long. Inflorescences 13 mm long; sepals (5) or 6; stamens 6, 0.91 mm long; staminodes absent. Sunda Shelf. |
65a. |
Inflorescences cauline to along the branches (if along the branches, both leads are correct). |
65b. |
Inflorescences axillary to along the branches. |
66a. |
Pedicels 27.5 mm long. Flowers 24.5 mm diam. Fruits globose when dry, usually indehiscent. |
66b. |
Pedicels 11.5 mm long. Flowers 12 mm diam. Fruits angular when dry, loculicidally dehiscent. Sunda Shelf. |
67a. |
Stipules triangular. Stigmas 2-lobed. Fruits 3573 mm diam., yellow to brown. Sunda Shelf. |
67b. |
Stipules triangular to foliaceous. Stigmas not cleft into 2 lobes. Fruits 915 mm diam., usually green. Sunda Shelf. |
68a. |
Ovaries 3- or 4-locular. |
68b. |
Ovaries 2-locular. Sunda Shelf. |
69a. |
Pedicels c. 4.5 mm long. Flowers 37 mm diam. Fruits 2529 mm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
69b. |
Pedicels 11.5 mm long. Flowers 12 mm diam. Fruits 915 mm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
70a. |
Leaves ovate to elliptic (if elliptic, both leads are correct). |
70b. |
Leaves obovate to elliptic. |
71a. |
Twigs densely
hairy. |
71b. |
Twigs glabrous to subglabrous. |
72a. |
Leaf nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform (Fig. 3a, b). Staminate inflorescences branched (Fig. 4c); flowers scattered along inflorescences (Fig. 4b, c). Fruits 2540 mm diameter. |
72b. |
Leaf nervation (weakly) scalariform (Fig. 3b). Staminate inflorescences not branched (Fig. 4a, b); flowers at the tip of inflorescences (Fig. 4a). Fruits 622 mm diameter. |
73a. |
Stipules 5.511 mm long. Leaves 1336 cm long; pairs of secondary veins (5)813. Staminate bracts persistent, 1.54 mm long; flowers 1.32.5 mm diam. Pistillate inflorescences cauline to along the branches. Fruiting pedicels 1114 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
73b. |
Stipules 37 mm long. Leaves 519.5 cm long; pairs of secondary veins 57. Staminate bracts caducous, 47 mm long; flowers 1.84 mm diam. Pistillate inflorescences axillary. Fruiting pedicels 45 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
74a. |
Pistillate inflorescences along the branches to axillary; ovaries 2-locular. Fruits 615 mm diam. Petioles 1750 mm long. Leaf bases acute to attenuate. Sunda Shelf. |
74b. |
Pistillate inflorescences along the branches; ovaries 3-locular. Fruits 1422 mm diam. Petioles 13120 mm long. Leaf bases cordate to attenuate. Sunda Shelf. |
75a. |
Staminate inflorescences branched (Fig. 4c). Pistillate pedicels straight; stigmas usually 2-lobed. Fruits yellow, red, brown or bluish. |
75b. |
Staminate inflorescences not branched (Fig. 4a, b). Pistillate pedicels geniculate (90Ί bent); stigmas not 2-lobed. Fruits usually green, rarely whitish, brownish, purplish or yellowish. Sunda Shelf. |
76a. |
Leaf nervation
reticulate to weakly scalariform (Fig. 3a,
b). Staminate bracteoles present; branchlets
320-flowered; flowers pedicellate. Ovaries usually 3-locular; styles
0.51.5 mm long.
Fruits 1575 mm diameter. |
76b. |
Leaf nervation (weakly) scalariform (Fig. 3b). Staminate bracteoles absent; branchlets 3-flowered; flowers sessile. Ovaries 2-locular; styles absent. Fruits 815 mm diameter. Sunda Shelf. |
77a. |
Petioles 1275 mm long. Lower leaf surfaces usually with scattered discoid glands. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to along the branches, 110-flowered. Fruits 1538 mm diam. (up to 50 mm when fresh). |
77b. |
Petioles 10145 mm long. Lower leaf surfaces with discoid glands in rows between 2 secondary veins. Pistillate inflorescences along the branches to cauline, 8many-flowered. Fruits 3575 mm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
78a. |
Staminate bracts small, not covering lateral axis. Pistillate flowers 37 mm diam. Philippines, Borneo, Sulawesi, Moluccas, and New Guinea. |
78b. |
Staminate bracts big, covering lateral axis. Pistillate flowers 814 mm diam. Simeuluλ Island, Sunda Shelf. |
79a. |
Fruits loculicidally dehiscent, densely hairy inside; seeds 711.5 mm long. Staminate inflorescence branchlets 1.335 mm long, 3many-flowered. |
79b. |
Fruits indehiscent, sparsely hairy inside; seeds 1219 mm long. Staminate inflorescence branchlets 1.53 mm long, 36-flowered. Sunda Shelf. |
80a. |
Pairs of secondary veins 610. Staminate bracteoles 0 or 1 per branchlet; flowers white to pale yellow; sepals 46. Fruits 2529 mm diam.; column 1114 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
80b. |
Pairs of secondary veins 47. Staminate bracteoles 712 per branchlet; flowers brownish; sepals 3 or 4. Fruits 2638 mm diam.; column 1623 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
81a. |
Twigs densely hairy. |
81b. |
Twigs glabrous to subglabrous. |
82a. |
Petioles 1480 mm long. Leaves 520 cm long; pairs of secondary veins 59. Staminate bracts densely hairy inside; staminodes absent. Pistillate inflorescences axillary to along the branches. Fruits 1431 mm diam.; column 1319 mm long; pedicels 39 mm long. |
82b. |
Petioles 34130 mm long. Leaves 1336 cm long; pairs of secondary veins (5)813. Staminate bracts glabrous to subglabrous inside; staminodes present. Pistillate inflorescences cauline to along the branches. Fruits 2940 mm diam.; column 1924 mm long; pedicels 1114 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
83a. |
Leaves with raised glands; hair tufts on the margins striking. Staminate bracts caducous; bracteoles 0 or 1; flowers 12 mm diam. Pistillate flowers 2.53.5 diam. Fruits 1422 mm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
83b. |
Leaves without raised glands; hair tufts on the margins inconspicuous. Staminate bracts persistent; bracteoles 48; flowers 2.55 mm diam. Pistillate flowers 510 mm diam. Fruits 2531 mm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
84a. |
Leaves densely hairy below. |
84b. |
Leaves glabrous to subglabrous below. |
85a. |
Leaf nervation (weakly) scalariform (Fig. 3b). |
85b. |
Leaf nervation reticulate to weakly scalariform (Fig. 3a, b). |
86a. |
Leaves brown to grey when dry. Staminate inflorescence branchlets 3-flowered; pedicels absent. Ovaries 2-locular. Fruits 615 mm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
86b. |
Leaves green to yellow to whitish brown when dry. Staminate inflorescence branchlets (3)915 flowered; pedicels 0.61.5 mm long. Ovaries 3- or 4-locular. Fruits 2951 mm diam. Sunda Shelf. |
87a. |
Stipules 2.55.5 mm long, ciliate. Lower leaf surfaces with discoid glands in rows between secondary veins. Staminate inflorescences branched (Fig. 4c). Pistillate sepals 4 or 5. Fruits circular in cross section, 1930 mm diam. (up to 50 mm when fresh), indehiscent. Sunda Shelf. |
87b. |
Stipules 49 mm long, usually not ciliate. Lower leaf surfaces with discoid glands in a row parallel to midrib. Staminate inflorescences not branched (Fig. 4a, b). Pistillate sepals (5 or) 6. Fruits triangular in cross section, 915 mm diam., loculicidally dehiscent. Sunda Shelf. |
88a. |
Staminate inflorescences not branched (Fig. 4a, b). Pistillate pedicels geniculate (90Ί bent); styles without or with small protuberances. Fruits 915 mm diam. |
88b. |
Staminate inflorescences branched (Fig. 4c). Pistillate pedicels straight; styles with protuberances. Fruits 38 or 1930 mm diam. (up to 50 mm when fresh). |
89a. |
Leaves 933 cm long. Staminate inflorescences 2.59 cm long; bracts 1.52.5 mm long; stamens 4 or 5; staminodes present. Staminate and pistillate sepals 4 or 5. Pistillate inflorescences 1225 cm long; flowers 24 mm diam. Fruits usually green, usually indehiscent. Sunda Shelf. |
89b. |
Leaves 717 cm long. Staminate inflorescences 13 cm long; bracts absent; stamens 6; staminodes absent. Staminate and pistillate sepals (5 or) 6. Pistillate inflorescences 13 cm long; flowers 12 mm diam. Fruits yellow, orange or purple, loculicidally dehiscent. Sunda Shelf. |
90a. |
Leaves 320 cm long, below with or without discoid glands, if present scattered; pairs of secondary veins 48. Ovaries 2- or 3-locular. Fruits 1930 mm diam. (up to 50 mm when fresh), indehiscent. |
90b. |
Leaves (7)937 cm long, below with discoid glands in rows between the secondary veins; pairs of secondary veins 613. Ovaries 3- (or 4-)locular. Fruits 3475 mm diam., loculicidally dehiscent. Sunda Shelf. |
91a. |
Leaves papery. Ovaries 3-locular. Fruits sparsely hairy outside; pedicels 28 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |
91b. |
Leaves (slightly) leathery. Ovaries 2-locular. Fruits densely hairy outside; pedicels 89 mm long. Sunda Shelf. |